posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 01:28 PM
Originally posted by Greenblaz
OK... this is becoming VERY hard to swallow, 300 birds ran into a vehicle??? Something is up. The only thing that I keep hearing is that the
"biologists only saw signs of trauma".
Yeah that trauma is puzzling... but perhaps what they are seeing is the effect that the fall had on the bird when they hit the ground. Since we only
examine them after they are dead on the ground I would assume the fall has some effect on the body
But cold weather and fish... I don't buy it.. Water at normal pressure does not get any colder because if it does, it becomes ice. All the water
below the ice is at 40 degrees F. Any scuba diver can attest to that. Water freezes at 32 but the state between 40 and 32 is a jelly like slush and
changes rapidly to ice. Have swum in Lake Ontario in the summer the water is 40 degrees out in the open water all year long. It warms up near shallow
shores and freezes in the bays in Toronto... but the water temp stays the same..
Here is another 'expert' opinion... on the 700 turtle doves in Italy From OP link
While conspiracy theorists have been busy trying to find explanations for the mass deaths - from government testing to alien interference - the
answer to the dead doves in Italy appears simple: they ate too much.
SERIOUSLY? 700 plus doves ate themselves to death at the same time? How stupid do they think we are anyway? And hundreds of birds flying to death by
flying into traffic? Sounds like an Alfred Hitchcock movie...
Tests results aren't back yet but Rodolfo Ridolfi, a director at a regional zoological institute, told the Mail:'We are fairly confident the
birds died as a result of massive indigestion brought on by over-eating."
So they don't have the test results but the 'expert' is confident "the birds died as a result of massive indigestion brought on by over-eating"
And how about the fireworks that took out thousands of birds on Dec 31st?
I think it's time we revoke their degrees
edit on 13-1-2011 by zorgon because: (no reason given)