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Proof Alien autopsy may be linked to Roswell!!!

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posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 08:30 AM
Actually, the most commonly reported finger count is 4, not six, by Roswell witnesses. (and more detail, that each finger had suction cup like bumps on the tips).

Also, the "controls" were manufactured props for a tv special, so speculative at best. There's way more evidence pointing to the Alien Autopsy film being a hoax than anything real. Of course, that doesn't mean it wasn't a faithful remake, but all good evidence points to hoax.

A more interesting (to me) coincidence is when they remove a cover over the eyes (showing more human-like eyes under the dark membrane). This matches Corso's account in The Day After Roswell, and matches a few other accounts of witnesses to the bodies.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 08:33 AM
I was never convinced the Alien Autopsy film was a hoax. It looked very real to me, and I have not seen actual evidence that it was not real. Even if someone said it was, or admitted to it, how do we know they were not paid off or threatened to claim it was not real?

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 10:34 AM

Originally posted by tom502
Even if someone said it was, or admitted to it, how do we know they were not paid off or threatened to claim it was not real?

To persist, however, in saying something is real, in the face of such overwhelming evidence that it's a hoax, shows that a person isn't really interested in the truth, but rather is interested in being right - even if he or she is the only person left on the face of the Earth that thinks they're right.

As I said the other day, however, Ed et al don't have to worry - there are enough gullible people in ufology, and enough people willing to believe any conpspiracy theory, no matter how outlandish, that the Alien Autopsy "film" will always have a small, devoted group of believers, even as the rest of the world - including most of those who once thought the "film" might be real - have moved on.
Even before the producer admitted he faked it in 2006, the guy who made the dummy told us how he did it.

John Humphreys said he made the alien brain from a sheeps brain coated in jelly (jello). That's why it looks like it does.
Some of the convincing evidence I saw was the film being screened by actual coroners, who observed that's not the way autopsies would be done and they pointed out the discrepancies. So even if he was paid off to say it's not real, it wouldn't explain the fact that the coroners said it didn't look real.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 01:23 PM
reply to post by OnceReturned

I checked your link and my BS radar was going off..If you pause at 6:40 you will see the so-called mold of the alien they supposedly used.The alien mold that they showed was shorter and the stomach wasn't as bloated and looked way different compared to the one in the film.

Then they said it was based on a REAL alien autopsy.Maybe they said it was fake to throw people off?And listen to all the BS answers they give when asked about what footage is real.They talk about not knowing what part is real and what isn't.

Why would these guys come forward but not the cameraman?

Why didn't anyone get sued for making money off a hoax?

2:45 in he says the guy came to him for bones for an alien he was making..why would he tell this guy he was making an alien for his science documentary when he didn't want people to know at the time?And it's funny how he said that Trevor(the butcher) was his mate and he made a face at that time like oops I let that slip..take a look 8:49 in..

And I find it odd that he wouldn't say who filmed it.

Why is there no footage of before or after the autopsy?Or footage of the footage.You would think they would have filmed something.Why only a couple of snap shots of the alien mold?Which is different is size and shape and color?You would think there would be footage of them making the video.

13:10 in..
"John you were involved in the creation of that(recreating the video)l"?
"Yes I made ah..some of the deprey uh..footage yeah".

John don't sound too convincing.

My BS radar was at full tilt for that series.You have to ask it possible they are saying it was faked just to throw people off?I believe so.

These guys are lying.
edit on 13-1-2011 by GodIsPissed because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 02:17 PM
Question. Why is "proof" and "may" in the same sentence?

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 02:23 PM
reply to post by GodIsPissed

Why didn't anyone get sued for making money off a hoax?

they were threatened with legal action , thats why they have to say its a "restoration" with small amount of original footage. Thats how they get out of being sued. look at 1:50 - 2:40
edit on 13-1-2011 by yeti101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 05:18 PM

Originally posted by apodictic
Question. Why is "proof" and "may" in the same sentence?
You should have at least one answer to that since you did it!

