Originally posted by supernut89the reason that satin went down to hell is because he wanted to become god.
It seems to me that you've fallen into the conspiracy of "scripture vs. tradition"...Tradition is what you're talking about, not the actual
scripture. Mainly because, according to scripture, the traditional concept of Hell *does not exist*. The Hell you speak of is a pagan concept that the
Christian (Particularly, the Roman Catholics) religion adopted in order to teach of a place of "unending punishment" for sinners, made by God; And
the scriptures that show He does *not* even consider throwing any of His children into it for eternity.
I have quite a few places for you to look at (interspersed with my own comments)...At these places you'll see the "origins" of Hell & how
"traditional teachings" haven't been following the truth of the scriptures themselves.
Actual scriptural translations & scriptual/historical origins of Hell...And the deliberate coverup of the truth by the Church. Once knowing of such
deliberate coverups (at least read down to the part that indicates that the Church *deliberately* refused to include in the KJV Bible how the scholars
warned that their translations may not be correct) & how the current news indicates that the Pope is actually enforcing the *true scriptures*
concerning "spiritual unity", so how can anyone call him a heretic now? Yet, that's what the some of the factions of "traditional teachings" are
doing. The Pope actually has the guts to do what the scriptures tell him to do when so many before him (& who still work under him) choose to continue
with "tradition" instead of scripture.
Has there been any benefit to society to have the threat of Hell hanging over their heads? Psychologically & historically, the answer is "no".
This lesson would be well-taught to restictive or otherwise "law-happy" governments, religions & societies.
An example of someone who takes the mistranslations & standard religious "traditional teachings" as being the truth of the scriptures themselves.
Yet, many fundalmentalists cling to the "traditional teachings" rather than investigating & learning the actual *truth* of the scriptures
themselves. They take the teachings based from incorrect translation & deliberate inclusions of *pagan resources* that have altered the meaning of the
scriptures & carry them to an illogical, irresponsible & *dangerous* extreme. In other words, they take mistakes & deliberate lies as the truth...And
turn them to "justifying" their own hatreds & inadequecies.
Here is some very notable examples of such unGodly acts performed in God's name...And how the Church "justified" such acts.
Was Hell an invention of the Church? Here's some devout & noteworthy believers who believe that there is *no* Hell & the back up their belief with
scripture (intstead of "traditional teachings").
Even the Encyclopedia researches the origins & attributes of Hell better than most fundamentalists performing research the origins of their own
"traditional teachings".
The origins & "histories" of Hell & how they were applied to "traditional teachings". Fundies take note that these quotes were taken from noted
historians & people high in religious heirarchy at various times through history...And they admit their views, in writing, that the "common masses"
are nothing more than ignorant barbarians that must be put under control of the Church. Is that how you want to live the rest of your life?...Under
the "teachings" of people who seek nothing less than control over you through inventive fear-mongering & the fictitious stories of "the wrath of
divine punishment"?
One of the lies I found particularly disturbing at that link was written for a Catholic *children's book*!
This one studies the scriptures themselves & puts the lie to the "everlasting" torment of Hell as "traditional teachings" would have you believe
The historical *facts* of how modern day versions of the Bible are perpetuated with fundamentalist *lies*. Yep, the Doctrine of Bible Inerrency &
those who support it are nothing but lies & liars who perpetuate their level of influence with more lies! During the medeval times, politics took
precedence over accuracy & modern-day publishers put "the bottom line" of sales on top of the list when publishers want to print Bibles, so
scholarly accuracy again takes a back seat.
All this boils down to the fact that, if you say you believe in the Bible, you should specify "which one?" & be able to back it up with
documentation of the *accuracy* of the initial translation. If you claim to follow the "one true religion", then you'd better be cabable of reading
the ancient Hebrew language & have been able to access (at the very least) accurate copies of the *original scriptures*. How many fundies can
truthfully claim *either* option?
For those of you who think that your Church teaches the true scripture instead of "traditional teachings", try asking your
Pastor/Priest/Rabbi/whatever the questions at this link...What his answers are & *how he says them* may surprise you a lot. If he can answer these
questions correctly & confidently, then you can be fairly certain that your following the True Word instead of mere religious tradition.
If you're still wondering about what the "lake of fire & brimstone" are all about, you also need to look into the real *usage* & *meaning* of the
scriptual terms as they relate to God & salvation.