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Welfare "Mothers"

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posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 04:44 PM
When you think of welfare, what do you think of? Do you think of a black woman in the inner city of Detroit popping out kid after kid after kid to make more money on her welfare check? Well, while that is the case with a slight few, that is a racist view. Take all the blacks, women, men, white, Spanish, Asian, whoever, that are all on welfare and they don�t add up to the real �Welfare Mothers�. Who do I mean? Well, first of all there is Welfare Mother Daniel M. Tellep, Chairman and CEO of the Lockheed Martin Corporation. What has he done with the money he has gotten through ADC, Aid to Dependent Corporations? ADC is usually outright cash, but also generous tax breaks and exemptions that we the people do not get. With money given to Daniel he has used our Tax Money to pay for�.

$20,194 for golf balls for Marietta Executive.
$7,589 for a Christmas party.
1 billion dollars to cover the cost of plant shutdowns and relocations.
$263,000 for a concert by Smokey Robinson for the staff.

Over a billion dollars of my money goes to this man. Why? He is rich, and yet he gets more welfare than all of the normal welfare people put together.

At least Lockheed Martin is in the USA. But what about Helmut Werner, President of Mercedes-Benz, a German company.

$253,000,000 in incentives from the government of Alabama.
The government pays for the land then uses the National Guard to clear the land for them. The state then builds roads, enlarge the airport, develop the factory site, exempt imported components from tariffs, grant tax breaks, teach German workers coming here how to speak English, purchase 2,500 Mercedes sport vehicles for the state cost of $75 million, and then rename the freeway between Birmingham and the Mississippi state line the Mercedes-Benz Highway. All at the time the state is facing a across-the-board budget cuts.
Maybe we should show more compassion to these people, after all they only made 1.51 billion dollars in profits. Daimler-Benz, Mercedes parent company has come a long way from the old days when it helped build Hitler�s war machine by using slave labor from countries Hitler had conquered. Alabama uber alles!

People say welfare of citizens is bad and should be stopped, yet the Big Corporations get 100,000,000 times more than any citizen does. Why do we let them get away with this?

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 05:05 PM
Actually, the disgusting term popularized by Ronald Reagen was "WELFARE QUEEN." That they mothered children didn't figure into the racially divisive smear campaign.

But you're right. What goes to the poor is drop in the bucket compared to billionaire welfare.

My favorite Corporate Welfare "Queen" of all time is Neal "Savings & Loan" Bush.

Who's your favorite Corporate Welfare "Queen"?

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 05:21 PM
is completely off base, at least in NY where I life..
by "welfare", I am looking at all the programs that are in place to help the "poor and disadvantanged". The problem is that alot of the people on them are hardworking people with families who have watched their cost of living rise as their wages have dropped over the past couple of decades. The big corporations seem to benefit both ways. They get to set their prices higher and still have these people as patrons, but they don't have to be the ones giving them the cash to make that possible.

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 05:55 PM
Mine would probably be Lockheed, which is why I had him first. But the Germans piss me off getting our money to use our land for their factory and their workers.

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 11:42 PM
Another Welfare Mother, or Queen.

CEO of Sears Edward A. Brennan. He is an example of what happens when you spend your money and leave nothing in the bank. $280 millions dollars given by Illinois to keep Sears in Illinois when they said they were planning to move to Texas or North Carolina for Sears was going bankrupt due to ban managment.

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 12:24 AM

Originally posted by James the Lesser

Over a billion dollars of my money goes to this man. Why? He is rich, and yet he gets more welfare than all of the normal welfare people put together.

People say welfare of citizens is bad and should be stopped, yet the Big Corporations get 100,000,000 times more than any citizen does. Why do we let them get away with this?

You know, I've always thought it was interesting that the same people who complain ceaselessly about "welfare mothers" seemed to have no problem with the "welfare corporates" suckling of the national tit.

Another thing that bothers me about the "welfare mother" concept in general is that the general public seems to think that these women get pregnant all by themselves. As if by magick or something. I find it hard to believe that most people don't know about the birds and the bees by now, seriously. I mean surely they KNOW that men fall into the equation SOMEHOW

It's just that the men involved in these uncontrolled breedings somehow remain invisible because they pretty much depart these poor ignorant women who believe that they've found themselves "real" men who aren't like the others and stand by them. When these losers show themselves for who they really are, these "welfare mothers" are left standing holding the bag (only it's a bun in the oven in these cases), so to speak. Therefore all the visibility and hence, scorn is heaped onto them, and viola, they become nothing but a living breathing stereotype in most peoples eyes.