If you're talking about someone else's sentence it might help to use the quote feature (like I used for your sentence), or some other means to point us to the sentence you're asking about.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 05:40 PM

Originally posted by GodIsPissed
And listen to all the BS answers they give when asked about what footage is real.They talk about not knowing what part is real and what isn't.
well apparently everyone agrees on that much, that they are BSing us, even you agree with that. The question is, what do you do with that information after you know they're BSing us?

Do you ask:

Then they said it was based on a REAL alien autopsy. Maybe they said it was fake to throw people off?
Or do you decide you can't believe a thing these guys are saying including the part about it not being based on a real alien autopsy?

What you're basically saying is "I know these guys are liars so I believe what they say about it being based on a real alien autopsy". That makes you fairly unique since most people would draw the opposite conclusion.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 05:48 PM

Originally posted by GodIsPissed
And I find it odd that he wouldn't say who filmed it.

Santilli and Shoefield admitted in the documentary that they had found an unidentified homeless man on the streets of Los Angeles, persuaded him to play the role of the cameraman, and filmed him in a motel.

If you really want to believe that the footage is real, there's nothing that could convince you otherwise. The people who made it admitted that it was fake, and they participated in a documentary about how they did it. A delusional belief is defined as persistent despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary.

The documentary shows the props in unfinished states. Why would they claim the prop was the one that they used in the autopsy film but not bother to make it look the same? Isn't it probable that you were simply seeing an unfinished product?

You're claiming that the producers were honest at first when they promoted the documentary and then lying when they said they faked it. How do you pick and choose what to believe?

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 06:38 PM
I don't believe it to be real.

Now, having said that, I've read Alien Interview and the nurse who examined the one alien who survived the Roswell crash specifically described the alien (per USAF transcripts) as:

In stature and appearance the body was quite short and petite. About a 40 inches tall.
The head was disproportionately large, relative to arms, legs and torso, which where
thin. There were three "fingers" on each of two" hands" and "feet" which were
somewhat prehensile.
22 (Footnote) The head had no operational "nose" or "mouth"
or "ears". I understood that a space officer does not need these as space has no
atmosphere to conduct sound. Therefore, sound related sensory organs are not built
into the body. Nor does the body need to consume food, hence, the absence of a

Later, in her own words she says:

"When Airl finished telling me this "story", there was a long, silent pause while I
muddled through all this in my mind. Had Airl been reading science fiction books
and fantasy stories during the night? Why would she tell me something so incredibly
far-fetched? If there had not been a 40 inch tall alien, with gray "skin", and three
fingers on each hand and foot
sitting directly across from me, I would not have
believed a single word of it!

So now you must decide if Lawrence Spencer was telling the truth and there really is a former USAF nurse who was stationed at Roswell named Matilda O'Donnell Macelroy. Or does he just author really good books.

Alien Interview (Source)
edit on 13-1-2011 by Califemme because: link added

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 07:12 PM
reply to post by Arbitrageur

LOL touche. I was referring to the thread title, my mistake

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 07:58 PM
Who agrees that those people who said they created the "hoax" is lying?

They are obviously hiding something or are lying about doing the video at all.

That show only helps make me think the footage is real.

They could have gotten anybody to say they faked it.

Whether it's real or not is still debatable.If it's fake it's the most realistic fake I ever seen.It should win an academy award for realism.It even has everything from the 1940's right down to the surgical instruments.

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 08:43 PM
reply to post by GodIsPissed

It's not hard to make a video black and white and get a few surgical instruments.

edit on 13-1-2011 by apodictic because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 03:01 AM
reply to post by GodIsPissed

you know if someone wants to belive something so badly they will throw all reason out the window.

I could to tell you the telephone prop in the background is not from the 1940s.
I could tell you the "surgeons" in the autopsy dont steady the scissors with 1 index finger along the blade like all surgeons do.
I could tell you santilli point blank refused to provide 1 frame of original film for testing when he was claiming the film was authentic.

