posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 11:41 PM
Hi, it was my thread that got closed and that is the image I put together after a friend and I went to see what we could find in the mugshot, after we
watched a youtube video showing evidence that the picture had been Photoshopped.
**That izzz what was announced as being the mugshot of Jared Loughner. Not a picture he took himself.
Here is the original thread which was closed:
-;[@ ThE MuGSHoT oF JaReD LoUGHNeR iS a DoCToReD PHoTo @];-
After watching this video on Jared Loughner’s mugshot having telltale signs of having been PhotoShopped:
A friend and I decided to take the mugshot and put it into Photoshop to see what we saw when we zoomed in, and the signs of it having been doctored
are there. Eyebrows, bridge of nose, neck, cheeks.
Two of the most mind-boggling alterations that we noticed was that 1. his shirt has been outlined in black and 2. his mouth has been made to look like
a crazy leer / Joker grin.
~The right side of the corner of his mouth has been extended. If you look you can see the natural endpoint to his smile -and that it’s been
extended. It’s impossible for his smile to extend to the endpoint depicted in the picture unless his mouth was slashed at the corner.
Why was his mugshot altered?
Anyone have any thoughts on this? / Any pro graphic designers that can confirm or deny that this picture has been altered?
My friend and I discovered this: This is breaking news! >>>Please spread the word!
The Hot Sauce Committee