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Symbolism: Why?!

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posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 04:36 PM
First, let me apologize. I am at work and I know myself well, I would be distracted if I attempted to make this thread at home and not on my cell phone, however I didn't want to forget.

The purpose of this thread is to ask a question, before doing so I wanted to share nformation that has led me to propose this question, although I cannot, which is the reason for my earlier apology.

So here's my attempt to do so without many links. Over the years I've read up on how the Music and Movie Industry has made victims from celebrities to us, the people. Also for a few days now I've been reading up on MKUltra and it's sub-project Monarch.

After reading this article from another ATSer, which I find to be the best organized example(that I've found) of music highlighting Illuminati symbolism and the method of making a child dissociative and susceptible to mind control.Paramore's Brick By Boring Brick Analysis

This article has led me to an even stronger belief that there indeed is something nefarious and suspicious going on behind the entertainment industry. However, what I want to know, what I want to ask is:

What reason is there to expose secret symbolism to a society that knows next to nothing of what these symbols even mean?

I have read a bit on Alan Watt and "Predictive Programming" however that's a method used in movies that suggest, whatever type of change that is coming to society is exposed and hinted in movie's to condition society and ease the change without people becoming too conscience and resistant.

I can consider that plausible in Hollywood, even so in the Music Videos in the Music Industry. Although, in music and in symbolism that exposes methods like mind control, what's the point? For instance, the Jay Z connection to Illuminati? Why expose yourself??

Occam's razor leads me to believe that in situations where symbolism portrays methods of mind control, is that they are trying to expose these methods and expose the corruption, as opposed to situations where symbolism fits along the lines of "Predictive Programming". Then that leads you to question:

HOW are you able to let these symbols that do not advocate the Illuminati agenda and to wake up the populace, under the the Elite's noses? HOW would the populace know what the symbols mean without a guide or legend? Would it be faith in the hands of bloggers and truther's who portray these possible messages that attempt to liberate us as sinister Illuminati agendas?

I do not know, the closer one gets and the more answers found, the more questions one has.

Here are several answers that I've read or thought of, what is that you think or can add?

1) Awakening the sheep to questionable agendas.
A) Why did the Illuminati allow this to be exposed if it wasn't their intention?
B) How would the sheep know what is being exposed?

2) To flaunt their power or humor purposes.
A) Wouldn't that be dangerous to themselves?
B) Isn't that too much effort just to flaunt or get a good laugh?

3) ATSer Hidden_Hand claims to be an Elite and says that they expose upcoming false flag operations, to abide by the law of the creator, that they had informed you before hand.
A) As much as I enjoyed the alternative logic Hidden_Hand suggests, it raises many questions.

4) It is a requirement by the Illuminati for black magic and satanic rituals, to empower their operations.
A) One thing I absolutely despise when reading up on anything to do Illuminati, is the need to connect them to Satan. Its not that I don't believe in magic, however why must you jump the gun and accuse everything to be sinister? Any symbol portrayed as Illuminati is labeled outright Satanic. Why can't the Illuminatti believe in a benevolent force, except we perceive their beliefs as perverse? Anyway I digress.
B) To play Devil's advocate (pun intended), I would say the power behind an individual believing in a symbol gives power to it. Then using this powerful symbol in rituals (which I believe are given power to them, like placebo effects) to manifest powerful magic.

5) This just came to me as I wrote these down. It's said triggers exist in Mind controlled victims to activate a multiple personality for an agenda. Maybe the symbolism is to be some type of trigger for a mkultra victim or for an affiliated illuminati agency?
A) I think its a bit far-out there, due to, how would the Illuminati know their desired target is viewing their message?

In conclusion, I believe there is a purpose behind the symbolism we see everyday, however, WHY?!

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 05:00 PM
In my opinion, and I have been looking into this stuff for many years so I'm no newbie.

But my opinion is that they honestly believe these symbols hold some sort of magic power or mean something.

