posted on Jan, 13 2011 @ 02:14 AM
Perhaps it's all good and awesome for todays standards. But todays standards are atrociously low.
Heavy Rain is weak as a story, most especially compare to a number of Story Based games that have come out a while back.
If there's "really nothing like it", then you haven't played enough or missed out.
Don't get me wrong, its good. There's nothing wrong with liking it ALOT either, however when it boils down to the barebones of what makes up Heavy
Rain... it comes down to the fact that it's heavily missing a lasting impact.
Anyone who's played games like Xenogears, Planescape Torment, Final Fantasy 4&6, Nier, Legacy of Kain, etc. can all attest to how much the plot and
characters are lacking for most of today's "story based games" such as Final Fantasy 13. (which was terrible was well) And while Heavy Rain is a
great first time experience, it's certainly not worthy of a timeless one.
It's terribly generic but its certainly better than its competitor Alan Wake. Just put to pieces together and you'll guess the ending. Hopefully you
didn't put $60's worth on something that was better off a rental.