And the men are long gone, running around with their penises in their hands looking for new places to put them.

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 06:28 AM

Originally posted by KayEm

You know, I've always thought it was interesting that the same people who complain ceaselessly about "welfare mothers" seemed to have no problem with the "welfare corporates" suckling of the national tit.

I can understand giving companies a break in their start-up costs, if they are building in my state or community and will provide jobs for the locals.

It's just that the men involved in these uncontrolled breedings somehow remain invisible because they pretty much depart these poor ignorant women who believe that they've found themselves "real" men who aren't like the others and stand by them. When these losers show themselves for who they really are, these "welfare mothers" are left standing holding the bag (only it's a bun in the oven in these cases), so to speak. Therefore all the visibility and hence, scorn is heaped onto them, and viola, they become nothing but a living breathing stereotype in most peoples eyes.

And the men are long gone, running around with their penises in their hands looking for new places to put them.

And the woman does the same thing with the next man who she hooks up with. And the man is not held to his responsibility to provide for the kids for the first 23 years of their lives. The lax court system holds a lot of blame here for not upholding child support laws.

A while back, I authored a topic in which I used sarcasm and hyperbole to try to illustrate this very problem, and to offer a Draconian solution to it - Mandatory Marriage. The topic's intent was to see how people viewed the problem and how they would address it. The responses I got were sadly ignorant and selfish, and showed a lack of desire to take personal responsibility for one's actions. I gave up.

I agree, Kayem, it takes two to tango. But only one of them has to deal with the consequences in today's society. Women have the ultimate power, yet they misuse it in many cases.

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 06:36 AM
If you have money and power, other people with money and power will look out for you.
its the new class system.
Ever heard the Term money goes to money.
Maybe its a conspiracy who knows.
in England espcially in the NHS as soon as you make manager, you are set up for life, you will never lose you job because even if you mess up, you a moved sideways and if you say mess up big time and get the chop you are rewarded with a massive pay off.
Again people with money look out for people with money.
Same as welfare looking out for big comapny directors.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 12:18 AM
True, it does take two to have a kid, but tat is a little off topic, I mean the corporations that make a state buy the land, clear the land, build the factory, and then teach the germans english so they can work here instead of making jobs for Americans. People always piss and moan about a couple thousand dollars going to a Mexican infiltrator, but say nothing about the Germans declaring that they are coming in and making the USA tax payers to pay for it in millions if not billions of dollars.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 12:25 AM

Originally posted by James the Lesser
Over a billion dollars of my money goes to this man.

Wasn't aware that you have made a billion dollars. Relax. Where is you proof? I didn't see one link or anything. How much in taxes do you pay? If you do make any money, not even a small fraction of that would even go to this guy.

Edit: your stats of the money are nice, but can you prove how much of that he earned and how much of that he rec'd from the gov? Didn't think so.

[edit on 7-12-2004 by nyarlathotep]

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 01:20 PM
"My" as in the people, for I am a citizen not mega rich, and the other 98% like me, our money goes to this man.

My stats? Read "Downsize This!" It is written by the director of Canadian Bacon. It might be a little lengthy for you, but it is a great read.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 01:40 PM
Where'd ya get your info James?

And you got a problem with Lockheed?!?! (j/k hehe my name is based on the purple dragon)

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 01:47 PM
The corruption in corporate america has gotten out of hand, during Bush's presidency, I use to watch lou dobbs, but i stopped until i saw how many corporate scams have happened since enron's collapse, there have been like 120 corporate scams, and only a few people are actually gonna do time, and i dont even know if they're gonna do real hard time like 5 to 10 years for stealing millions of dollars, that is what makes me sick to the stomach, I actually feel insignificant because i can go to jail for braking an entry or stealing a shirt out sears, while this people can steal a billion dollars and with a good lawyer get away with it. And as for the single mothers in welfare, i just shake my head feeling sorry for them.

posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 05:06 PM

Originally posted by bartholomeo
The corruption in corporate america has gotten out of hand, during Bush's presidency,

Do you really think that all of this corporate corruption started, or has gotten worse, under the Bush administration? People are just now being brought to justice under this admin.

One name to ponder: Marc Rich. How did he rate a pardon? By being a friend of Bush?

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