posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 06:23 AM
I have wanted to know what this means for quite some time now. A few years ago, I was asleep, when I sort of woke up, and looked towards my bedroom
door, and saw a sort of prescence there (I think). Then suddenly I found myself where it was, looking at myself asleep in bed. I then found myself in
bed again, and then the 'thing' sort of came across the room very fast and, I also felt as if I were the thing as it came to me as I was asleep. I
then felt as though I had just 'returned' to my body. I then looked around and felt sort of shivery, and fell back to sleep. Whenever I think about
this now it still makes me shiver.
Sorry if this explanation sounds crap, but it is so hard to explain, as I felt I was both asleep watching the thing come towards me, but also like I
actually was the thing. Is this an out of body experience, or just a strange dream, or what?