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John Kerry - priorities, priorities!

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posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 09:17 AM
Plenty of people are talking about the fundraiser concernt held for John Kerry yesterday. Dave Matthews was there, so was Whoopi Goldberg, John Bon Jovi, Chevy Chase, Paul Newman .... the list goes on.
Sen. Kerry raked in $7.5 million dollars for his campaign.

He also appeared on Larry King Live.
Larry inquired about the recently revealed terror threats and asked for his views.
Sen. Kerry couldn't say much about them; "Well, I haven't been briefed yet, Larry. They have offered to brief me. I just haven't had time."

....because he was at a concert.

I can't be the only one bothered by priorities like this, can I?


posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 09:29 AM
Well, hmmm... Bush is out there fundraising just like Kerry is. Bush was just in North Carolina a day or two ago, as a matter of fact. I'm sure he raked in plenty. As usual.

Let's be honest. I think Bush fans just cant stand the fact that the only celebs cheering for Bush are pure snoozers and losers. So Kerry jammed and raised a lotta denero. Big deal. Bush betta watch out. Kerry's supporters are ampin' it up big-time. Jam on!

As for Kerry's comment or lack of, that was simply the smart thing for him to say. Besides, it's nothing more than BushCo.'s pathetic attempt to scare people back into their "correct" voting mindset. The only way they have a chance in hell of winning is through scaring the hell out of everybody.

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 09:29 AM
He seems to focus more on the economy then security issues. I have not seen him talk about the security of america that much. Its not like they didnt offer to brief him but he thought raising money was more important.You think he would make the time.

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 09:30 AM
No, you aren't the only one.

Maybe they should have briefed him on his ski trip? Or on his visit to the Hamptons? Heck, why not even do it on his personal jet while flying around the country?

Guess he is too busy milking suckers for money to bother with things like national security.

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 09:34 AM
Read the current Democratic party platform. It's in there.

I don't know who I will vote for, or even if I will at all. I don't think that Kerry would be any worse than Bush on security. Just because someone is a Democrat does not mean they're weak on security/defense. That's just a stupid assumption. I mean, think about it: Bush was in the National Guard during war - at home. Kerry was out there fighting - literally - with his hands (a time or two) in 'Nam. Who in their right mind would think Bush would be better equipt at 'protecting' us from the enemy? Personally, I'd feel much better with someone in office whose actually been there and done it.

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 09:37 AM
It just goes to show you that we have the super duper privelege of choosing between these two FABULOUS men for the leadership position of our nation. WOOHOO! Wow, is this the best America has to offer? Not hardly, but again, presidents aren't about the best anymore, just who has the most money and who can promise things to the most people regardless of whether they make good on those promises. Oh, and did I mention money??????

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 09:50 AM
Well Moore makes a big deal about Bush being on vacation for however long in Fahrenheit 9/11, but does everyone forget that Kerry has been absent for many major votes in the Senate, nevermind he's missed something like 46% of his time there (I'm sure these facts aren't totally correct, don't flame me =/ ).

I don't know where Kerry's priorities lay. In the mess of the world that we live in now (and the mess that BushCo have made of it) we need to focus on national security, but apparently he cares more about what famous people support him.

Personally I could care less about this:

I think Bush fans just cant stand the fact that the only celebs cheering for Bush are pure snoozers and losers.

If you honestly care about what celebrities cheer for what candidates I can honestly call you a moron.

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 09:54 AM
Hey this isn't simply Bush vs. Kerry. When one votes, one votes for a complete party in office, national security team, economics team, certain fundamental philosophical positions, the whole works. I like Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rice et. al., they have squarely confronted the issues of these times. I know what I have in them. Who knows what the "Johns" are all about, I really havn't heard any concrete information on how they intend to deal with the issues of these times. I hear much criticism of Bush, but little in the way of real answers to the situations which confront the current administration.

It is quite alarming Scarey Kerry seems oblivious to the fact we are at war, and hasn't the time to be briefed on the security situation facing the United States, hmmmmmmmmm, cast your vote for this man, but drop your drawers first......

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 10:02 AM
Celebrities....Gotta love em huh! Most have dropped out of highschool or barely have a GED, but all are experts in politics. The bottom line with them is that it's not cool to be pro Bush, or pro America, or anything that requires a moral stand on things. So, the general public follows the rest of Hollywood like sheep because they want to be cool like them. It's sad how much pull the hollywood community has on things like this. But, oh well, as long as Susan Sarandon keeps pumping out those great films, I'll vote for whoever she tells me to.

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 10:08 AM

Originally posted by Banshee

He also appeared on Larry King Live.
Larry inquired about the recently revealed terror threats and asked for his views.
Sen. Kerry couldn't say much about them; "Well, I haven't been briefed yet, Larry. They have offered to brief me. I just haven't had time."

....because he was at a concert.

I can't be the only one bothered by priorities like this, can I?


I think he may of trying to be polite. Does anyone really believe these terrorists threats anymore? He couldn't just say, "Ashcroft is full of BS, scaring the public during an election year." So he has to be a little more tactful.

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 11:14 AM

Originally posted by curme
I think he may of trying to be polite. Does anyone really believe these terrorists threats anymore? He couldn't just say, "Ashcroft is full of BS, scaring the public during an election year." So he has to be a little more tactful.

