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The world is about to go BANG!

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posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:39 AM
Obviously the world goes through a major event every so many thousands of years, but when was the last time?.....The ice age or the flood of Noah perhaps.

The blend of the worlds disasters and mishaps are falling into a seemingly harmonious rhythm that is tuning itself to cause something to happen within our lifetime I believe.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:40 AM
You know I have to admit a strange feeling has been around as of late. Personally I don't think it is any end of the world thing at all. Just a general ominous feeling of of foreboding. To me anyways that is when I know I have read and watched to much news as of late. With the acceleration of the amount of news and how quick we receive it leads to us drawing conclusion's before the conclusion has been given. If that makes any sense, but there has been an increased anxiety over a number of things. Whether it is connected to the end of the world one never know's. But as for myself I will keep on carrying on like I always do.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:42 AM
reply to post by FoxfilesMulder

Many people, including myself, have been filled with anxiety and a feeling of impending doom... and for more than just a few months now. Just look at my avatar, as it's themed in this manner!

But my thoughts are that these feelings are situational and not necessarily indicative of any 2012 based changes. In reality, and speaking from a lifetime of experience, we, as a species, seem to be pretty blind to oncoming change. We don't seem to have a very good knack at recognizing the lights coming down the tunnel.

Change, given the state of our world economy, and many political issues, will have to alter or adapt in the near future, either for the better or for the worse. But, all in all, I think that we are mostly reacting to our present and not to any psychic awareness of what is to come.


posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by Wildeagle

Originally posted by unityemissions
I have a feeling threads like this will show up at least once a week, and mostly those who have a similar feeling will reply, while the rest will look over the noobs and give a slight sigh or chuckle.

I also have a feeling that everything has been changing since the beginning of time, and will continue to do so long after any of us are alive.

And I think that comment was very uncalled for. So what if there are new people on the forum, who infact weren't around for the other threads concerning this certain topic.
Are they not allowed to post about it, because they are what you call ''noobs''?

Things have been changing since the beginning of time... but in my opinion, not on this scale, at least in my lifetime, and those who are older than me say the same.

Edit: Why are you still in this thread at all, if you find it so ridiculous? I know I wouldn't even bother with it at all If I found it so bad.

edit on 13-1-2011 by Wildeagle because: (no reason given)

To observe on a scale of only our own not a valid observation. The world is very old, has gone through many changes, will continue to go through many changes.

It is healthy for others to challenge others to think critically, evaluate what others say, and give their thoughts to challenge the cognitive thinking of others.

If mankind only participated in discussions they agreed with....we would have no challenge to our critical thinking and this would not help at all.

If someone is so sure of something....they should be comfortable with all challenging thoughts or ideas.

I agree...we will only see a increase in these types of threads. Yes, there does seem to be some changes with Earth going on...maybe even more so then usual in 'our lifetime' then what we have ever seen before....but many go way over board and call it the end of the world, a change to higher dimensions, a harvest or ascension around the corner.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:47 AM
reply to post by Wildeagle

Love your hair wildeagle!
I have a forboding sense that something is going to go bang, so i'd say that the title is spot on.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:52 AM

Originally posted by Mez353
reply to post by Wildeagle

Love your hair wildeagle!
I have a forboding sense that something is going to go bang, so i'd say that the title is spot on.

Thank goodness the worlds decisions dont revolve around what we 'feel'...and what many say the 'sense' is their own desires and fears 'expressing' through their own mind.

This feeling that something is around the nothing knew to mankind. I guess mankind knows that the world is not immortal and nether are anhy of in a way, this 'sense' is valid in that light.

We have many that say they have 'great feelings' for the world and many that say they have 'forboding feelings' for the world. I think what we see here is peoples desires and fears...we have a group that see's the glass as half full and a group that see's the glass as half empty.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 11:56 AM

Originally posted by LeoVirgo

Originally posted by Mez353
reply to post by Wildeagle

Love your hair wildeagle!
I have a forboding sense that something is going to go bang, so i'd say that the title is spot on.

