posted on Jan, 30 2011 @ 02:54 AM
Good thread and there's been a lot of evidence in this area and there has been replication as well. Here in this video Dean Radin goes over some of
the evidence that has accumulated and been replicated in the area of psi.
Here's a successful replication of one of Bem's experiments.
Bem (2010) reports evidence suggestive of unconscious retrocausal processes in human cognition. Bem’s findings appear to imply that under some
circumstances, human subjects may display psychologically or physiologically meaningful reactions to future stimuli about whose occurrence they have
no direct or indirect knowledge. This working paper describes a group replication attempt of Bem's (2010) studies 5 and 7, i.e. "time-reversed"
affective habituation to highly arousing negative pictures and retrocausal induction of boredom/aversion to low arousing, mildly positive pictures
(n=70). Evidence suggestive of a retrocausal influence of later stimulus display on subjects' preference ratings was found for affective habituation
with high arousing negative stimuli; further, as in Bem's study 7, retrocausal boredom induction was found for subjects high in boredom proneness.
Here's more research here: