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Can Someone Please Explain Why Chemtrail Threads Have To Go In Skunk Works?

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posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 10:06 PM
reply to post by Chakotay

And you believe that.
But can you prove it.
I am a pilot and have been for years, and yes a com-trail will produce ice crystals, but only at 32 or below.
And within 15 to 20 sec it WILL dissipate in the sun. As soon as the light hits it, It evaporates (Right).
I have looked at the upper levels of air temp many times and it would be well above 32. Now that you know so much, tell me why. Prove to me that they don't. and I may believe you. I have many picturesvideos of them. and have just seen too much to just discard it that easy. A debunker needs the give the proof of why it is wrong, and that is debunking it.

Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson Says Chemtrail Death Dumps Must Be Stopped

I may have replied to the wrong person. But its the same thing.
edit on 17-1-2011 by Dwalton because: addon

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 10:29 PM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

Why was it transferred to skunk works?

If you would be kind enough to answer my question, I might be in a better position to answer yours.

edit on 17-1-2011 by wcitizen because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 17 2011 @ 11:09 PM
I believe chemtrails, like skunks, leave scents that smell strongly metallic, for example. Therefore, chemtrail threads belong to "skunk works" appropriately, not just for the bad odor, but for the lack of "hard evidence" that chemtrailers tried and failed to provide for the more speculative of scientific, if not, closed-minded contrailers.
edit on 2011-1-17 by pikypiky because: To correct for spelling and grammar.

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 12:03 AM
reply to post by Dwalton

Biennial flight review time:

As an average, the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) defines an international standard atmosphere (ISA) with a temperature lapse rate of 6.49 K(°C)/1,000 m (3.56 °F or 1.98 K(°C)/1,000 Ft) from sea level to 11 km (36,090 ft). From 11 km (36,090 ft or 6.8 mi) up to 20 km (65,620 ft or 12.4 mi), the constant temperature is −56.5 °C (−69.7 °F), which is the lowest assumed temperature in the ISA.

It gets cold up in the flight levels, hence contrails form. End of conspiracy.

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 12:04 AM
Having a thread in Skunk Works actually works in your favor, it significantly eases the burden of proof, promotes wide ranging speculation, in an atmosphere that is designed to be more speculative and less proof intensive. It's a forum designed to lean more towards theorists by declaring to skeptics in advance that it's a forum for highly speculative theories where little or no proof might exist.

It's not a declaration of a hoax, but rather the opportunity to theorize far and wide, and try to put together evidence for a theory.

Some people think it's basically saying your thread stinks, but the truth is that's not what it's about.

If you enjoy reading about conspiracies there are some great ones being discussed in Skunk Works.

I wouldn't negate that forum as not being a valid one to put ideas across, it's one of the best protected ones to put highly speculative ideas across.

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 12:09 AM

Originally posted by wcitizen
Why was it transferred to skunk works?

I've been traveling and haven't had the chance to see the thread. However, since we don't have a "Chem Trails" forum, Skunk Works is often the best place for most of those thread.

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 01:34 AM
While Skunk Works is the best of the black ops works created by Lockheed Martin, for some reason here at ATS it seems its three levels below Fox Mulder's office...

So in effect, a thread moved there is generally ignored or forgotten

This one for example was doing really well then died quickly after it got 'relocated'

NAVY and NASA - The REAL "Chemtrails"

Yet the documentation is there.. and real...

Seems the 'offense' was my use of the word "Chemtrails" even in quotes it seems to stir certain people

edit on 18-1-2011 by zorgon because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 02:16 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

Originally posted by wcitizen
Why was it transferred to skunk works?

I've been traveling and haven't had the chance to see the thread. However, since we don't have a "Chem Trails" forum, Skunk Works is often the best place for most of those thread.

I think it's a great time to make a special Chemtrails forum!

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 04:28 AM

Originally posted by SkepticOverlord

Originally posted by wcitizen
Why was it transferred to skunk works?

I've been traveling and haven't had the chance to see the thread. However, since we don't have a "Chem Trails" forum, Skunk Works is often the best place for most of those thread.

That's like saying 'it's policy', but it doesn't explain why. It seems like such a simple question, but obviously I'm missing something.

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 04:41 AM
I provided links to genuine, declassified documents from the MOD that admitted to spraying chemicals/germs on the general public. Page 21 to be precise.

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 05:08 AM
reply to post by SkepticOverlord

Thanks for answering. The impression i have, is that "skunkworks" is either for poorly prepared material, or for topics that have no place elsewhere, as you say this topic is. It does carry poor connotations though.

What will it take for a chemtrail subforum? Ther certainly has been a lot of discussion on that topic over time, and it's reasonable to assume there'll be more? It's also a topic which engages most parts of the world, as opposed to purely "US" based forums, which exist.

It would also help "chemtrailers" collate knowledge on the subject, which is difficult at best at the moment.

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 05:21 AM
WC, just noticed too that this was moved after a whole day. Seems a bit random to me. And you're right about past threads. I guess I'm just not clear about what differentiates speculative from highly speculative or purely speculative. This is not so speculative as to be a new topic, and this is especially odd given some of the bizarre and downright ridiculous threads that haven't been moved around here lately (okay...I know...I know...people are busy but....) Plus that name Skunk Works kinda sucks, as long as it's been around and even if you know that intent of that forum, many don't, and you get comments like a couple posted in this very thread. Anyway, what's wrong with General Conspiracy or even Fragile Earth?

edit on 1/18/2011 by ~Lucidity because: decided not to laugh about this.

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 05:41 AM
reply to post by purplemer

I write as the facts are presented to me, but apply a bit of common sense. The very idea that TPTB are spraying what these believers say they are is preposterous. Aside from the countless scientific and professional evidence against them the one thing that, in my opinion, debunks it the most is the fact that TPTB walk outside on a daily basis and if this stuff was in the air they too would be breathing it.

