posted on Jan, 15 2011 @ 12:32 AM
Hello, hello! I've been lurking here for a couple of years and wanted to get a bit acquainted with ATS before I signed on. I figured that as soon as
I signed on here, I would automatically be placed on "a List." Oh well, so what! I actually feel very special to be a part of the ATS family. And if
a middle class, small town nurse ends up on some List, well then, anyone can. I absolutely love this site and never have enough time to read
everything that I'm interested in. Can you tell that conspiracy theory is one of my favorite topics?! Another reason that I felt now was the time is
that everything is happening at break neck speed. Since I was a child I've been able to sense what animals are feeling. I know to some that sounds
ridiculous but I assure you that it's quite real. Living in a rural environment I've always watched and loved nature and too many things are
changing too fast especially in the past 3-5 years. And they are not good things. Anyway, it's wonderful to be here and I look forward to getting to
know alot of you and learning from you. I also hope that I can contribute and give back as well. Thanks for listening. I didn't mean to ramble! Peace
and grace to you and to those you love and cherish......Jerz