posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 06:32 PM
I love the Stargate series but didn't quite understand how they explained the replicators getting out of the severely time dilated area they were in.
I mean I thought an earlier episode stated it would be over 1,000 years before we had to deal with them again. A black hole in the vicinity of this
area would slow down time more not speed things up. I guess that's why they call it sci "fi". Putting extra emphasis on the fiction part.
If you want a quick summary of the final episode I will attempt it here otherwise skip over this post.
Read below.
************** If you haven't seen last season's final episode and don't want to know, skip the following***************
Let's see Neill with 2 l's as he so proudly stated in one episode, got the knowledge of the ancients downloaded into his head in the next to final
episode. Using his subconscious mind in the final episode he apparently took everything but the kitchen sink along with him on a scout ship. He
packed along Haz mat suits, and lots of special gear. Anyway after word got out that the really bad guy was sending his fleet to attack Earth in 3
days, SG1 using Neill's direction went far off in an unknown direction. Everyone trusted Neill's subconscious knowledge. Anyway they arrived at a
dead planet seeing nothing of interest. Neill got to the controls of the scout ship and then they spotted the lava encrusted dome. SG1 beamed down
with Haz mats suits stocked on board by Neill and recovered a power crystal used to power an Ancient outpost showing Earth billions of years ago
before the continents shifted. They said Atlantis is on Earth? not sure if statement or question.
After the Anubis spy on board the scout ship nearly killed Teal'c old friend and mentor, SG1 returned to the ship with the power crystal to return
to Earth. It was taking some time, then Neill said we need to go faster. He used (Mcgiver fashion) some screwdrivers and tin can he brought along
to make the ship go several times faster than thought possible. Anubis was waiting for Earth to present it's defenses. A few reports of carriers
etc. were reported blown up at sea. They hid the US newest star ship for the final battle so that Anubis wouldn't know that was all we had. Anubis
would have wiped out Earth before Neill could save the day. Anyway Teal'c nearly crashes the scout ship coming out of hyperdrive too fast close to
Earth. It was necessary though to prevent Anubis from blasting the scout ship away. The scout ship with SG1 was not detected while in hyperspace.
Anyway Neill pilots over Antartica and starts his heavy duty beam ray to melt through over a mile of ice. Hammond appears to fly over and protect the
scout ship with SG1 in our large US star ship. A battle ensues. Teal'c (I believe or maybe his old mentor) left to get as much ships and others to
help defend Earth as possible after they left the lava planet.
SG1 held off Anubis superior infantry dressed in black with some effective stun weapons while Neill loaded the power crystal into the Lost City
Outpost. Neill got in the chair and fast floating beams of light came shooting out of a hole in the ground. They killed Anubis two or 3 soldiers
attacking SG1 in the Outpost. Then the light raced upwards past Hammond getting ready to ram Anubis ship with the US star ship (little chance of
success, but heroic effort by Hammond). The light ripped through Anubis's mother ship and he shouted "NOOOO". The light finished off the rest of
the fleet and pretty much end of story. Neill stepped into a booth to get frozen to save his life. The president of the US was going to announce
to the public the existence of the stargate but I'm not sure if he got a chance to make the speech. I believe foreign leaders were advised
[Edited on 13-7-2004 by orionthehunter]