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The world is about to go BANG!

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posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 09:34 AM
reply to post by FoxfilesMulder

Yes I do have a erie feeling deep inside, something hughe is about to happen, It feels like everything happening from floods to earthquakes, sink holes and beyond is like a preparation to something hughe. I think man will survive but we will be largely deleted in populations.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 09:37 AM
@OP: The night is darkest just before the dawn. Prevail.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 09:38 AM
I think I would of felt more like the world was about to go 'bang' during the second world war or during the black death or great plague or after any other number of far more frightening times.

The only evidence I can see for anything really out of the ordinary is a bit of mass hysteria leading to wider reporting on various subjects, a bit like the times we get months and months of newspaper reports about a certain breed of dog attacking people, it always happens but some times there is more public interest in a subject so its reported on more.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 09:41 AM
The only circumstances , which would worry me would be those which would terminate the entire biosphere of this planet right down to the microbial level.
Other than those unlikely scenarios I couldnt care less. You see, the world has been here for an unimaginably long time. It , as George Carlin once said, could " shake us off like a bad case of fleas" if it should see the need, or if we should screw with it too vigorously. If we wipe ourselves off the face of it meantime with war, or enforced famine, or poisons in the air, then I really dont see the problem. At least there will be some peace here finaly .
Unfortunately , mankind is singular amongst the species on this planet, being the only one that has survived and flourished in nearly every environment on the face of Earth. From the barren deserts of the Sahara, to the ice wastes of the Antarctic, from the mist sodden jungles of South America, to the rolling dales of Great Britain, human kind has proven itself to be the most adaptable of all Earths creatures. We mastered the sea, we have attained the lofty heights of atmospheric travel, we have traveled into the heavens and bought samples of the distant moon back to Earth.
We as a species deal with, and survive the impossible every single day, and adapt to it more with every passing generation. There are those who have adapted for high mountain living, those adapted for long dives in the ocean, without augmented oxygen supply, and those again who have adapted for extremes of hot and cold weather. This suggests to me, that while there is a planet Earth on which to stand, mankind shall stand upon it, in all his arrogance and ignorance, quite unsympathetic to the fact that the Earth would be a better , more peaceful and beautiful land without his interferance. It would likely take a massive and utterly all encompassing catastrophy like the fracturing and fragmenting of the planet beneath our feet, to kill the virus that the human race is fast becoming.
Unless we as a species move toward peace and brotherhood, instead of segregation and hatred, we should not rue the possible carnage that might be visited upon us, for it would serve as a lesson against those things, were we to suffer under the weight of our impending doom. Perhaps it would be benificial if something big WERE to happen? Perhaps it might teach us humility, compassion, and above all respect for our fellow man.
Its true these things are present in our modern culture, but they are in decline. Perhaps it is time for days of darkness to come, that we may better appreciate the light that has shined upon us in times past.
To be honest with you, the human race stopped being benificial to its environment many years before any of us were born, but unless we throw off the shackles of expectation, of materialism, and go right back to cave dwelling basics, we have no business preventing our demise as a species. It would be a just punishment for the damage we do to ourselves, and our achingly beautiful world.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by FoxfilesMulder

Surely this should be in the "rant" section.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 10:10 AM
The only thin I see wrong with all these threads, is that within the three sides the one true side will be the loser..

1. There are those who are creating mass hysteria by saying the earth is going boom "we're all gunna' die" in a few weeks, etc, etc...

2. Then you have the Fairyland brigade who say we're going to ascend, I feel the vibrations, I'm special, it's all wonderful...etc..

3. Then theres the fairly normal guys that are saying move along folks, earth dose this from time to time and we're still here now, volcanoes erupt all the time, sun spots happen, animals die, it's all part of what has been happening for eons.

Now, if the earth blows up, group 2 and 3 both loose.

If nothing happens, group 1 loses but so dose group 2. Because, if nothing really dose happen, all the fairies out there are gunna' just come out and say "look we were right, I feel ascended"

Nobody will have really been enlightened, but the daisy-chain wearing, Koome-bia singing nut jobs will ultimately claim they are now ascended beings, eventhough ultimately, they are still no different than they were the day before... Just normal, mundane, "all-be-it", nutty, human beings.

Normal folks just don't stand a chance of being right these days

Look, don't get me wrong..!! Right now I am very concerned because some of the scenarios put forward do have a little merit. The animal die-offs, the volcanic activity is a tat high, there have been a few too many earthquakes in isolated areas that usually are quiet, there are some changes in solar activity, the poles have shifted a little too fast since the new year began, there is some strange activity in a nearby neutron star, gold prices have gone up, tin foil stocks are drying up (ok i just threw that one in for fun), the weather is erratic, the solar system is passing through the galactic plain and the gulf stream is indeed slowing down.

Worrying? yes...... but cause for hysteria? no. I am on the fence and watching things closely. but all this could be just a coincidence.

Or the earth could be heading into another ice age, the plates could be about to tip over and spill all life into the mantle, the solar storm might wipe out our magnetic shield and bombard us with neutron radiation, we may very well be heading into a new age of enlightenment, we might all really turn into horrible mutants, it might all happen at once..!!

But if it dose, we really can't do anything about it, so just relax, enjoy life, make love, go on as normal and have a nice day

edit on 1/14/2011 by Ironclad because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 10:12 AM
I'm only on pg 2 but wanted to get this in; then I'll go back and finish reading.

What is jumping out to me is that, as part of this world, I am feeling different myself inside. I can't exactly put my finger on it but it is a general "disturbance" not just in the world outside but in my very being. We are part of this world. Why wouldn't whatever is affecting it not also be affecting us?

One symptom I can point to is a feeling like time is on warp speed. Everything is happening and over with so fast. It is almost like there is nothing to plan for and look forward to because it is all behind so fast before you know it. There is more to it, but I think all of our internal/automatic body sensors are picking up on those changes our primary senses aren't aware of.

Is there a rapids at the bend of the river, or a still lake? Who knows? But we're staring at that corner right now in anticipation.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 10:23 AM
Something is surly going on... The list is endless... Dead crickets, birds, bats and fish. Flash floods all over. Volcanoes and earthquakes... Mudslides... All at a rate that alarms me. It is no coincidence... Even the sun rising 2 days early in Greenland...
But, in all honesty... Who cares if we all die? (Might as well not die alone..) None of us truly know what's about to happen... (Or more so how it will happen)No doubt things are about to change big time though.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 10:26 AM
reply to post by FoxfilesMulder

We are 1 false flag away from a NWO. William Cooper of " Behold a Pale Horse" fame was absolutely correct in his assessment of te NWO and the point are at is exactly how he laid it out. Do you really think the government would still continue a system of control, while the world was coming to an end anytime soon? Martial law would have to be enacted so they can make their escape. Keep looking in the sky for god and aliens; lol now we are mixing aliens and god together so it isnt either or but 1, truth is subjective lol.

I dont blme the elites, many of you do not deserve to live. I actually prefer the plan to erase 75% of the earth's population. Only problem is im in that 75% lol. William Cooper old us about prophecy and how Hitler used it to dissuade any attempt against his "plan". Now we are being bombarded by "prophecy" from every ancient civilization and we are being dumbed down further by chemicals that we ingest in every physical orifice; including the butt cuz tax and inflation is taken anally.

JLL was a false flag for our community. So where are the good guys? Ron Paul? A little old man whose image is like that of the Christ on the cross, weak and submissive. If the world were to end the elite would need a slave class, so you know they aint getting rid of us while they can maintain control. Obama and the queen tending the garden isnt feasible for the future.

Sometimes I knda wish the world ends and we all die, leaving the elite to fend for themselves. Each bloodline would eat thee other in a rush for dominance. LOL What God would their be then? What Christ would they praise? In all of this crappiness I see, I wonder where are the Masons? Those who created this country are allowing it to be destroyed.

So what are we to do ? What is next? All I know is if there is to be any chance of regaining this country and our freedoms, a major catastrophe must occur. Technology that is being used against us must be destroyed. A solar flare emp event would work just fine. LOL hold your breath and wait for that one. Congress is the final weapon at the people's disposal. Prophecy is a choice no an absolute, or God wouldnt waste his time trying to convert us. If everyone became Christian right now, would revelation come true?

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 10:27 AM
People like this should be banned.
Making horrible prediction just to sound cool should be a bannable offense.
People like this should have his posting powers taken away.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by Wildeagle

Originally posted by unityemissions
I have a feeling threads like this will show up at least once a week, and mostly those who have a similar feeling will reply, while the rest will look over the noobs and give a slight sigh or chuckle.

I also have a feeling that everything has been changing since the beginning of time, and will continue to do so long after any of us are alive.

And I think that comment was very uncalled for. So what if there are new people on the forum, who infact weren't around for the other threads concerning this certain topic.
Are they not allowed to post about it, because they are what you call ''noobs''?

Things have been changing since the beginning of time... but in my opinion, not on this scale, at least in my lifetime, and those who are older than me say the same.

Edit: Why are you still in this thread at all, if you find it so ridiculous? I know I wouldn't even bother with it at all If I found it so bad.

edit on 13-1-2011 by Wildeagle because: (no reason given)

hear hear well said

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 10:30 AM
I don't have either a good or bad feeling. All I know is that the global events that are currently occurring as well as the events that have recently occurred are absolutely fascinating! I do have to say that I feel for those who are being affected by major disasters.

I truly believe we live in Interesting times.

Peace & Respect,


posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 10:33 AM
Truthfully, mankind has been on earth for around 3 million years. Modern man for around 80,000 years.

Many of earths largest mammals have been here even longer.

Most other critters have too.

The earth supposedly goes through these changes every 5,000, 10,000 or 40,000 years (depending on who you listen to).

We're all still here!!

