Phew, quite a strain on the ears. That guy can sure talk.
Not really debunking David Icke at all, just a predictable US Christian view on him.
It mainly uses a dated book by Icke which even he has dismissed.
Disappointingly there's virtually nothing on the Reptilians.
Instead, various items are decontextualized and pasted together to make it seem like Icke is a follower of Bailey, and that a post-NWO order will
follow the anti-Christ and persecute all the Christians.
All entities (except Jesus) like Aliens are demons.
Sleep paralysis is caused by demons (never mind that the experience can be duplicated in laboratories). The demons shriek and flee when you call on
Jesus (good luck calling out anything when you're paralyzed).
Nobody looks for the truth in the Bible anymore (except for millions of Christians in most countries).
Whats with the silly persecution complex?
Icke is possessed by demons.
Icke doesn't know that the entity he "invited" is demonic (which begs the question, how do the authors know their Jesus isn't demonic?).
And so it goes...
Whatever the New Age or Conspiracy industry comes up with - you can be sure to find a Christian book squeezing it all into a "Satan and his demons"
paradigm within weeks.
So aliens are not debunked from a scientific or skeptical position, instead they are exposed as "demons".
It all makes sense in a way.
Since religious people must repeat the same basic points ad nauseam (until they've bored everyone to death) they must rely on the creativity of others
to keep things interesting.
This is really just a long-winded sermon that uses Icke as a focus to spread propaganda.
Some ideas are ironically close to Icke's - like the whole theory that an alien invasion will be faked to unite the planet.
Skeptics would probably have a good laugh, and like to knock both their heads together.
edit on 24-1-2011 by halfoldman because: (no reason