Skunk works is the ideal place for this.

Speculative = based on guesses or on a little information, not on facts.

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 05:51 AM
I think Chemtrails should have a forum on its own. How hard is it really to add another forum to the list? The popularity and growing surge of interest in the topic of chemtrails speaks for itself and this should be reason enough.

Just look at the response in stars and flags given to this most recent Chemtrail story (over 150 stars for the opening post and 215 flags at the time of this post edit) : Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson Says Chemtrail Death Dumps Must Be Stopped This is just an example of the interest in the chemtrail conspiracy theory by the ATS citizenry.

Another reason... while skunk works may have been designed to separate the "highly speculative" threads from the so-called "down-to-earth" (forgive the pun) threads on the rest of ATS. It has been unfortunately stigmatized as the Trash-Bin of ATS.

Because unfortunately many members will use a phrase like: "this thread should be moved to Skunk Works" when reading a topic they judge to be foolish. But really, who is the judge of what is "highly speculative" and what is just another conpiracy theory?

I mean... is the JFK assassination "highly speculative" ? UFOs ? Star-gates? I mean, seriously? To say there is any more hard evidence for these conspiracies then there is for chemtrails is preposterous.

Skeptic Overlord, I think what we are seeing here is that members are feeling that the Chemtrail threads are being automatically dumped in Skunk Works with prejudice and an unfairness at who gets to make the decisions about what threads on ATS are regarded as 'skunk junk'.

After all.... ATS news did a story on Chemtrails:ATS News 04: US Defense Contractor Owns Chemtrail Patent!

(click to open player in new window)

Should ATS Therefore 'Skunk Works' ATS NEWS? No.... legitimize the chemtrail conspiracy theory. Create the forum.

To be fair... as some on ATS know... I have authored many threads on Chemtrails. I have posted Chemtrail threads in the:
-Military Projects Forum
-General Conspiracies Forum
-Breaking ALT News Forum
-Medical Issues & Conspiracies Forum
-Fragile Earth Forum
...Each of these threads had the word Chemtrail in the title. None were moved to Skunk Works...

The fact that a thread about Chemtrails can fit into anyone one of those categories, is in itself, somewhat convoluted. I think we should centralize the research, discussion, and put it all into one forum.

I do not understand why Zorgon's thread was moved there, he provided tons of links and info and a linear approach to his theory. Very well put together. Ended up in skunk works? Why? Whats the criteria?

edit on (1/18/11) by AllSeeingI because: typo

edit on (1/18/11) by AllSeeingI because: added info

edit on (1/18/11) by AllSeeingI because: clarity

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 05:52 AM
reply to post by woogleuk

WoogleUK, your answer is speculative. You're making decisions based on presumptions.

Chemtrail threads have produced patents, army/airforce documents, even the UN has admitted to them?

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 05:53 AM
It might help a lot if the name of the forum was changed to something more appropriate.
There are many who really don't know from the name of it, what the forum is about.
And so it gets ignored.

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 05:53 AM

Originally posted by wcitizen
Lol, I understand that's your view, but many conspiracy theories aren't based on hard evidence, otherwise it wouldn't be a conspiracy theory, it would be conspiracy fact ... so what makes chemtrails different? I guess the mod in question doesn't believe in them! The thread has been going for more than 24 hours, all the other mods have let it be, just this current one has got all heavy about it!

I believe that there is a misconception here. Conspiracy theories may not be based on hard evidence, but they are based on SOME evidence, circumstantial though it may be. Now, it is not really true to say that there has ever been even good circumstantial evidence for chem trails. If a thread pops up that HAS some evidence, or some new way of examining the issue, then it may be worth leaving in the regular spot on the main site, but if we are going to see a rash of pictures of aircraft contrails, and little else... thats a waste of space! You know that it is, you are a smart person, I know this from previous fleeting interactions with you, and the contributions you have made to various discussions.
I would have thought that if the thread you are concerned about, contained anything which had not already been either debunked, or added to the recognised weight of the argument for the existance of chemtrails, then it would have remained where it was originaly posted to !

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 06:46 AM
Go take a look at the first two pages of General Conspiracy right now. Most of what's there is way more "out there" than what we're discussing here and a good majority doesn't seem even remotely conspiracy-related at all.

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by woogleuk
reply to post by purplemer

I write as the facts are presented to me, but apply a bit of common sense. The very idea that TPTB are spraying what these believers say they are is preposterous. Aside from the countless scientific and professional evidence against them the one thing that, in my opinion, debunks it the most is the fact that TPTB walk outside on a daily basis and if this stuff was in the air they too would be breathing it.

Skunk works is the ideal place for this.

Speculative = based on guesses or on a little information, not on facts.

the very idea that 911 was an inside job is preposterous.. but possible...
This is a conspircacy site site and your answer just like the mods is weak and bias at best....

posted on Jan, 18 2011 @ 07:34 AM
reply to post by woogleuk

and i guess this information posted above... counts for nothing... who is being specualitve now...
maybe if speculation should be in skunk works.. using your own logic you should be there too....


I am a pilot and have been for years, and yes a com-trail will produce ice crystals, but only at 32 or below. And within 15 to 20 sec it WILL dissipate in the sun. As soon as the light hits it, It evaporates (Right). I have looked at the upper levels of air temp many times and it would be well above 32. Now that you know so much, tell me why. Prove to me that they don't. and I may believe you. I have many picturesvideos of them. and have just seen too much to just discard it that easy. A debunker needs the give the proof of why it is wrong, and that is debunking it. Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson Says Chemtrail Death Dumps Must Be Stopped


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