posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 04:11 PM
I just want a few moments of your time away from the mind numbing static of some lunatic from Arizona,Wikileaks,left vs right politics,Snooky,Justin
Bieber and bloody aliens to look at the big picture of what is happening in the real world.
In the last week 42 were killed in floods in the Phillipines,549 so far have died in floods in Brazil,16 dead and 50 odd missing in Queensland floods
in Australia,there are 2 million displaced in Columbia and 27 dead and 1000 000 displaced in Sri Lanka.So my first recommendation is that you while
you still can get home and contents insurance with a reputable insurer that covers flood and storm damage.Yes this may cost 50 per month for contents
and 100 per month for home and contents but we are entering a time where you cannot afford not to be insured.So cut back on the booze or cigarettes
and get it.
In 2010 it is estimated there was 222 billion dollars of disaster damage,the insurance industry only paid out 36 billion because many of these
disasters occured in areas where there was not much insurance,still that is a lot of money and if the trend continues eventually insurers may not
cover flood as it is an unacceptible risk,get it while you can.
In 2010 260000 people died in natural disasters the majors being the Haiti earthquake 220 000,Russias heatwave and fires 15000 and Pakistan and China
floods 6200.The major killer here was the earthquake the New Zealand earthquake cost 3.7 billion and the Chilean earthquake 8 billion so if you are in
an earthquake prone area you may wish to seek cover for that as earth is in an increased period of geological activity.
I am in Brisbane which has just suffered a large flood a few lessons here are grow your own food if possible especially fruit and vegetables there are
virtually no fruit and veges in our supermarkets at the moment,have fresh water for several days on supply as in a disaster you may loose fresh water
supplies such as in Ireland where the winter disrupted supply to 36000 for up to 11 days.Food is becoming more expensive and due to bad weather
corn,wheat and soybeans are all down in production so growing some of your own will help defray costs,also there may be food shortages and riots for
example in Mozambique recently 7 died and 280 were injured in riots when the government put the bread price up 30 per cent,well thats my opening