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Dreams of Aliens/UFO's

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posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 11:16 PM
I've had three I can remember.

The first, I was in a spaceship. I was placed in a box, I got out of it, fearful they would place me back.(I was shrunk). They eventually did, and I woke up.

The second one was weird. There were these really hard skinned, orangy aliens, kind of reptilian.
I was in their spaceship flying, and there were many ufos flying with us. I asked one of the aliens I was sitting with talking to, while we were eating of course, why they never get out of their ship, and he responded that they cant(or that they never can). Now, what this means, I dont know, but the aliens were actually friendly. He said it calmly.

Now, the first two were literally years and years ago, before I knew of ATS, and I had probably thought about an alien like once or twice, never having known anything about aliens.

However, the third dream, was recent, and let me tell you, this one was a full on Alien Invasion. Everything just went wrong when they did invade.

I didn't feel much older, it must be true, that something is happening soon.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 11:18 PM
Do you have any other abduction symptoms
or are they just that ...dreams...
I would like to hope for the first....

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 11:26 PM
Very interesting, we are on the verge it all... You can see the signs.

When Earth transforms, post 2012, many will go off world. I hope to stay with Earth and organically ascend into the 5th dimension, but no path is wrong and it is all a matter of individual soul journeys. The orange beings may be your galactic family.

Can you tell what happened with your 3rd dream? These things are coming up soon and I'm dying to know how it all goes down.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 11:31 PM
I dream about UFO's, flying airplanes, military craft, and spaceships all the time. I have even dreamt about flying my husband around the moon in a space ship. I watch a lot of sci-fi movies all the time like Star track and V, so that might have something to do with it. Hope that helps.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 11:37 PM
I had a weird dream after some ufo sightings. This was years ago, but I made myself never forget the dream, as it was so unusual and lucid. A blonde man was standing in my bedroom, and he was accompanied by an entourage of orbs about the size of basketballs, some were purple and some were orange. Floating about 4 ft off the floor. I mentaly recieved this invite for me to come with him. I found myself and him and the orbs all floating out through my wall, and we all came down onto the street outside. there was no vehicle or other pedestrian activity, it was dark and quiet. Suddenly the man ran very fast, and I was compelled to run after him. The orbs were keeping pace. Then we all appeared in this ---giant!!!--- place, where there were levels and levels with 'persons' walking to and fro, and we were in the middle of there, like the mall. I looked at these square things there, but I have to end my description here, because everything from that point was beyond my frame of reference to describe, I guess like a guy from Thomas Jefferson's time trying to describe the I-Phone to someone, of what he remembered.

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 11:40 PM
reply to post by NaturalKnowledge

I've had similar experience when I was younger, check it out..
I've posted it here on ATS; My Past Experience Here:

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 11:41 PM
When I was a little kid, I used to dream about UFOs a lot. Never any aliens or
abduction scenarios, just the sky lit up with dazzling lights, sometimes landing
then I would wake up. Now that I'm older, I don't have those dreams anymore.

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 12:27 AM
Ive forgotten the first one. Actually, if I was to be placed in the box again, that would mean I would be their slave FOREVER. So scary.

The third one was just a huge invasion. When I looked up in the sky, the whole sky was filled with UFO's.

I survived, and life after that was about survival, getting through with friends/family.

Actually, it was a weird dream, I dont remember much. I know I saw that people panicked, but I dont think they really ever attacked. But I know that life just changed dramatically. But now when I think, no, they did not attack, and after that, the world itself changed, but once again, no attacks.

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 03:04 AM

Originally posted by NaturalKnowledge
The third one was just a huge invasion. When I looked up in the sky, the whole sky was filled with UFO's.

I survived, and life after that was about survival, getting through with friends/family.

Actually, it was a weird dream, I dont remember much. I know I saw that people panicked, but I dont think they really ever attacked. But I know that life just changed dramatically. But now when I think, no, they did not attack, and after that, the world itself changed, but once again, no attacks.

