posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 09:27 AM
Upper Midwest here, by one of the big lakes. We had what seemed like abnormally warm temps in November and December, and only in the last few weeks
has winter really geared up here. I know the weather patterns were keeping us pretty much snow free, and warmer than normal, while both coasts and
the south were getting bombed with storms.
Now, it is just like any other winter here. However, this past fall, we did have more orb spiders here than I have ever seen by times 10 at least.
Then, when it was suppossed to get cold here in November and December, and didn't, all of the birds and squirells did their disappearing acts like
Just this morning, with snow falling and temps in the 20's, I saw more more birds and squirells on my way into work than I normally would see in the
Spring. Hundreds of birds flying around, but they did all seem very disoriented (no, none dead). A flock of 10-20 blackbirds would take off out of a
tree, fly around super fast for a few seconds, and then either re-land on the same tree, or land on something very close. In about a 50 minute drive,
I probably saw over 50 squirells running everywhere as fast as possible.
Rush hour sucked this morning, so I was stopped at a lot of lights, and I saw this bird freak-out thing at least 5 or six times, which is what got me
thinking about both the animals and weather in my area.
Thank you for this thread, especially hearing about the unusual patterns that a lot of people are experiencing right now. Who knows if everything is
related or not, but it does seem like fact that a lot of places in the world right now are getting hit with really bad weather. My thoughts and
prayers go out out to all the people getting flooded in Australia and Brasil, and everywhere else in the world.
You know, the Earth might just be going through an active period with more earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, animals deaths, and snow storms so far in
2011. It might mean something, it might not. However, the fact is that a huge amount of extreme patterns are emerging that all paint a very bleak
picture for those of us that like to connect the dots. Even if you are deadset agaisnt connecting any of these patterns, one should always be
hyper-observant of their surroundings. It does not matter if it is biblical (which I doubt), Mayan (which I also doubt), NWO (for the record, never
any comment from me on that one), HAARP (don't buy that one either), or simply that the Earth is geared up to a level that our short human history on
this planet is not used to (which I do think might be the case). None of that really matters at all. 'Something' is happening, and it is happening
right before our eyes.
It might get better tomorrow, but the forecasters in Australia say that it is probably going to get worse over the next few months, as do the
forecasters in Brasil. The earthquake people know that there are a tons of areas right now that have a lot of tectonic pressure building, like the
San Andreas fault and scores of other around the planet. Solar experts are arguing back and forth over the potential strength of the next solar
The whole point to my ramble here is this: NO one knows if these patterns will continue, nor do we know how long will they continue for. Also, NO one
knows if they will increase in stength and frequency, or will the planet actually calm down a bit.
In some parts of the world, resources are already lacking in response to threats Australia, Indonesia and Brasil, due to the magnitude of these
So, I believe that a lot of people are scared, because we all realize how fragile we as humans are when compared to the mysteries and Fury of our
planet, and I also believe that many people are waking up and taking a good look around themselves, and realize just how fragile our society is also,
in the face of the might of Earth.
Accordingly, my thanks again for this thread, and I hope that people keep on sharing what is happening in their parts of the world, becuase it is only
through facing these unknown patterns, can we calm ourselves down enough to do the right thing when the time comes.
Personally, I plan on continuing to kick major butt at my job, keep on being the best Dad that I can be and play with my kids and build Legos an extra
hour each day, and I plan on staying glued to ATS and threads like this one, and the Quake, Volcano, Solar, and other threads that provide me with the
information that helps me to better understand my place on this planet.
Thanks to all of you, stay safe, smile once extra each day, and keep your when the SHTF bag near to you at all times. Pack extra socks, review
emergency plans with loved ones, and hang tight, cause it sure does look like a bumpy road ahead.
Deny Ignorance