Thank goodness the worlds decisions dont revolve around what we 'feel'...and what many say the 'sense' is their own desires and fears 'expressing' through their own mind.

This feeling that something is around the nothing knew to mankind. I guess mankind knows that the world is not immortal and nether are anhy of in a way, this 'sense' is valid in that light.

We have many that say they have 'great feelings' for the world and many that say they have 'forboding feelings' for the world. I think what we see here is peoples desires and fears...we have a group that see's the glass as half full and a group that see's the glass as half empty.

I agree, it's just a feeling i've had for a while. Based no decisions on it though.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 12:01 PM
This has been an ongoing feeling in a lot of us for some time. I have no doubt that we are racing towards something or something is racing towards us. I'm of the opinion that whatever it is has nothing to do with our intention or ability to change.

I tend to be a skeptic of everything but there's no way I can deny a feeling. Perhaps it's the amnesiac in our souls about to have a breakthrough or maybe we already know what's about to happen but our brains are doing the freaky things it does in order to protect ourselves and to prevent the "giving up".

Polar shift? Change of "the age"? War? NOVA? Flares? Graduation of the soul/ascension? Or a flushing of the cosmic toilet?

I'll never forget the dream I had about a massive flare-like explosion from the sun. I was staring at it as it raced towards me, no pain yet increasing "warmth" and light. It was actually beautiful in some strange way even though we were all vaporized instantly.

No matter, FEAR NOT!
edit on 13-1-2011 by Atlantican because: add

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 12:02 PM
the site list is a very good digest of the various natural or cosmic events which are likely part of the
record of the Earths existance, ~4 billion years & counting...

i suspect that the feeling your getting --- of some impending, colossal calamity might be more
along the line of the utterly complex social order of modern civilization... perhaps its a complete
financial & monetary collapse where fiat money is worthless, where the paradigm shift returns
to a neolithic kind of society of smaller tribal groups which become self reliant-self sustaining

of course the crumbling of culture, society, complex civilization...would be hastened if the star which
the article notes, is indeed going to bathe the planet in a kind of baptism of 'fire', ie: gamma ray 'fire'

E.g. The star WR104 is about to die, is within range (8,000 light years) and appears to be pointing right at us! It could already have exploded, but of course we won�t see it until the light and radiation reaches us 8,000 years later. It could hit us tomorrow, or the next day, and there will be no warning.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 12:05 PM
Is it intuition, the knowing that something is either right or wrong, or is it due to the fact we spend too much of our time adsorbing information on sites like these?

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 12:14 PM

Originally posted by Mez353
Is it intuition, the knowing that something is either right or wrong, or is it due to the fact we spend too much of our time adsorbing information on sites like these?

The more you read about something, the more possible it all will seem.

Repetitive thoughts coming into your mind....does build up a more possible 'truth' to ideas then without those repetitive thoughts entering into your mind.

All thoughts and ideas that enter into your own thoughts, your working mind has to process it all over and over....over time, it will seem to be much more possible that the things you are considering, have truth to them.

Teach a child from a young age...that its ok to kill the enemy. Over and over this 'idea' enters their own mind. Over and over their working mind has to process this idea. Eventually, you can train that child to really believe, killing has its own right place in the world.

But I will say....I dont think mankind should ever get too comfortable. Life is a healthy way, we can all learn to be prepared for any unknown. Why worry about any certain date in the future, when tomorrow may not even come for some of us. The more we read 'doom'....the more our unconsciousness wants to prepare, just in case. Even so, the more our gutt will tell us, we need a back up plan, just in case.

Living on a Earth that is unpredictable and in a mortal life that can end due to many reasons...brings me to two things....
1) Live each day to its fullest
2) Be prepared for unknown things

What I prepare the most for my spirit/soul....making sure I have done good things, hoping that I can leave footprints for my kids to walk in, hoping that I inspired someone to gain self confidence, gain strength in themselves, gain hope in something where they had none. Some will prepare more for 'living'...I think Im preparing more for dying. Go figure. I dont want to die, I dont think its anywhere close....but I also dont know what will happen every time I get into a car, or if my heart is healthy, or if Im going to be disease free for a long time ect ect....