Thanks for sharing.

I quoted that particular passage about the third dream because it seemed more interesting to me in light of the discussions on Project Blue Beam and that whole "government will project a fake alien invasion to panic the population and control them under one united front" elsewhere on the forums.


posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 03:34 AM
im always having dreas about aliens attacking the earth and all nations come together as one to fight back its so vivid

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 03:50 AM

Originally posted by antibren
Do you have any other abduction symptoms
or are they just that ...dreams...
I would like to hope for the first....

Can you please provide information on abduction symptoms? This has caught my attention. Are dreams of Aliens part of the symptoms of abduction?

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 03:58 AM
im always having dreas about aliens attacking the earth and all nations come together as one to fight back its so vivid

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 06:33 AM
reply to post by curious7

Did you consider that Bluebeam will be used in conjunction with the interests of fulfilling a ' real E.T' agenda? The 'alien' beings are NOT what most people perceive them to be.

The bottom line is that many are going to be deceived by such agendas to play out. I have already received my warnings.The conditioning is strong and will be 'ramped up' in the very near future.

Prepare to be witnessing more lights in the sky. These beings have always influenced our way of life. It is just now we are reaching an evolutionary stage where they are going to be more visible.


posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 08:07 AM
reply to post by benedict9

I have considered it yes and if interested I'll post my hypothesis in a separate thread of its own no matter how crazy it might sound.

For the purposes of this one though, I'll remain tight lipped so as not to derail it nor potentially influence thinking but a few things are adding up in a strange "what the hell am I thinking this for?" kind of way.

Just adding that I'd be interested in whatever warnings you received if you're willing to share.
edit on 18-1-2011 by curious7 because: Additional comment

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by curious7

Always follow your inner guidance, no matter how ' crazy' it may seem . Humanity is going to witness a lot more 'crazy' like happenings in the coming period.

Many have and are receiving warnings via dreams of coming situations that will be faced. However not all give their 'dreams' the credence/attention they deserve. After all perceptions of consciousness differ amongst individuals in regards to the ' what is' beyond the illusions of limited perceptions.

What has been granted to me I have shared via my website, because I have felt an urging to share in spite of the 'out there' nature of the message. I will U2u the link for you.

I had a very vivid dream this very morning of a craft descending outside a residence I was staying at that was unfamiliar to me. The craft flew very low and was full of purple and orange lights on it's perimeter.It was not the usual disk type craft, more of a squared with rounded edges shape and gray in color. A voice emanating from this craft was broadcasting a message to me below. I did not recall everything spoken, but the part of the message that stuck with me was the voice saying something along the lines of "even the strongest spirits will believe" . Strangely, letters in Greek appeared in the sky above the craft, though I could not recall what was written.

In the ' dream' I knew/strongly felt this craft was not a benevolent force. It did not attack or threaten in any way, I just knew it was there to deceive me and was not to be trusted. The dreams Spirit is showing me all repeatedly point to the deceptive ways of these 'alien beings' . And they are currently deceiving elements of our own ruling shadow governments worldwide (the true governing authorities, not the puppet pawns you see on tv reading scripts). They are very good at what they do (deception). The legion force of ' AntiChrist' is very much ' alive'.

Peace and Goodwill.

P.S--I am more than happy for you to share your hypothesis.

edit on 18-1-2011 by benedict9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 09:43 AM
reply to post by NaturalKnowledge

I've had several UFO dreams over the years, and while most of them creeped me out at the time, I don't really remember them now.

The one that stands out most to me is one that I had a few months ago. In this dream, I was in a mobile home (not where I live... I didn't know the place) with very thin walls and Earth was being invaded. I didn't know if their intentions were good or bad and I was too scared to find out. The UFO was hovering just outside the mobile home I was in and was very very close to the outside walls. It was scanning the inside of the place with red lasers, to see if anyone was inside. For some reason, in this dream, I knew that if I was behind an inside wall (with the outside wall and another inside wall between me and the UFO) that their laser scanners wouldn't be able to detect me, even though the walls were thin. I kept running through the mobile home, trying to keep an interior wall between us, because I did NOT want to be detected. I woke up before anything really happened and was freaked out.

