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Former FBI Chief Ted Gunderson Says Chemtrail Death Dumps Must Be Stopped

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posted on Feb, 6 2011 @ 09:59 PM
Already done, "Aloysius". No permission needed.
I know where you are coming from, I have read your posts. Pretty simple really.
I don't have to sell lies, or post crap for a living.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 02:37 PM
Yeah I know no permission was needed - but you asked anyway, so I gave it anyway.

Yes my posts are pretty simple - the truth is simple enough to write about.

I'm glad you don't sell lies, etc., for a living - so why do you do it for free?

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 06:52 PM

Originally posted by Aloysius the Gaul
Yeah I know no permission was needed - but you asked anyway, so I gave it anyway.

Yes my posts are pretty simple - the truth is simple enough to write about.

I'm glad you don't sell lies, etc., for a living - so why do you do it for free?

You actually understimate how many aircraft the Chinese need or want, it is in the thousands. No secret either that there will be help from the USA, just like they had/ have help from Russia and western Europe. The actual numbers mean nothing, as that is not an obstacle. My lawnmower is powered by Briggs and Stratton, works perfectly, and made in China. I since found out that the manufacturing process is/was? less enviromentally friendly with the waste products. BTW the list of stuff made in China under license is endless.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 07:27 PM
I wasn't commenting on how many aircraft the chinese need - but on how many they are planning to produce in the hext handful of years.

the expected market for airliners in china is well known - CAAC reckoned they will need 2500 more by 2015 (double current size), and 4300 more by 2030 - almost triple current size, mostly large aircraft - eg almost 900 777's according to China Daily

Not sure what your point is....but as I said - the size of the Chinese aviation fleet wasn't my point - it was that an inrease of 600 "secret" new a/c would be noticeable, regardless of wherer they were produced.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 08:08 PM

Originally posted by Aloysius the Gaul
I wasn't commenting on how many aircraft the chinese need - but on how many they are planning to produce in the hext handful of years.

the expected market for airliners in china is well known - CAAC reckoned they will need 2500 more by 2015 (double current size), and 4300 more by 2030 - almost triple current size, mostly large aircraft - eg almost 900 777's according to China Daily

Not sure what your point is....but as I said - the size of the Chinese aviation fleet wasn't my point - it was that an inrease of 600 "secret" new a/c would be noticeable, regardless of wherer they were produced.

Among your points, 2015 is one date, and 2030 is another, and this is only 2011. At least you had a lookee.

posted on Feb, 8 2011 @ 11:55 PM
Thank you for posting this. Gunderson is REAL and solid. Don't believe ANYBODY on ATS that says Chemtrails aren't real. Look up and study the subject. The Chemtrail project is called Project Cloverleaf and is mostly CIA run. It's even been admitted by Congress. Laugh at all those shills who say it isn't real but NEVER stop spreading the truth. Get 5000 friends on Facebook and spread the truth about these Aerosol Crimes!

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 02:58 AM

Originally posted by GlennCanady
Thank you for posting this. Gunderson is REAL and solid. Don't believe ANYBODY on ATS that says Chemtrails aren't real. Look up and study the subject. The Chemtrail project is called Project Cloverleaf and is mostly CIA run. It's even been admitted by Congress. Laugh at all those shills who say it isn't real but NEVER stop spreading the truth. Get 5000 friends on Facebook and spread the truth about these Aerosol Crimes!

Uh huh..sure.. there is not a conspiracy Gunderson does not believe in. Is it all those guillotines that are supposedly stored on military bases, or that organs are harvested at Area 51, or that jets were used to fly kids to Washington DC for orgies with congressmen, and etc etc. Gunderson is also the one that started that hysteria about satanic cults back in the 80 that was shown to not be anything there.

I, and others, have already pointed out how things Gunderson said about chemtrails are impossible, like his assertion that these chemplanes are flying out of Ft Sill Oklahoma, and there are no unmarked bomber type aircraft flying out of Lincoln Nebraska. Of course, there is zero evidence whatsoever for that, but those kind of details do not matter.

edit on 9-2-2011 by firepilot because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 09:03 AM
reply to post by GlennCanady

Still trying to self-promote, eh?? That junk on your website?

Gunderson is REAL and solid.

No, he's delusional, possibly early stages of senile dementia. Difficult to diagnose, from a distance, but indications point in that direction. But, you are correct in that he's "REAL" in, he's a livng/breathing human being. AND, since he's made of molecules of matter, that makes him a "solid" opposed to a liquid. Still, there are liquid components, of course.......

Don't believe ANYBODY on ATS that says Chemtrails aren't real. Look up and study the subject.

Oh, but you see....THAT is the problem. The pablum, hysteria, incorrect information and dysphoria that infest the Internet and surround "chem"-trails are being spurred on by the hucksters and charlatans (ring any bells??) that promote the hoax, for financial gain.

The Chemtrail project is called Project Cloverleaf and is mostly CIA run.

Utter twaddle and hogwash. The "cloverleaf" name was coined by the same hoaxers/charlatans/hucksters. It isn't even a good "code name"!!
Not very imaginative, on the part of the liars. But, chosen to fool the gullible and lesser-informed.

But, out of your entire post, THIS is the most hilarious!! It's something that seagulls do, along the coast.....swing by, and drop a load of......and then fly away.....

