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Study: If Aliens Exist, They Probably Want To Destroy Us

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posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by zorgon
A look at past UFO related stuff..

Sending one ship and a small group to talk to our superiors (Val Thor et al 1959)
Meeting with one of us Adamski, Menger, Meier,

Not Friendly
Cattle Mutilations - Not Friendly
Human Abductions - Not Friendly
Anal Probes - - Not Friendly (well some may argue this one
Making deals with the PTB to trade 'specimens' for tech
DULCE type labs

Loki type Jokesters
Buzzing our Aircraft during war (Foo Fighters)
Buzzing around our skies teasing us (Critters, Orbs, Plasma balls)
Teasing Channellers with messages and leaving them out to dry

Keeping in mind also there may be existing Terrestials of non human kind. Or even Advanced humans who found out ancient secrets and are controlling for their teachers.. Those dont have to be E.T. abductions they can all possibly home made. Just a thought.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 03:40 PM

Originally posted by Ophiuchus 13

Keeping in mind also there may be existing Terrestials of non human kind. Or even Advanced humans who found out ancient secrets and are controlling for their teachers.. Those dont have to be E.T. abductions they can all possibly home made. Just a thought.

This is an integral part of the thought. They may be non human - non alien even.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 03:41 PM
reply to post by burntheships
This is nothing new,I have been looking into ufo's,and aliens,according to some we have had contact,since the 40's,and a deal was struck,they would give us some technology in exchange that we"TPTB"keep there presents secret,allow them to abduct some of our citizens for medical research purposes given that the release them back where they got them from unharmed and with no knowledge of the abduction,and suply a list of the people,they where caught braking the treaty around 1983 this is when TPTB realized that they where taking thousands more not giving a compleat list,useing some of us for "food"and putting implants in other for reasons we dont know,we do share underground bases with them,but they have taken over some as well,research the base in DULCE,NM,where 66 people were killed by the greys during a rescue mission of some of our scientist,I know it sounds crazy,but do the research and draw your own conclusions.Supposedly they were the ones that are influencing NWO types to enslave our race.just something to ponder.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 03:49 PM

Originally posted by apollo20fan
What if aliens copyrighted DNA language ?
You and all living beings you see around
are working on the DNA software...

Yes true. It seems very logical to think that if Aliens exist, they are very interested
in our DNA. Maybe even to the point of mixing our DNA with theirs.

edit on 12-1-2011 by burntheships because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 04:09 PM
S&F for the thread.

I too believe any visit from aliens before humanity is a unified species would not be peaceful but rather hostile. Why would an advanced species want to get involved in our ideologically fractured species. Does anyone really think humanity would listen to them if they said our beliefs and ways of living and governing are wrong? I wouldn't bet money on it to say the least.

The aliens home planet may be a depleted desert barely able to sustain life forcing them to live in environmentally sealed buildings. If earth was the nearest "green" planet around suited for them they may want to relocate here. There are so many star systems with no life where the resouces are free for the picking that there really is no reason to pilage a star system with life. Therefore unless they come to hold our hands and guide us on a new path, all the while telling us what stupid children we are, they are coming to take our planet for their new home, base, resort

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 04:45 PM

Originally posted by burntheships

Study: If Aliens Exist, They Probably Want To Destroy Us

When considering the prospect of alien life, humankind should prepare for the worst, according to a new study: Either we're alone, or any aliens out there are acquisitive and resource-hungry, just like us.

These two unpalatable options are pretty much the only possibilities....

British scientist Simon Conway Morris believes there are only two possibilities for alien life; either we're alone or aliens exist, and they are out to get us.
(visit the link for the full news article)

The only real importance I see in Morris's statements, is how in the world does this guy get paid for uttering such insubstantial nonsense?

There is zero data. And this twit calls himself a scientist.

If they can get here, it's a safe bet they already have. Since we are still here, I'd say aliens are just curious like we are, and not malevolent.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 04:46 PM

Originally posted by FreeSpeaker
S&F for the thread.

The aliens home planet may be a depleted desert barely able to sustain life forcing them to live in environmentally sealed buildings. If earth was the nearest "green" planet around suited for them they may want to relocate here. There are so many star systems with no life where the resouces are free for the picking that there really is no reason to pilage a star system with life. Therefore unless they come to hold our hands and guide us on a new path, all the while telling us what stupid children we are, they are coming to take our planet for their new home, base, resort

Yes...and asking this question. How could we trust them to know better than us?
What if they destroyed the planet they had, and would only do the same to earth?

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 05:03 PM

Originally posted by burntheships
Yes...and asking this question. How could we trust them to know better than us?
What if they destroyed the planet they had, and would only do the same to earth?

I think most would just assume that a species alot older than us must be wiser. That doesn't make it true though. All we can know for sure is if they come here they are more technologically advanced than us. I feel confident any space travelling species must have depleted their home planet's resources.

Step 1- Use planets resources
Step 2- Use solar systems resources
Step 3- Use new solar systems resources.

