posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 01:34 PM
What do you predict Alienprobed?
I don't like to make predictions. Especially with only one data point.
There is little doubt in my mind that the HAARP system is capable of most of the things people attribute to it.
My very first post to ATS was in this thread on page 2, which should give you an indication of my interest in HAARP. I decided to sign up so I could
provide the collated data to anyone who could make use of it in the hopes of finding a concrete causal relationship between HAARP and
earthquakes/weather etc.
After reading your posts to this thread I came to the conclusion that you were likely not one of the few who would provide such relational evidence.
You said "Great Catch" for the post saying "spikes appearing at 1200hrs maybe on the move again.coinciciding with recent spaceweather incoming
solar flare data".
Instead you should have verified the solar flare start/end/etc data and posted the relevant date/time/intensity for both the flare and the
magnetometer and how likely they are to be related. Then this thread some might have some real substance to it.