Sorry people. I attempted what I thought was a minor change to a template and really screwed things up. It's a good thing I saved the original before
I started.
Remind Simon of one thing: Hands off until SO gets back!
I quote, "Remind Simon of one thing: Hands off until SO gets back!"
Yeah, that's right...YOU waltz on in like you own the place, well here's one
for ya.
Fatal error: Call to undefined function: loadtemplates() in /home/abovetopsecret/public_html/forum/post.php on line 19
Ah me too I was editing a story that turned ou to be a Hoax then Bang
error on page I couldn't get it back, couldn' get back on the Forum page,
I rebooted dumped my cash deleted cookies, well I got back
so if one of you mods could or would close that thread listed above, I don't want to accussed of Bushes down fall