Ironically the reptiles in prehistoric times survived the mass extinction of we have a reptile escaping the great flood in Aussyland
=) Coincidence???
Great story, thanks for the post!!!
edit on 13-1-2011 by Skywatcher2011 because: added S&F
This reminds me of the snake from japan who befriended the mouse that was put in his tank to eat but for some strange reason they got along. wait it was a hamster
edit on 13-1-2011 by JDofENGLAND because: added content
What a stunning picture! Its very strange that some animals actully work together to survive in the worst of times instead of eating each other.
Usually the snake would attack the frog but, it didn't and that is remarkable. What a good way to work together to escape those floods.It seems like
the snake actully wants to survive rather then eat the frog.
edit on 13-1-2011 by keelan55 because: (no reason given)
Shame humans dont follow suit.
The way im seeing things is that if its not happening to me who's arsed mindset?
Seperated by invisible boundaries and borders where what happens elsewhere is overlooked.
We as a species are NOT pulling together on a global scale.!!
... and the difference between animals and people is that the frog is keeping his mouth shut, because if he started b!tch!%^ about the ride, I'd eat