Love, compassion, kindness are often seen as weaknesses in our society today. If a person is cold, self absorb, stand-offish, and focuses on making
money at the expense of losing touch with their compassionate side they are hailed as successes, by today’s standards.
We see threads about children misbehaving in school, parents that don’t give a squat, teachers that have stopped caring, unauthorized military
actions, out of control financial institutions, and authoritative figures that are giving up. We have depression at every age level, paranoia,
anxiety, rampant crimes, drug and alcohol abuse, and masses of people that are just indifferent to things transpiring around them.
We ponder why the youth act the way they do, maybe it’s because they are a reflection of the adults in today’s world.
Has anyone taken the time to think that maybe, just maybe, the reason that many kids are lost today is because many adults are lost too. Children are
born with a clean slate and the adults have a responsibility to show them a new way, but all the while we feed them the BS, and the decay of the old
system that is currently crumbling before our eyes. Our human social structure needs an overhaul, on every level.
Maybe we need a completely different lifestyle that does not even resemble the one we currently have. We as a society, hate who we are, just look
around, or for that matter look within. How many people are thinking deep down, that everything that is surrounding them should be completely
different, but are not sure what to do or how to go about it?
The majority of people feel smothered, out of control in their own lives, some people have painted a smile, but deep down they feel what others are
feeling, and have no idea how to change it, hence the mass chaos.
How many people remember sitting in elementary school as a young child, again in middle-school, then in high school thinking what BS most of this is,
it sucks and is not fun, nor stimulating, and also thought the choices sucked after leaving school?
We leave for college, and then begin to work. We are supposed to then have control and a sense of responsibility, but learn this can be fleeting. We
forget how to live in the "Now" and enjoy life. As we begin our so called, real life, we find out we lose more touch with our compassionate side, so
we can work countless hours, pay bills, pretend everything is great, but in fact many of us find ourselves again searching for happiness and meaning.
Even the people with lots of money are in a state of flux.
Listen to this song it makes a whole lot of sense and about how we are. "Cat's In the Cradle"
We understand that teachers, parents, authoritative figures will boast how hard they are working, but in reality many are lost. The drudgery of
getting up day in and day out, ignoring and disconnecting from our loved ones, then becoming despondent in life, and then eventually passing on, is
this how things should be?
We seem to plan for future vacations, for future happiness, but yet what we don’t see is that happiness that could be right “Now”. Young
children seem to know this instinctively from a very young age, but our current society does its best to strip any of this away, then time progresses
and we become adults.
We hear about how advanced races like the Pleiadians, Andromedans, are watching us and they claim to be our universal long lost space brothers and
sisters, and how religions or supposed almighty GOD are watching us now. We say this now to the more advanced beings, you are as twisted, sick, and
devoid of compassion and love, just as TPTB and many in our society.
Analogy: If we were to see our brother or sister drowning do we watch them sink, or should we pull them out, should we make sure he/she learns how to
swim so this never happens again?
We are sinking, we do not know how to swim, nor even float. Life preservers are thrown to us, but these are only a false sense of security. We ask a
higher power to step forward and show us the true power of love and compassion that we all have. Show us how to love again, because TPTB only have
one agenda, and that is to perpetuate the state we are currently in and the state that is so miserably chaotic.
When someone extends love, kindness and compassion thank them and do the same for others. TPTB would see these statements as weak and mushy, but the
truth be known, this is the highest degree of strength in the universe.
Do we look to the skies or do we look within for this higher guidance?
RT, my friend, congratulations on an epic, brilliantly thought out and written OP. What a beautiful sentiment and message! Starred, flagged,
appreciated, respected, and my hat is off to you Sir.
Your words have fallen upon at least one set of ears which were not deaf to them.
Epic reminder of that which (hopefully) is not lost on, nor forgotten by, the majority of us here. The world in general may be in a sad state, but
there are acts of love and compassion and help and commitment to others every day. We may have to look a little harder to actually "see" it, but
sometimes, one person at a time is where the power of change, is the strongest ...
Great thread!!!! You completely summed up the way I have felt my entire adult life.I wish more people could see this.I truly think that we are in for
some kind of event inthe near future that will wake people up to whats important in life.Too many people I know are too worried about money and
material things,they forget whats really important.Time to stop and smell the roses,it's all about friendship and love. Peace and Love to all!!
I agree Lady...not lost or forgotten, but sadly, not reported too much either. Good news just doesn't sell; doesn't generate the ratings like the
horror and terror does. So what are we bombarded with day in & day out? You guessed it. So what stays with us in our subconscious? What is discussed
at the water cooler - the look of thankfulness on the old lady's face when you picked up the loaf of bread that fell out of her shopping bag... or
the terrible shooting that happened last week?? All of it...ALL OF IT - starts right here in us. We can start by doing something for someone ELSE.