I do have a small storage of food and water, warm clothing and odds and ins for the family stashed away. But to me this is just being smart...for I dont fully depend on the system to support us all the time. Of course I would fight for this life and do what I could to 'make it through' any catastrophe....but I dont try to expect it or not expect it really.

I think as we start to worry that Earth might be going through a big change or adjustment, it naturally will effect us to consider things more, about our own survival and growth of our spirit too.
edit on 13-1-2011 by LeoVirgo because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 12:15 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

the earths frequencies are rising and also ours , that explains why every one is feeling strange.Once the frequencies get to a certain level dimensional openings or doorways will start to open up for people to walk into and ascend,but not all will make it,some wont be ready or will choose to stay in this third dimension.

the old earth will still exist but on a lower dimensional level and also the new earth will exist on the 4th/5th dimensional level ,both of them will exist in the same place but will be on different frequencies.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 12:18 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

Yes I think so but I do believe in the value of intuition also. I think it's something all living things have to be honest, a sense that we rely on too little or disregard to easily as it's too difficult to quantify.
Personally, what I see ahead (not sure of the timeframe) is war. That's not solely based on feeling or intuition. It's based on today mirroring past history and the change that I see in the people.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 12:24 PM
the worse thing is to be in not fear

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 12:27 PM

Originally posted by AdamJagger1111
the worse thing is to be in not fear

A certain amount of fear is not bad. Im cautious when I drive, for I dont want to make a silly mistake a die. Im cautious about other drivers...for their own silly mistakes can cause my death. Im cautious about letting my kids just hop in cars with other people...for I dont know their own cautiousness while driving, their own scale of carefulness.

There is a fine line between unhealthy fear and fear that keeps us cautious enough to sideswipe silly accidents or events that could be avoided.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 12:30 PM

Originally posted by AdamJagger1111
reply to post by LeoVirgo

the earths frequencies are rising and also ours , that explains why every one is feeling strange.Once the frequencies get to a certain level dimensional openings or doorways will start to open up for people to walk into and ascend,but not all will make it,some wont be ready or will choose to stay in this third dimension.

the old earth will still exist but on a lower dimensional level and also the new earth will exist on the 4th/5th dimensional level ,both of them will exist in the same place but will be on different frequencies.

I have been down that path of thought. I think its all BS now. It helped me in one helped me see what I was living for...which was more for myself then others.

I think ascension ideas are no different the the self fulfilling ideas of 'salvation'.

I think its another 'idea' to test us, and mark us, for what we are choosing to live for. Such as 'desires' for self.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 12:31 PM

Originally posted by Mez353
reply to post by Wildeagle

Love your hair wildeagle!
I have a forboding sense that something is going to go bang, so i'd say that the title is spot on.

Aw thanks Mez!!

Let's just hope our feelings on this are merely a change, and not a doom!

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 12:34 PM
reply to post by LeoVirgo

its not an idea tho because its true

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 12:37 PM

Originally posted by AdamJagger1111
reply to post by LeoVirgo

its not an idea tho because its true

Where is the first place you learned of this 'truth'?

What makes one ready to ascend? To be able to walk through such a door?

What is there to learn and be...that you cant achieve or gain right here and now?

What will be different, once you ascend?

Do you not have to die...before you ascend? Do you not need to have a reflection of your life here, outside of your body complex, outside of the 'veil' observe if you are really honestly, with true intent, ready to 'move on'?

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 12:43 PM
You guys/gals would reach such a broader audience if you didn't misuse terms like hyperdimensional, 4th/5thD, and what not. Instead, if you simply stuck to saying that you're growing emotionally, intellectually, and spiritually more people would take you seriously. The beliefs just make you guys look naive, foolish, and perhaps a bit narcissistic.

I'm not saying any of this to get down on anyone in this thread. It's an honest assessment of the terminology and descriptions used by newagers which most people get really turned off by. Isn't it enough to be growing and learning more about what it means to be a civil, responsible adult? I see no beneficial purpose in adapting these new-age terms that don't have any scientific backing. It's just belief, and beliefs bind and blind.

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