I can't really see any way around those steps for any advanced species. Even stars die naturally eventually, so whether they wrecked the planet themselves or were forced to move on because the planets life was at a end doesn't really matter in the end because their stuck with the same problem, needing a new home and new source of resources.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 05:06 PM
reply to post by FreeSpeaker

Assuming they had enough technology to travel the universe...

Assuming they did nothing bad in the past, then is there a sense of morality involved if they arrive here
and decide that finding is keeping?

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 05:07 PM
reply to post by igigi

Oh I wasn't ragging on the OP.. just joining in on the ripping of the source.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 05:08 PM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

Ah, got ya. Internets sarcasm translates well via text, doesn't it? lol

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 05:16 PM

Originally posted by centurion1211

Originally posted by harrytuttle
Any Alien civilization advanced enough to have figured out how to traverse interstellar/galactic space has learned how NOT to destroy itself. Meaning, it has learned how much of an advantage being peaceful is.

Maybe they're so far in advance over us that we seem like ants or even bacteria to them if they even noticed us. Even if you wouldn't purposely harm an ant, how many have you killed by accident (or because they were in your kitchen) in your lifetime?

Your analogy to "ants" is false on several levels. We see ants all over the place, so we don't consider them special. An ant colony in a complex environment mixed amongst many other life forms in the vicinity (generally speaking) isn't very noticeable nor interesting to us.

However, finding Earth (humans, dolphins, apes, etc.) in the lifeless void of interstellar space would be like finding an ant colony in a large, perfectly white, empty floor the size of the Canada: those ants would stand out, and you would take notice.
edit on 12-1-2011 by harrytuttle because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 05:16 PM
If aliens exist, there are undoubtedly both benevolent and malevolent civilizations in the universe.

My theory is that a hostile species never "unlocks" the technology needed to colonize other planets - so any visitors to our planet, hostile or not, would have learned the critical lesson at some point in their history.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 05:31 PM

Originally posted by burntheships
reply to post by FreeSpeaker

Assuming they did nothing bad in the past, then is there a sense of morality involved if they arrive here
and decide that finding is keeping?

As someone stated earlier somewhere on this thread, we as humans apply humans labels and concepts to things, so what if the aliens have no concept of morality, fairness, goodwill, etc etc? What if they are advanced but driven by the most basic of survival instincts? Conquer or be conqured, kill or be killed. Nature is not friendly and kills off those unfit to survive so maybe a species might look at the idea of killing us all as nothing more than a common act of nature. The strongest will survive and the loser is just another of the billions of failed lifeforms.

Until we meet them they can be anywhere on the benevolent/malevolent scale. Too many possibilites to know anything in advance.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 06:36 PM
reply to post by FreeSpeaker


That is an idea to be considered. Advanced in one facet of "life" but not all.
Reminds me of District 9.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 06:57 PM
Yes I would expect civil wars and rebellions and other types of things to be found in random sample alien civ's history books.

They would have to try things that don't work to find out what does work, so to speak.

But instead of a 5,000 year long book, like ours on Earth, any race advanced enough to visit us from afar would have something more like a 300,000 year old history hologram display thing. Or 30 million years old. There's no telling.

But it would certainly be full of wild events in the history of their development as a species.

However keep in mind that 'no one is perfect', and that no matter how advanced technology becomes, everyone makes mistakes and things go wrong often. Anything that can go wrong, will.

So they have problems like we do.

The "harvest theory" posted above is possible, and it would involve malevolent aliens in it's plot.

However the "genocide destroy earth theory" is extremely unlikely and really absurd because we are still in fact alive and not dead yet. Every minute we are left alive allows us to advance and form some sort of defense capability. It just doesn't make much sense.

I don't know, maybe aliens created humans for one purpose only. To advance and become good warriors so that they could either 1) put us in their armies or 2) come kill us one day for sport.
But both of those seem somewhat unlikely because they could just clone us in a lab and kill us that way, or they could get one of us and clone them to make an army. Also, an android army with their tech level is probably far superior to any organic type of beings anyhow.

So yeah no matter which way I try to make the genocide theory work it just isn't working out too well. So I have to reject it as being a likely possibility. It is highly unlikely, it seems.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 07:03 PM
Intestesting comments.
For the record, I dont buy it that humans were created by Aliens.

If they exist...
If they could create humans once they could do it again.
And again and again.

So if they needed something to eat, or if they needed a human to procreate, why travel the universe lookin
for them. That part of the whole alien story has never made sense.

If they need us they did not create us...unless they just need us to keep them company and happy.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 08:37 PM
reply to post by burntheships

You don't want to meet them with guns blazing eater

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 08:45 PM
The ET's we are in contact with are parasitic and highly manipulative.

Ask the black military about aliens.

Dig deep or your just another sheep.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 08:51 PM

Originally posted by Mayura
The ET's we are in contact with are parasitic and highly manipulative.

Ask the black military about aliens.

Dig deep or your just another sheep.

you gotta tell me which black op military person you have been talking to before you start calling people sheep.

no offense but if this is just something you read or some video you watched and you buy straight into it without any kind of proof, what then does that make you?

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