I've read threads in here where people are so upset because they feel so depressed and low and others reply, "You have to do this for yourself or
that for yourself". I say...stop thinking about your damned self for a moment and do ONE thing for another person. Anyone! Not only will it make
them feel good, but you will be amazed at how one small kindness can lift your spirit and self-esteem. Love and kindness aren't worth a damn on
paper....they need to be shared.
Everyone has to choose for themselves. Thats the whole idea
It just means we have to realize we are choosing what to do with our lives, every moment. I cant think of a better thing to choose than to live in a
continuous state of Love. What else would i ever want to approach I with? I can help others in that way, only after i have known it for this one.
That being said, lets do it! It most certainly is a time for a change "now."
Heff thanks for the comments, sometimes words are so limiting and can be understood in different ways, but what I was conveying was from my heart and
the best I could muster with words.
RT, my friend, congratulations on an epic, brilliantly thought out and written OP. What a beautiful sentiment and message! Starred, flagged,
appreciated, respected, and my hat is off to you Sir.
Your words have fallen upon at least one set of ears which were not deaf to them.
As always your deep thoughts and comments are appreciated. The acts of human kindness and compassion should be put to the forefront, not that they
need to be revered, but respected.
Originally posted by LadySkadi
Epic reminder of that which (hopefully) is not lost on, nor forgotten by, the majority of us here. The world in general may be in a sad state, but
there are acts of love and compassion and help and commitment to others every day. We may have to look a little harder to actually "see" it, but
sometimes, one person at a time is where the power of change, is the strongest ...
Ive been ridiculed.. on here.. for saying this but I really feel it. I feel its really my duty to be someone's answered prayer as often as possible.
Compassion and caring is not treasured these days. If I can be the one word or hand that answers the wish or prayer of another in need.. I feel I am
the change I want to see in others. I fail miserably at it most times.. but I try. If we all simply put an effort forth, we could make change. I truly
believe this. I fight cynicism pretty regularly because I see what is held up as desirable and what the majority hungers after.
Loved your post. WIsh it was stickied somewhere! BUT.. never post that Cats in the Cradle song again, it always made me tear up. Im female.. Im
allowed to be sickeningly mushy dammit..
Loved your post. WIsh it was stickied somewhere! BUT.. never post that Cats in the Cradle song again, it always made me tear up. Im female.. Im
allowed to be sickeningly mushy dammit..
I didn't even listen to it, because I knew that would happen to me, as well. That song has always done that, doesn't matter the version or who sings
it. Perhaps it's because it's such a poignant reminder (at the end of one's life) what should have mattered most, during life...
Wow, that was awesome. and thought provoking. Reading through it and viewing the images reminded me of the thoughts and feelings I had the first time
I heard this song...
Loved your post. WIsh it was stickied somewhere! BUT.. never post that Cats in the Cradle song again, it always made me tear up. Im female.. Im
allowed to be sickeningly mushy dammit..
I didn't even listen to it, because I knew that would happen to me, as well. That song has always done that, doesn't matter the version or who sings
it. Perhaps it's because it's such a poignant reminder (at the end of one's life) what should have mattered most, during life...
Yes.. regret and history repeated. One of the things that keeps me up at night. One of the sad things is that no matter how you try to convey it to
the younger ones.. they refuse to listen or comprehend. Kind of like what I did when younger. And then they become my age and hear songs that make
them tear up and feel the impact of many regrettable things in life and missed opportunities that never present themselves again.
Im gonna go blubber or kick a newbie... whichever presents itself first.
Very nice read RT. If more people thought as the OP and the other respondents in this thread, that would be such a big step in the right direction.
Unfortunately, there is a large part of society looking to the skies or to 'God' waiting for an intervention. But it truly does start with you and
with me. With 'us'. Living life eeking out a living to have the most stuff... can't be what it's all about.
S&F flag and a thank you
last 7 threads wound me up and threw a mini rant before i caught myself
We hear about how advanced races like the Pleiadians, Andromedans, are watching us and they claim to be our universal long lost space brothers and
sisters, and how religions or supposed almighty GOD are watching us now. We say this now to the more advanced beings, you are as twisted, sick, and
devoid of compassion and love, just as TPTB and many in our society.
ah yes the old savior in the sky story its like TPTB just can't quit with that nonsense. very well stated.
space brother is just another mask.
Materialism is what gives us sentience, and what drove the human race upwards
do you think there could ever be a society that functions perfectly in the sense of not being materialistic?
Materialism is what gives us sentience, and what drove the human race upwards
do you think there could ever be a society that functions perfectly in the sense of not being materialistic?
Infinite Resources=Non materialism
Infinite Loving Human (next iteration)=Non materialist
edit on 16-1-2011 by RRokkyy because: (no reason given)
edit on
16-1-2011 by RRokkyy because: (no reason given)