But i'd probably be wasting my time. Why dont you just go with their "restoration" story? is it becuase youve believed for so long the film to be real and dont want to admit your wrong?

edit on 14-1-2011 by yeti101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 08:46 AM
reply to post by yeti101

No it's because the guys who said they made the hoax is lying.

That's what makes me believe it's real.

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 09:01 AM

Originally posted by Arbitrageur

Originally posted by apodictic
Question. Why is "proof" and "may" in the same sentence?
You should have at least one answer to that since you did it!

If you're talking about someone else's sentence it might help to use the quote feature (like I used for your sentence), or some other means to point us to the sentence you're asking about.

*points up to the thread title*

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 10:01 AM
reply to post by GodIsPissed

Whether it's real or not is still debatable.If it's fake it's the most realistic fake I ever seen.It should win an academy award for realism.It even has everything from the 1940's right down to the surgical instruments.

The Academy awards dramatic excellence, so let's look at this little scene in dramatic terms. I'll set it up for you:

A Four Star General is addressing a team of top scientists.

General: Gentlemen, this is the most important event in the history of mankind. The craft we shot down tonight is so advanced that it is almost certainly not of this world. It's occupants look nearly human but oddly distorted. Your first objective will be to determine if these poor fellahs are Russkies that have been mutated in some way by the craft's propulsion system or if they are what they appear to be... creatures from another planet!

Murmurs of shock and excitement.

General: (Continuing): I don't need to tell you how important the work you are about to do is to the security not only of our great country, but the entire planet. Until proven otherwise, we must assume that these aliens are hostile, and that this craft was the scout for what could prove to be a vast invasion fleet armed with superior technology. It is vital that we learn everything we can about what makes them tick! To be blunt, if we're gonna have to kill them, we gotta know what keeps them alive. What kind of air do they breathe? How do they breathe it? How does their nervous system work? Will our nerve gas work on them? What type of muscles do they have? Are they stronger than us? Their eyes: what frequencies do they see? Can we blind them or cloak ourselves from them? We need to know where all their vital organs are, what they do, how they relate to one another. God help us, one day our infantry boys may have to go hand to hand with them, and we need to know where a rifle butt will do the most damage. Doctors, the future of our world may depend on whether we're able to kick these b@$7@r>s in the balls. Your mission is to find those balls... if they've got any!



Shaky, hand held camera work. Two guys in white suits, their mouths covered so we can't read their lips, hover over a dead alien. They point at random parts of the alien. Whenever the camera moves in for a closer look at what the doctors are pointing at, it goes completely out of focus, or has exposure difficulties. There is no sketch artist documenting the procedure, or still photographer. The shaky, out of focus motion picture camera is the only record. To one side, someone takes notes, but makes no attempt to weigh or examine the blobs of goop being presented to him. What is he writing down exactly?

Here's a clue: if this were a real alien dissection, you would see a lot more of this sort of thing going on:


posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 10:14 AM
reply to post by GodIsPissed

ok what about the telephone in the background.

Its actually more subtle than the entire telephone its to do with the coiled cord attached. The phone itself was from the 1940s but in the 1940s it would have had a straight cord attached to it. The coiled cord was invented in the 1950s. The reason was becuase straight cords broke frequently.

How can you have a coiled cord on a telephone in 1947 when the coiled cord wasnt even invented until the 1950s?

Did someone time travel back to 1947 and attach a coiled cord? or did santilli & co source the prop in modern times which had the cord replaced with a coiled one becuase the straight one had broken?
edit on 14-1-2011 by yeti101 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 11:25 AM
reply to post by GodIsPissed

Now you went and done it. You just opened up a major can of worms.

If Santilli said some real original frames were used in the film, which are those? Can somebody point those out please?

posted on Jan, 14 2011 @ 11:51 PM
reply to post by Unknown Origin

That's what I don't understand.

That's what makes me believe there is something they are hiding.How can they not know which parts are real and which weren't.

Just the fact they said some parts were real would be proof the alien was real and more then likely the same alien from the Roswell crash.

Why wasn't there no footage of the making of?

So if you guys think they created that video then you must believe there was a real alien?

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