reply to post by kimkim3074
While, I personally, wouldn't want to hurt my partner's feelings in the way you describe, there are many factors to consider when it comes to
engagement ring selection.
I will admit that I am an *anomaly* in that I am taller than the average female (5'9"+ if I'm not slouching) and my hands are *very* long with skinny
fingers, etc. (I can span an octave on the piano with ease and "palm" a basketball!
) So, no matter the cost, I personally like *big* rings just so
that they don't get lost on these long fingers.
If this is *not* the case with your girlfriend, she is not being appreciative...and I would, personally, question her motives and/or loyalty.
90+% of the time, I am happily married for over ten years!
My engagement present was not a ring initially...although I have been blessed with other jewelry since.
Practically speaking, at the time that my man proposed to me, I was in need of a new car. Imagine my surprise when I looked out the window of my
house after he called me asking me:
WIFE? A brand new BMW with a bow wrapped around it sitting in my driveway!
Now granted, that sounds materialistic in itself, but he was simply replacing the car (a necessity) I was accustomed to, with a love of his (cars),
and I find that VERY romantic. Ten years later, I still remember that day, and all of the other similar creative, genuine gestures he's come up with
on anniversaries, birthdays, etc. It keeps the flame burning, so to speak....
I guess my point is, have you explored that a *ring* is really what she wants? What feeds her needs/passions? It need not be high-cost at
all....this is where creativity, romanticism, and realism all intertwine....
Maybe it is not a ring after all....and until you explore this with her, you can't really judge her based on the info. gained from your OP.
Best of luck to you and her....if this is what you both want
edit on 14-1-2011 by sonjah1 because: (no reason given)