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Spot the Human NSA social engineering assets.

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posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 10:35 PM
reply to post by pianopraze

You seem very knowledgeable about this subject. Do you speak from personal experience?

This is so much to take in! My mind is just reeling!

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 10:40 PM

Originally posted by Cesearesque
reply to post by pianopraze

You seem very knowledgeable about this subject. Do you speak from personal experience?

This is so much to take in! My mind is just reeling!

I wondered that too.

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 10:44 PM

Originally posted by Daughter2
I definitely think they use people but I don't necessarily believe full mind control/spilt personality is necessary. Why create a whole new personality instead of choosing someone who already has those characteristics?
Just pick the right person, implant/delete a few memories add a few subliminal suggestions and they can have just what they want.

Maybe they do, I don't know. But these are the sickest sociopaths you could imagine with an unlimited budget and immunity from their actions. What would you do if you could do anything, get away with, people wouldn't believe it's possible and had unlimited money to play with?

In addition, Mmany of them are programed themselves.

Originally posted by Cesearesque
reply to post by pianopraze

You seem very knowledgeable about this subject. Do you speak from personal experience?

This is so much to take in! My mind is just reeling!

Most, if not all, of the information I have presented is in those links.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 08:18 PM
reply to post by Cesearesque

More info in this other thread I am participating in... if your interested:
ATS Thread

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 10:51 PM

Originally posted by muzzleflash

Originally posted by Pocky

What types of mental qualities do you think a person would have to have in order to become resistant to MC techniques?

I know this sounds cliche but you would have to be, i imagine, strong minded to a point where you will die to stand up for what you believe in or, more accurately, die before you are willing to change what you believe or how your mind works....the truth is, no one is immune....everyone has their breaking point....since we are all human....

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 11:43 PM

Originally posted by punctual

I know this sounds cliche but you would have to be, i imagine, strong minded to a point where you will die to stand up for what you believe in or, more accurately, die before you are willing to change what you believe or how your mind works....the truth is, no one is immune....everyone has their breaking point....since we are all human....

You are right, everyone breaks.

They torture you until your mind literally breaks. There is no choice. They torture you to death sometimes, then bring you back. They instill in you that they control everything... even death.

Killing you and reviving you has a double benefit. They are looking to increase psychic ability and dieing increases it in many people.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 12:03 AM
Personally, I think a great deal of ATS members who claim to be "awakened" and experiencing these "new age" things are highly brainwashed. It seems pretty obvious that these love and light programmings are a means to neutralize potential threats.

What kind of mindsets are most influenced by these programmings? I'd say a XNFX personality would be.

What kind of people are most likely to be least programmed by social engineering? I'd say the XNTX personality.

That's just a guess, really.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 12:32 AM

Originally posted by unityemissions
Personally, I think a great deal of ATS members who claim to be "awakened" and experiencing these "new age" things are highly brainwashed. It seems pretty obvious that these love and light programmings are a means to neutralize potential threats.

What kind of mindsets are most influenced by these programmings? I'd say a XNFX personality would be.

What kind of people are most likely to be least programmed by social engineering? I'd say the XNTX personality.

That's just a guess, really.

Firstly, trauma based mind control, and the media/educational brainwashing you are referencing to are two different things. Please see my posts above for descriptions of MK ULTRA programming.

Certain cults, new age or otherwise do use many mind control techniques. The MK program often takes Satanic and other cult abused kids into their program. These kids are highly dissociative from the abuse at these cults hands. They are also used for breeding children off the grid. Dissociation is thought by them to be an inherited trait and multi generation abusers, cultists, etc are sought.

I will not speak against any religion however. I think faith is a wonderful aspect of the human experience. Sometimes peace can be more powerful than war. Ghandi comes to mind. Truth is wonderfully subversive. Love is the most powerful force there is, in my opinion.

NT, extremely rationally based, are wonderful examiners of the minutia but sometimes strain the gnat and swallow the camel. NF is more likely to see the big picture but they are more likely to be swayed through emotional tripe... etc... so all in all I think each personality type will have strengths and weaknesses.

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 12:36 AM
reply to post by pianopraze

All I can say is you must be an NF.

It reeks in your post.

You think that NF's can see the bigger picture?

Whatever. I think NF's are foolish in so many ways, but to each their own.

To make it clear, MK ultra is a thing of the past. It doesn't exist anymore. Why couldn't this new age nonsense have been infiltrated by the CIA's mind control programs? Why are you choosing to separate the two?

I will speak out against religion until the day I die. It's foolish and archaic.
edit on 20-1-2011 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 20 2011 @ 12:59 AM

Originally posted by unityemissions
reply to post by pianopraze

All I can say is you must be an NF.

It reeks in your post.

You think that NF's can see the bigger picture?

Whatever. I think NF's are foolish in so many ways, but to each their own.

To make it clear, MK ultra is a thing of the past. It doesn't exist anymore. Why couldn't this new age nonsense have been infiltrated by the CIA's mind control programs? Why are you choosing to separate the two?

I will speak out against religion until the day I die. It's foolish and archaic.
edit on 20-1-2011 by unityemissions because: (no reason given)

A lot of antagonism in your post, no?

I was actually quoting Meyers Brig Typology information and tried to show strength and weakness of both.

Here is a quote from wikipedia:

INFPs engage the outside world primarily with intuition. They are adept at seeing the big picture, sensing patterns and the flow of existence from the past toward the future.

NF's would seem extremely foolish and overly emotional to an NT. Each typology has it's strengths and weaknesses. None are better or worse.

MK ULTRA does exist.

The CIA does infiltrate cults for mind control purposes, I acknowledge that in my last post.

MK ULTRA trauma based mind control is a completely different type of mind control than the psychological mind control you are referring to. I have posted many references in both this and the other mind control threads going on. Feel free to reference them for you edification.

I respect your opinion on your religious preference.

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