But in reality I could draw any shape and it doesn't mean anything. I can apply whatever meanings I want to it arbitrarily and make up any reasoning I want to justify the symbolic meaning.

And there is no such thing as "magic", it is merely the reaction people have to something they have no understanding of.

So, since magic isn't real and symbols have no true meaning (you can give symbols any ridiculous meanings you want to ascribe to them); the purpose of widespread symbolism in our society is basically going to boil down to "leaving your mark" (I wuz here 1987 - me) stuff like that.

There may also be a subliminal message aspect to it, but I am unaware of the specifics on that aspect.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 07:07 PM
reply to post by Thekid90

In some Nepalese traditions, which were heavily investigated by the Nazi's, there is a theory that when focus is placed upon an object it can give it power.

Ninja would use certain words which they associated with certain things, i.e. if you associated a certain word with healing yourself, saying that word would cause the association in your mind to being healing for example. Much like cheering yourself or your team on. Creating a mindset through association.

It is not important to them whether or not the target audience understands what they're seeing or whether they believe. If something is real it's real irrespective of belief. You might believe dolphins are not real, doesn't mean they are actually non-existant.

Either that or someone with a passing interest in secret societies is making their work arty by adding in their favourite research hobby to their videos

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 10:39 PM
reply to post by Thekid90

Shadow made several good points on the post immediately above:

Either that or someone with a passing interest in secret societies is making their work arty by adding in their favourite research hobby to their videos

Absolutely. Especially as it reaches a broader segment of society with the internet. Just like the whole Madonna/ Qaballah thing a few years back. To be sure, some of the symbolism along this lines is done quite naively and is quite faddish. It's an interesting feedback loop though to think that some of what has propelled it into faddishness is the more intentional use of the symbolism. Some use of symbolism (though not necessarily in this aspect) is also used for positive intentions (symbols are neither positive or negative, it is their use that determines that.)


there is a theory that when focus is placed upon an object it can give it power.

Where focus goes energy flows. That's the real "secret" behind The Secret. Here's were it starts to get deeper and more interesting, because symbols are powerful on many levels. They are essentially dense vibrational packages of information (again neither + or -) that, because they are delivered in a visual manner, are basically hyper-downloads into our subconscious. Also, because they are archetypal in the collective consciousness, we don't need to consciously know what they are or what they are about to have them effect us. It can be a way of programming us, but context is everything, how it's presented and with what, and for what reason or agenda determines its +/- balance. Even there, my use of symbols communicated positive or negative in a succinct and clear way without having to use the words. As to power in focus, that is why the "symbolism" of terrorist false flags such as 9/11 (and, I believe, Tucson) is on every news channel all the time, to charge it up even more giving the ritual more power (in the case of these issues with a lot of fear and strong emotion.)

4) It is a requirement by the Illuminati for black magic and satanic rituals, to empower their operations. A) One thing I absolutely despise when reading up on anything to do Illuminati, is the need to connect them to Satan. Its not that I don't believe in magic, however why must you jump the gun and accuse everything to be sinister? Any symbol portrayed as Illuminati is labeled outright Satanic. Why can't the Illuminatti believe in a benevolent force, except we perceive their beliefs as perverse? Anyway I digress. B) To play Devil's advocate (pun intended), I would say the power behind an individual believing in a symbol gives power to it. Then using this powerful symbol in rituals (which I believe are given power to them, like placebo effects) to manifest powerful magic.

Here is the second important aspect of symbols-their existence as vibration. This is kind of an extension of the information packet aspect. Esoteric symbols, such as the kind we are talking about, have been used for thousands of years in the mystery schools that protected and transmitted deeper truths about our universe as a way of communicating those truths in information dense (to the initiate) yet hidden (to the outsider) ways. The universe (and consequently everything including us) is built on sacred geometry that can be expressed numerically-these numbers carry particular vibrations, which is the essence of numerology and the reason why numbers like 3, 33, 13, 11, and 7 among others are often repeated symbols in occult rituals.So not only do these symbols carry the vibration of the complex ideas they are used to represent, they also carry the vibration of the particular number correspondence. They have power regardless, but focusing on them by putting them out in the public arena, and/or through the intentional design of the ritual (which in itself is just a word to describe intentional manipulation of subtle energies) gives the symbol more power.

