I read on John Kerry's website that Kerry plans to make the CIA director into the director of all national intelligence:
(look down under priority #1 in "improve intelligence capabilities")
CIA has already gained "oversight" of intel-gathering responsibilities of the FBI in the wake of 9-11. Why is this step needed?
Intel has always had two heads in America: Foreign (CIA) and domestic (FBI). I am concerned that combining them would lesson the checks and balances,
since CIA is executive and FBI is judicial . . . .
I have suspected for some time that CIA/state Dept. and Bush have had a falling out.
1. Ongoing rumors of Powell leaving.
2. Blaming innaccuracies in Bush's intel before the UN on CIA. That just isn't done.
3. The whole Abu Ghraib episode. If you read the American troops' testimony, they were taking orders from people (not officers) "in the chain of
command." Read CIA. The soldiers originally blamed civilian translators from this company,
www.titan.com... some of whose stock is even
owned by the CIA. Hmmm. Imagine the govt. owning a publicly traded entity. IF it were true, it would be illegal, wouldn't it? Anyway, these are
the folks who supposed talked the soldiers into abusing prisoners. Notice how the media never mentioned or blamed any "civilian translation & intel
gathering." In the whole episode. I cannot find where a civlian has even been charged!!!!
4. A report of Saddam attempting to buy radioactive supplies in Africa, orignates from CIA, then to MI5 then back to CIA then to Bush, then turns out
to be bogus. Made him look like the idiot there.
5. Head of CIA stepping down less than 6 mo. before election. Must be some serious problems for him to resign in the middle of a war, too.
Is there a split between CIA and Bush?
Is Kerry supporting a part of the CIA that wants to redesign the org's role in govt???
What do you think?
[edit on 9-7-2004 by dr_strangecraft]