It's even been admitted by Congress.

Lying is so effortless, for some people, eh???

posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 09:08 AM
reply to post by weedwhacker

You sound like quite the expert on the subject of chemtrails/contrails.

I'd be interested to hear your take on this File in question regarding chemtrails.


posted on Feb, 9 2011 @ 03:00 PM

Originally posted by smurfy
Among your points, 2015 is one date, and 2030 is another, and this is only 2011. At least you had a lookee.

Did you intend to convey a message with this post? if do I apologise for not understanding what it is

As for the post above with the link to the "star-people" pdf....the chemtrail section of that pdf is just the usual chem-nonsense of assertion without any evidence that the chemtrail hoax has always used to fool people - it sounds impressive - but there's no actual evidence to back up any of it.

Sure it has 90+ references....but many of them are the same kind of nonsense. Those that are verifiable information are nothing more than statements from which unsupportable conclusions are drawn - eg 86 and 87 - DOE/DOD exemption from environmental laws and allegedly covering up injuries to worker...OK - assuming both are true - how do they show that chemtrails are being sprayed? Anser - they do not!

It is typical of the chemtrail hoax to trail vast amounts of data as an "appeal to authority" - anotehr one that gets trotted out from time to time is a list of patents - supposedly all to prove that chemtrails exist. Having had a look at a few of the,m they include such subjects as methods of measuring atmospheric aerosols (which occur from virtually everything in the atmosphere from volcanoes and vehicle exhausts, to the dust kicked up by animals running!), and measuring stuff in nuclear reactors! Plus of course het existance of a patent does not show that anyone is using it (check out sites for weird patents - my favourite is a gun in the shaft of a plough.....I kid you not!)

Look - it's real simple - you can show that chemtrails exist by taking samples of them - get together with a bunch of other believers, hire some expertise (aircraft, air sampling), fly through one and check what is in it!

with proper evidence you wil actually convince all the "debunkers" - because we will have no choice but to believe the evidence!

Vast lists of nebulous associations, irrelevant studies, and fanciful theories are jsut so much bravo sierra - 1 single air sample programme (properly taken and tested, and you'd proably have to take more than one over some differnt areas to give credence to teh phenomena being widespread, but perhaps just 1 might be enough) is all it would take!

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 10:29 AM
Oh no, stop the death dumps!

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 02:33 PM
Ruh roh...another large commercial jetliner clearly dropping stuff at altitudes lower than you'd expect contrails to form....I predict a feeding frenzy of misquotes from their home page - - or complete silence!!

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 02:38 PM
But OMG, its unmarked, white and red like chemplanes are!!! If only the chemtrailers knew it was full of dihydrogen monoxide!!

Yeah, wont be long before a chemtrail promoter takes the video, and and adds some kind of ominous music to it, because we all know from youtube that a video will promote the chemtrail hoax better with the right kind of music

edit on 10-2-2011 by firepilot because: (no reason given)

edit on 10-2-2011 by firepilot because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 10 2011 @ 02:41 PM
It used to have markings - - they must have removed them to disguise it! Way to go FP - you've found something here.......

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 01:50 PM
Trying to understand chem trails. So if anybody can help me with the reasoning why, please let me know. If chem trails are real why? what is the therorized purpose?

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 02:16 PM

Originally posted by pirep
Trying to understand chem trails. So if anybody can help me with the reasoning why, please let me know. If chem trails are real why? what is the therorized purpose?

There is no single coherent theme, its more just a catchall term and people who believe it in, all have their own particular ideas. They see an irregular or long lasting contrail and assume its nefarious, sinister and full of chemicals.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 03:18 PM
Sure sure....lets just let the solar flares hit us full force. Makes total sense.
The public is uninformed for A REASON. Don't like the reason, then stock food and ammo and leave it alone already.
Only the smart and strong will survive. Those are the only humans we want to procreate and add to this species anyway.

If the chemtrails are making you feel down, then up your daily intake anti-oxidants. Its called Yin and Yang people.

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 03:28 PM
The problem with chemtrails - if they exist - is that they're not visible from the ground. There's no way of ever knowing if or when they're being sprayed.

But the disinfo agents claim that normal contrails are chentrails, diverting attention. And some fall for their scam.

Who are the sheeple?

posted on Feb, 11 2011 @ 09:47 PM
reply to post by Essan

Chemtrails are not visible frOm the ground?! Where do u live? Greenland?!!!! Haha
bro just YouTube it. Other than that, ur handler disinformation is unnecessary. The dumb will die. No worries. Just like the hunters and gatherers, the prey will be pushed off the cliff.

Contrails vs chemtrails are not comparable.

This is coming from a NYC born and raised

posted on Feb, 12 2011 @ 09:47 AM
reply to post by wcitizen

Felix is so simplistic as successful in which elections will take flower importers and sugar substance remained subject subject so sick sausage sausage so sick so sick so sick subject Joseph Sosa apparently trying to say in our social coffee sausage coffee sausage party because of the sausage panties sneakers sneakers sneakers Segars Pike Place roast T.J. Maxx both top-secret sausages and billfold this theme is made from 60% toast consumer for the dysphoric rockstarrule and IBM ThinkPad server technology because of the sausages that is what exit flat fee up Fiat job spelling. Idiot is that she is because former FBI chief that this information at its finest disinformation at its finest

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