posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 12:51 PM
only God knows when the end will come, and when it does no one , angel, man, creation can stop it from happening. so the vatican cannot stop God!!
they may have NOT recognised Israel for over 25 years but that didnt stop Israel from becoming a nation once again an ushering in the end of the times
of the gentiles. Same can be said though for Israel, or any fundamentalists in America, they CANNOT make the end of the age happen, not even Jesus
can, it happens when GOD decrees it in his OWN TIME.
So regarding Israel I think the hard part has happened, that is creating a nation once again that hasnt existed for thousands of years, compared to
getting your hands on a few relics which have at most some occult value. As Jesus is Messiah no relic is needed and the body of Jesus Christ is the
temple .
Interestingly enough, who was the greatest gentile contributor to Zionism and the creation of the modern state of Israel?? (a nation by the way which
IS NOT living as it once did in the ancient times, a nation that is a modern day democracy and not a theocracy) The holocaust was the most terrible
thing to happen on the face of the earth, but I ask this question, and in doing so I AM NOT justifying the holocaust !! If WWII never happen would
Israel exist today?