Can't remember if I had been reading on ATS before bed or not. I do remember waking up and feeling so relieved that it was only a dream!
edit on 1/18/2011 by gemineye because: left out a word - fingers going faster than my brain

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 10:58 AM
reply to post by NaturalKnowledge

I've had about three as well, actually I remember one a long time ago was very weird. Can't remember too much, I just remember it being dark, and seeing all of these lights in the sky and seeing our planes being shot down etc.

The two I had most recently were awesome. One we were sitting in some cafe in some town, beautiful place. Made of cobblestone I think. Either way I was seeing all of these UFO's through the window outside in the sky. When we walked out to see I remember all of a sudden I see this giant Earth like planet smashing towards us. It was an insane dream, because I can still remember seeing the image of being on this planet and seeing something that was also an Earth, except much larger, hurdling towards us. I took it as UFO's are being from another Earth like planet. Because another Earth crashing into ours didn't make sense. Those UFO's and then an Earth like planet together did make sense.

The other one I had was amazing too. We were driving down this two lane road that is somewhat open and leads to my place where I live. We were stuck in a long line of traffic and everyone was out of their cars. I got out and there was a UFO, except it was literally making all of these different geometric shapes and designs in all sorts of colors in a split second. I was amazed, and although i've never heard of anyone who has seen a UFO do that, it was wild.

Im not saying something is going to happen, although I believe they are already here and exist. I believe it may be possible they may show themselves finally, but at the same time I don't think they plan to any time soon unless they literally have to. If we are endangering not only this world but our species and the rest of the worlds species as well, since we now have the technology to do this, then I think they may intervene. IF all hell broke lose and nuclear warheads started flying, I think they would be here. Because the one thing that would stop a nuclear war, is another sepcies descending from the skies for all of mankind to see.

I alos had a dream last night that I was at my old apartment where there is a pool. While we were swimmming the weather got bad and it somehow was an ocean and started flooding. I remember in the dream the "message" that carried out with it was the oceans water's were going to rise, and cause flooding. Like it is now. Just thought i'd throw that in there since I woke up not too long ago.

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 12:17 PM

Originally posted by NaturalKnowledge

The third one was just a huge invasion. When I looked up in the sky, the whole sky was filled with UFO's.

I survived, and life after that was about survival, getting through with friends/family.

Actually, it was a weird dream, I dont remember much. I know I saw that people panicked, but I dont think they really ever attacked. But I know that life just changed dramatically. But now when I think, no, they did not attack, and after that, the world itself changed, but once again, no attacks.

Please elaborate if possible. I've had multiple alien invasion dreams, I was going to post a thread just like this.

I'll try to briefly describe these as best I can, as I remember them:

1. Most recently I was in a dream and it was a night of celebration. We decided to leave because of really big tornado looking thing that took up the whole sky, and a friend and I broke off from the group to grab drinks. After being at the supermarket we started to walk home and were outside. At this point the sky I noticed had crafts/lights of all colors flying around. Everywhere. Then in front of us a black helicopter looking craft (much narrower and taller than a chopper, without the blades on top it seems), it was difficult to see, had a very bright spotlight on the front, like a car, and I saw some neighbors of mine get levitated down to the ground, they were oddly smiling. Like getting off of an amusement park ride. I remember thinking these crafts operated so much like helicopters that I think they seemed mostly man made.

Then I noticed another bright white light, which then got closer and closer until the light made up 100% of my vision and everything was white, I put my arms up to shield myself, but felt the sensation of floating.
Then I woke up, arms in front of me, and I was almost sitting up. I felt a really strange sensation of energy buzz almost. I was also very terrified is it seemed so real, although I remember nothing of the dream beyond being lifted.

