You are obsessing about alien abductions and intertwining it in Christianity, imo.
You do realize over 2 million people (a 2002 study said 800,000 children btw) are year are abducted/kidnapped a year by other HUMANS? A large % of
which are never seen again?
And at least the aliens return the people & wipe their memory clean of the event, lol.
You need to also know that much of Christianity was simply taken from earlier sources, especially the Sumerian, and that much of what was in the Old
Testament was removed (them cherry picking what they want in it and out of it). So I would not necessarily think there's anything magical or special
about the "power of a Christian", as far as protection against foreign invaders goes. If that was the case, 9/11 would not have occurred. If the power
of believing in Jesus mattered, then Mexico wouldn't be so #ed up with all its Catholics.
Sorry to say, but religion is a lot of nonsense if you take it to be a savior or in a literal sense. It teaches important fundamentals tho & there
actually is something scientific to prayer working. Me personally, I am extremely spiritual but not religious in the least. But people have different
preference & perspectives, so I can't judge, I only can give a different pov.
Also, you do know in the Old Testament "angels" had physical bodies, telepathy, teleportation and had sex with women!?!? That seems to be like a
physical being to me, perhaps even misinterpreted aliens from what it sounds like (angels by definition are extraterrestrial too). Not all aliens are
evil, there's certainly no proof to this & if they were, people would know it for certainty. I'm sure there's far more 'evil', psychotic, greedy,
murderous, unstable humans than there are any super advanced beings. You want to make a religious comparison then saying man = the devil and aliens =
angels makes sense. This is debatable of course, but that's my perspective.
PS I am an alien overlord! Be careful, Truth01, I'm coming to get youuu!!
edit on 14-1-2011 by MasonicFantom because: (no reason