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4400 - Fiction or Fact

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posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 02:38 PM
This weekend, USA television will debut,

The 400

Taken by aliens ... then they came back
'The 4400' posits world in which alien abductees return

For a science fiction program, those two words are the starting point -- and the answer tells whether the show has a future. The USA Network's new offering, "The 4400," debuts Sunday with a fairly decent response.

What if hundreds of random citizens -- 4400, to be precise -- simply reappeared years, or even decades, after they appeared to fall off the face of the earth? And what if they returned physically unchanged, but possessed of startling powers?

so... where do they get the number 4400 ? I wonder how many abduction claims there have been in the world ?

Do you think this could really happen ? I do !

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 11:05 AM
this happens every time a science fiction show or movie comes out....repeat with me: its a movie its not real, its a movie its not real....

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 11:13 AM
i.m kinda excited about the 4400 really. it is an interesting premise.
does anyone know if this type a thing has actually happened?
it would freak me out for sure if it were real. it will make for good viewing regardless.

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 11:21 AM
can anyone "tape" it and send it to me?
would love to see it, but i live in norway where they even don't send the scifi-channel anymore

[edit on 10-7-2004 by darkspace]

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 11:33 AM
Maybe the gov. knows something we don't. Maybe the agreed times for experimentations are coming to an end and it is time for the people to return and the gov. is just preparing us for some future events.

It's just a movie!

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 01:03 PM
As a concept for a film or seris its a good idea, but the idea that it is based upon something that really has happened is very unlikely. However it was to ever happen I think there would be alot of commotion which hopefully be the evidence we all need to prove that aliens exist.

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 02:19 PM

Originally posted by spangbr
this happens every time a science fiction show or movie comes out....repeat with me: its a movie its not real, its a movie its not real....

yeah and this happens everytime someone wants to inform someone of somethign and possibly educate someone.. posting by someone who thinks they know it all trying to bring controversy to a simple thread....

Let me tell you something, if you don't beleive that this could be real, again I'm saying could be, then you better wake up.... there are too many people missing in this world for it to simply be, murders etc.... they're going somewhere..

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 02:27 PM
hmmm... I know what mean that there are to many people that go missing, however, dont you think that if the government had something to do with it, something would have come up before now ?

And if these people were to be going somewhere ? where ? The only theory I could think of is that involves the government is that they are using them for human research ?

posted on Jul, 10 2004 @ 07:30 PM

Originally posted by elevatedone

Originally posted by spangbr
this happens every time a science fiction show or movie comes out....repeat with me: its a movie its not real, its a movie its not real....

yeah and this happens everytime someone wants to inform someone of somethign and possibly educate someone.. posting by someone who thinks they know it all trying to bring controversy to a simple thread....

Let me tell you something, if you don't beleive that this could be real, again I'm saying could be, then you better wake up.... there are too many people missing in this world for it to simply be, murders etc.... they're going somewhere..

What makes you think that all of these missing people that you keep talking about are missing because of alien abductions? I can't see any reasonable justification for such a claim, and to sit here and DEMAND that I "better wake up" only further implies to me that this is nothing more than another BS attempt to get someone to watch a Sci-Fi show.

Mods: Please understand that I don't want to sound angry, but I just can't help but reply when someone sits here and demands something from all of us here at the boards like that, especially when it's about a movie premise. Sorry for any inconvenience.

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 09:40 AM
Well if any body had bothered to look you`d know that the number of abduction cases numbers in the hundreds of thousands if not millions (per year). Many thousands of people go missing in the UK EACH YEAR alone let alone as a combined figure over a period of time. Now I`m not suggesting all those who go and stay missing are abducted but a large number remain missing and they can`t all be murder victims or people who wish to remain hidden, so where do they go?

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 09:55 AM
Im definatly watching the movie...but i seriously doubt it's real. It's just a movie.

posted on Jul, 11 2004 @ 10:48 AM
very true alot of missing people and i doubt it can all be explained normally.........

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 01:11 AM
USA's network did not disappoint me in that '4400' was quite unprepossessing notwithstanding the scant 5 minutes I tuned in to see it.

The dissembling Colonel from Taken reprised his TV alien appearance though-- if that is any redemption............hardly.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 04:08 AM
Yoda- Hmm, the dark side, very difficult to see it is.

Missing people- grey aliens, reptilian aliens, psychopatic and sociopathic whackos, or satanists.

They all sound like good candidates to me. Probably some or all of the above. Each one of those options have good testimony about the truth of the matter.

Truth is stranger than fiction.

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 11:17 AM
There was a great TV series called the Visitor that was about this very thing....great show, had the DJ from Northern Exposure as the abductee, very Starman like....with a fed chasing him, etc. Alas, it went over most peoples' heads, and was cancelled....

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 12:14 PM
Did anyone else watch it last night?

I rather liked it.... and was left wanting more... so I guess I'll have to tune in next Sunday

I've been 'hungry' for something since the X-Files series ended, so maybe this will suffice.

My fav was the little girl who was taken in 1933. I have a feeling she's going to steal the show

posted on Jul, 12 2004 @ 12:17 PM
Well I thought it was really very good. I'm looking forward to the next episide.. if you missed it I believe they will be airing it over the week. Goto TV guide online.. register.. enter your area.. then use the search to find air times.

I must agree... I've looked at Missing Persons statistics and been floored.. by the results.. try yahoo.

Although I agree this is a total work of fiction.. fiction usualy has a base in something we saw or heard that makes us write the story.

posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 09:05 AM
This is just a way to prepare the public for what will be some shocking revelations that will come to light in the next six months or so ,a way to gradually acclimate mainstream folks to the possibilities that our governments have not been as forthcoming as they should have about the extra terrestrial involvement with our governments.

posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 09:53 AM
, i hope it won't be too many years until they decide to broadcast it here in europe.... i'd love to see at least the first episode. sci fi movies/series/documentaries has always been my favourites.

posted on Jul, 13 2004 @ 12:52 PM
Er, did anyone have any Close Encounters of the 3rd Kind deja vu? The whole aliens taking people and bringing them back years later was done at the end of Close Encounters.

Not that this makes The 4400 a bad show. I rather like it and can't wait until the next episode.

My only real gripe was that Homeland Security was in charge of keeping track of these people. I seriously doubt HS has a huge high-tech complex like that. More than likely the Seattle Branch of HS consists of 4 people in a tiny office with 30 year old computers.

Wouldn't the CIA, FBI, or the military deal with this situation? They'd probably blame that light on swamp gas and say the people were just folks disoriented by the swamp gas and happened to wonder into the lake....somehow. Maybe they were looking at Venus and got accidentally picked up by a weather ballon...or something.

Those people wouldn't have been let out of quarantine either....but I guess that wouldn't make for much of a show.

[edit on 7/13/2004 by Flinx]

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