posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 12:04 AM
Your assumption seems to be that the leadership of the United States is not making the decisions it wishes to make. I contend that it is making
precisely the decisions it wishes to make, public self-flagellation notwithstanding. That appears to be where we differ in perspective.
In war, it is best not to announce one's strategy in press conferences. One of the most basic rules of intelligence is not letting the enemy know how
much you really know. The idea that the true condition of U.S. intelligence is actually being publicly discussed is absurd on its face, yet many
otherwise shrewd individuals believe that this is in fact taking place. It is not. The discussion being plastered throughout the world press is
founded firmly on deliberate disinformation.
Most "shadowy agencies" bandied around on conspiracy sites such as this one are fictitious, but many do exist nonetheless, and they take their work
very seriously. U.S. capabilities, sources and methods are better than any ever seen in human history, and continue to improve exponentially over
For those who may protest against the "undemocratic" nature of such agencies, it's worth remembering that from the very beginning of the founding
of our nation, military and political intelligence have never been considered subject to public oversight. The very concept of representative
government itself relies upon elected officials, not the public, to make decisions of law and policy. We do NOT have a "right to know"
If you can see past the public disinformation, your concern will not be that our intelligence agencies are incompetent, but rather, perhaps too
effective. My handle "Majic" honors one of the most complex and successful disinformation campaigns ever executed: MAJESTYTWELVE. To this day, it
leaves many fine people wondering, because it is a brilliant blend of fact and fiction that most of its participants believed was real.
As the President has said, this is a new kind of war. It is being fought on all possible fronts, including the minds of every human being on the
planet. What may not be so obvious is that this new kind of war has been ongoing for a very long time, the stakes are much higher than have been
stated, and the battle lines are not nearly as obvious as one might be led to believe.
In the intelligence theater of operations, the U.S. has established absolute supremacy, but it is not without very capable competition and
adversaries. Essential to maintaining that supremacy has been the careful management of disinformation of unprecedented scope and subtlety. So
ingenious are our methods that I could openly state the absolute truth about them, and it would be almost universally rejected.
Of course, I am not in a position to know or be able to do that, or I would obviously not be posting here.
The only thing you can be sure of is that you can never really be sure of anything.