So what ever event Mother nature has in store for us, good or bad.... We'll still be here afterwards this time too!!

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 10:37 AM
reply to post by FoxfilesMulder

Hey great post...thread...

IMHO the world is already changing...mostly for the reasons for quakes, floods, temperature changes. The MSM is still promoting the obvious lies as to causes...floods where there are no rains, flood tides inland, massive quakes (all apparently unrelated according to MSM) and other earth changes....the world is already changing.

The changes have begun, next up...plate tectonic movements where the MSM will be forced to admit their lies.

Already, today, this morning ABC (the morning show) is promulgating the newest lie..."Astrology charts are wrong because the Earth has shifted on it's move your chart one space to the have been lied to as the chart you were reading all your life is really the one above what you were told"

OPEN QUES:... Does the MSM really believe we are THAT stupid?

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 10:37 AM
The rivers already turn red...or?

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 10:39 AM
Every 30 seconds someone in america is preparing to kill themselfes. THis is the people that succeed and the number is just for america!! There has never been periods with total peace on earth, eich means there has always been someone that feel that their life is hell or that their a part of what they would call apocalypse.

Asteroids are hitting us constantly, offcouse different sizes and rarely any big ones. But some of them could have done some real damage if they didnt burn up.

What i'm trying ever so hard to explain is that the earth apparently has been going under since the start because we are talking about alot of ifs and but's here.

Yes there is a lot of stuff happening the same year.

People "feel" that the earth is telling us that we're closing in. Ya don't think its a bit too late? There is nothing that makes us more religous today than before. The tradition has on contrary gone the opposite way, because thankfully some of us took this "feelings" to the doctor and ended up on therapy, wich i think EVERYONE in here, or absolutely everybody should get because if anything the worst thing evolving the last years is our decreasing pshycic state.

You know, the desicive time for therapy is the moment you believe something HUGE is in the horisont and somehow you can prevent it by for example writing about it in here.

Get help and start recycling, at least that has some effect we can see.

If there is a GOD he must have given us up a long time ago. No mercyful god would ever let the inquisisions or the killings of the millions in its name. There is a logical limit of what free will would be acesptable if we're gonna believe that there is a big ending or a fenomenal start.

People die every hour in such agony of pain we can't even imagine, others pray while screaming with all their energy to make everything stop because their mind has long gone crazy of the pain life has given them.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 10:46 AM

Originally posted by rocket88
The rivers already turn red...or?

Or green? Fluorescent green to be

That was a hoax by some uni students i believe, done with a die that you can buy at most camping stores.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 10:52 AM

(One of the good things about all the new allows me to use some of my dated graphics again

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 10:56 AM

Originally posted by lost artistic
Every 30 seconds someone in america is preparing to kill themselfes. THis is the people that succeed and the number is just for america!! There has never been periods with total peace on earth, eich means there has always been someone that feel that their life is hell or that their a part of what they would call apocalypse.

Asteroids are hitting us constantly, offcouse different sizes and rarely any big ones. But some of them could have done some real damage if they didnt burn up.

What i'm trying ever so hard to explain is that the earth apparently has been going under since the start because we are talking about alot of ifs and but's here.

Yes there is a lot of stuff happening the same year.

People "feel" that the earth is telling us that we're closing in. Ya don't think its a bit too late? There is nothing that makes us more religous today than before. The tradition has on contrary gone the opposite way, because thankfully some of us took this "feelings" to the doctor and ended up on therapy, wich i think EVERYONE in here, or absolutely everybody should get because if anything the worst thing evolving the last years is our decreasing pshycic state.

You know, the desicive time for therapy is the moment you believe something HUGE is in the horisont and somehow you can prevent it by for example writing about it in here.

Get help and start recycling, at least that has some effect we can see.

If there is a GOD he must have given us up a long time ago. No mercyful god would ever let the inquisisions or the killings of the millions in its name. There is a logical limit of what free will would be acesptable if we're gonna believe that there is a big ending or a fenomenal start.

People die every hour in such agony of pain we can't even imagine, others pray while screaming with all their energy to make everything stop because their mind has long gone crazy of the pain life has given them.

Thankyou for your professional psychiatric assessment.

I'm so very happy your online consultation has given me the strength to pick up the phone as soon as I have thanked you here to arrange a lobotomy for myself.

Thank you again and I am forever in your debt.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 11:05 AM

Originally posted by FoxfilesMulder
Does anybody else out there just get a crazy feeling something bad is about to happen in this world?

Its like the world is under attack by means unknown and each one of these random attacks is for the sole purpose of trying to kickstart a major catastrophe.

The world can only take so much of a beating before it cant recover in time for another kick in the teeth.

I'm not taking into account any prophecy or related hype, but I'm just being aware of my surroundings and this gloomy feeling I get when thinking about the near future ahead.

I read this article recently also, its nothing new but food for thought none the less.

Something is about to change people!

You have a feeling somethings bads going to happen or you just watch the news and have eyes?

Bad # happens every day.

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