The fact that rituals are used in black magick and by the Illuminati, does not make them Satanic per se. It's an over simplification based on most peoples understanding of Satanism. They actually worship Lucifer as the light bringer as the Luciferian spirit was the one that induced the knowledge of good and evil (and thus our world of duality.) It goes a lot deeper than that of course, but that is the broad sketch. The bottom line though is that you can tell a tree by its fruit-is this ritual and symbolism used for service to others or service to self for the purposes of power and control? I think you only have to look around at our world right now and the "elite" levels of our societies to have a very clear idea of the answer. But you are very correct when it comes to the point that an individual believing in something is ultimately what gives it it's power. That's why I often tell people when I talk about this sort of thing, "It doesn't matter if you believe in black magick, only that they do," (they being in this case the Illuminati.) And as far as magick goes, it is simply the intentional manipulation of the subtle (but no less real) energy fields through vibrational means.

Also, I believe that sometimes symbols can be and are used to trigger already implanted programming for mind control victims. They would know their desired target will view the desired message because they already programmed in a desire to watch a particular show or movie, were that to be the case. I believe the predictive programming and softening for false flags are also part of the agenda for the use of symbolism. That's the first I heard of the "abiding by the law of the creator" aspect, but that makes sense (like when the news makes an isolated report about something of importance-like some of the news reports right after 9/11 or Oklahoma City and then you never hear about it again except on the fringes.)

But, to the point, symbols are powerful because they are dense downloads of vibrational information delivered directly to our subconscious mind. Anything else is just intent. It works and is powerful because symbols holographically communicate the holographic nature of the universe. Take the symbol of the cross for example. A powerful symbol for many to be sure. To the Christians it is the means of their saviors sacrifice, but it is so much more. It's an image that has been sacred to cultures across the world throughout history. Among it's many representations: the masculine/feminine principle (the vertical and horizontal lines respectively), the four directions, in the case of the ankh especially-the movement of energy, the four elements (earth, air, fire, and water), the second cell division in the development of life, and those are just the ones off the top of my head. Symbols are powerful for all of these reasons, and short of telepathy, are among the purist of ways to communicate (in regards to the fact that those methods are shorter, denser, and less confusion prone-as opposed to communicating in words.)

edit on 12-1-2011 by coyotepoet because: spelling and grammar

edit on 13-1-2011 by coyotepoet because: last paragraph

posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 12:40 AM
And, in perfect timing, I found this video of rapper B.o.B.'s "The Watchers". It covers many of the themes of symbolism discussed in this thread (and gives another example of a layer of cross symbolism.) It is anti-Illuminati (not to be confused with musician Inti-Illimani) and goes all meta in talking about the use of symbolism by the entertainment industry. Well worth 3 minutes.

posted on Feb, 2 2011 @ 07:49 AM
Very very informative posts, I've only skimmed through some and its sucha shame I took so long to come back here. I will be back shortly for a more respectful reply.

posted on Feb, 7 2011 @ 05:32 PM
reply to post by coyotepoet

Your explanations are very acute. l myself use the power of meme symbols to re-programme my mind when I perform chaos magick. The altered state allows better insight when conducting specific rituals and casting spells. Illuminati symbolism is used alot in todays mass media because its effective to the core even if you know its there and understand its power and meaning. l use it alot in my digital artwork because done in subtle steps it controls emotion. Humans constantly project their inner thoughts via shapes, colour and sound. It is the reason why the alaphabet was created and NLP is just an extra addition.

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