2. In this dream I was on a roof, saw tons of UFO's in the sky, called all of my friends out to see it. Next thing I know, we're all circled up on the roof and there are these beings, short, some kind of jump suit thing and they look young. They hand out a piece of fruit to everyone huddled together sitting down. I did not eat it I don't think. Then I went and attacked these two twin lookings ET's. They were humanoid looking, dark hair, not like greys but like humans and young. I tried to defend us and fight the two, who did not fight back, but were unaffected by my punches, kicks, etc.

Next thing I know we're all in this little building area and a strange alien guy (from a different race than the twins, no doubt) was wearing odd goggles and basically barking commands at everyone. We were basically trapped, I woke up.

Strange thing is, I was reading later about the Mayans and came across this:
The Maya Hero Twins are the central figures of a narrative included within the colonial Quiché document called Popol Vuh, and constituting the oldest Maya myth to have been preserved in its entirety. Called Hunahpu and Xbalanque in Quiché, the Twins have also been identified in the art of the Classic Mayas (200-900 AD). The Twin motif recurs in many native American mythologies; the Mayan Twins in particular could be considered as mythical ancestors to the Mayan ruling lineages

I don't really know what the connection is with that one.

3. I also had a dream where the stars were literally falling to the Earth and exploding, I ran and sort of jumped in a taxi cab to make it through alive.

4. Another time I was in a downtown area that was chain link fenced off. Chaos was what was happening, tons of armed guards and helicopters and noise and lights, middle of the night. Everyone was panicked and nobody know what to do. I tried to stay with my family. I believe I was in Detroit. Eventually I realized in the dream they were herding us like animals and not for our safety, so I left the fenced area, eventually woke up.

5. Another time was just a big catastrophe, bomb disaster moment, just lots of explosions, a ferris wheel around, don't remember any UFO's but definitely the "end of the world" feeling.

6. I've also had two different dreams where I was in two different neighborhoods when a very large hovering craft with an X arrangement and lights on the bottom zoomed overhead, just above the treeline. I got the impression these were man made crafts.

That's all I can remember at this time. Have you had any similar? Perhaps we were in the same dream at one point, but at two different times?

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 01:15 PM
Greetings, friends!

I posted my UFO dream experience in another thread, without the thread being necessarily relevant to dreams. This topic then began, and so I will re-post my dream description here, to add to the collection of wonderful experiences I've read thus far:

I, personally, have experienced increased lucid dreams, as well as my sister - we consider ourselves "sensitives" rather than "psychic". One of those dreams, one of the most intense ones I've ever had, included being in a tall building, with a gigantic glass wall, and seeing VERY CLEARLY an alien craft, saucer shaped flying on it's side. I got a very good look at this craft in this lucid dream, as it came closer, and I could see all the little LED type lights along its surface, different colors of lights, a metallic surface that also generated it's own cloud/mist - at the very first, I thought I was looking at an oncoming storm.

In the dream, I met the supposed ETs, and they were NOT the grays. They were androgynous and extremely attractive humanoids, with seemingly no other intention but to inform me of the several names for their kind, which I unfortunately have forgotten now. They gave me five names of which we humans might call them, and the last is the only one I remember - "The Nine Angels of God" - but I should stress that this last label for them was given to me as a sort of after-thought, "We may also be called The Nine Angels of God". Whatever the first name was that they gave me was likely the most accurate. I wish I could remember it.

It was an interesting dream, and I don't think much of it other than I had an interesting night-dream-experience, though it may be fun sometimes to ponder if I actually met inter-dimensional beings. The dream was so vivid, and so real.

This was from another thread, found here:

I'd like to add that my experience in this aforementioned dream was very positive, and when the being spoke to me, it was with an extremely intense "love" feeling, an undeniable kindness that almost overwhelmed me.
edit on 18-1-2011 by lunarcrystal because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 04:38 PM
reply to post by NaturalKnowledge

The only weird dream i have had lately is looking up in the sky, and i could see two moons\ or two suns. Pretty weird.

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