www.theaustralian.com.au... A link from the Australian
Newspaper .Alledging that Chinese troops entered North Korea in Mid December ? Has there being anyother threads about this ? Anyone else know of this
or is this the first we are hearing of it ? If so why only now ? Sorry for being lazy , I don't have time to follow this upto day due to heavy
commitments .Anything on this would be apprieciated. Will check back this evening .Thanks .
The Chinese govt threatened to sent some of its troops weeks ago....(no link sorry) but i did hear it mentioned.
The chances they will not take part in NKs defence are nil to none IMHO
The Chinese are bound by agreements on defence with NK as are we with SK....
well if this is true i hope it is to take out kimmie and not for more nefarios reasons. last thing we need is another korean conflict along with the
other wars we are involved in.