I'm sure that's what he wanted to say. I mean, c'mon. These Orwellian tactics BushCo. are using are so transparent it's ridiculous. Just look at the timing. Kerry announces his running mate and is getting lots of press. Then Presto! Here comes Ridge & Asscroft on cue to warn everybody and to steal back the spotlight.

Here's the deal. Al-CIAda's planning their black op to (try and) save Bush's a$$ and Bush's little yes-men are all out there tellin' us we need to be very, very afraid.. cuz they KNOW something's gonna happen.. sometime between now and the election.. cuz Bin Laden and his fellow cave-pimp warriors want to (and this one's rich) disrupt our electoral process! That one's totally laughable. The only folks interested in that would be Dubya, Dick and the boys. Think about it. Please. Big bomb goes boom. Scares the hell out of everyone. Bush postpones the election (because he CANNOT get re-Selected) and he makes it indefinite. How very convenient, eh? The people won't even get a chance to throw him out.

You don't have to be an intel operative or expert in poli/sci to figure this BS out. It's so simple, it's absurd. The fools in this administration have deluded themselves into thinking that Americans are too dumb to see through this crap.

It's time to prove them wrong and show them the door. "Terra" attack or no "terra" attack.

[edit on 19-09-2003 by EastCoastKid]

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 11:28 AM
Kerry has raised a whole lotta dough, nothing really wrong with that. I am more concerned of what he will do for this country. This guy has flip-flopped more than a fish out of water.

Oh yeah, he has been on vacation a lot as well. Those stats are not that far off on his attendance in the Senate.

Here is a Republican holding him at gunpoint to get his stance on some important issues.

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 11:51 AM
Bush has spent some 40-something percent of his time in office on vacation. A presidential record, at least in the modern age. So much for his fight against terra.

But then again.. I guess it doesn't matter.. Cheney's back in the undisclosed location running the show.

As for Kerry raising money.. uh, that's what they're both doing. It's called a campaign. Bushies can't stand it cuz Kerry's raising money hand-over-fist; and b/c their slam Kerry ads that they've blown so much dough on aren't working. Can't you hear that giant FLUSH.. all that good money goin down it? I can. I think it's hilarious.

As for the previous poster calling all those entertainers names like ignorant.. that's simply not true. It's also regurged rhetoric. I'm sure Rush "druggie hypocrit" Limbaugh planted that little kernal of BS into your brain. Sean Penn, who is very against what this administration is doing is NOT stupid or illinformed, not by a longshot, neither is Sarandon or Tim Robbins or Martin Sheen or Natalie Maines. They are citizens who care about the direction our country is headed and they are involved. That's more than I can say for a multitude of average everyday voters.

Lose the rhetoric and try a little creativity. Then someone other than your uninformed choir your preachin' to might listen.

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 11:51 AM
personally Kerry is no better than Bush, in this election Nader is my choice. Kerry is just the more popular option, because people are realizing that we need a change from the Bush Administration and turning to the democratic option...but Kerry is going to be criticized just as much as Bush currently is, when he gets elected.

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 11:53 AM
and in less than two weeks we'll find out that Bush is crying wolf again as the poor bastard continues his sink in the polls. That's all it is. Al Quaida won't attack us, why would the CIA/Mossad attack here again before the election anyway, unless they all want to get laid off buy Kerry.

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 11:57 AM
I was just telling someone last night that if Gore had been sitting in the Oval office on 9-11, he too, would have passed the Patriot Act. (At least to appear strong and in control.) Though, I'm sure he would've allowed congress to adjust it and renew it from time to time. Kerry would do the same. So there, there is no difference. The difference is that BushCo. knew what was going on and allowed it to happen for political reasons. It was a coup de tat.

I cringe to think what kind of BS will go down under a Kerry administration. And I'm not suggesting he'd be involved or have foreknowledge.

The most important difference between Bush and Kerry is the NeoCon influence. Whatever happens, the traitorous and criminally insane NeoCons have GOT to GO!

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 11:59 AM

and in less than two weeks we'll find out that Bush is crying wolf again as the poor bastard continues his sink in the polls. That's all it is. Al Quaida won't attack us, why would the CIA/Mossad attack here again before the election anyway, unless they all want to get laid off buy Kerry.

Yes warning people about threats to their safety is just a ploy to gain 2% points in polls? Last time I checked starting a war or making a speech would deliver a good 2% not uneccesarily raising everyones fears.

And was it the CIA or the MOssad, you conspiracy theorists can never make up your minds.

Were you probed or raped?

Was it the Mossad or CIA?

Oswalt was a sleeper or the CIA shot JFK?

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 12:08 PM
ECK, I can only think that you must live in La or close by, cause why else would you wanna defend those hollywood phony's? I was making the comment that celebrities are generally very uneducated in the field of politics and will say whatever is popular enough to keep people interested in them, yet for some reason the sheople continue to let them sway thier opinions. And I don't need idiots like Rush to tell me these things, I'm a bit more creative than that and can come up with my own opinions. But, the same could be said for you and the same old boring Bush bashing rhetoric you spew everytime you post.
And by the way, I'm not supporting Bush and will not vote for him, so there goes whatever theories you had about my stance on politics. If I vote, I'll vote for the candidate who wants the least amt government involvement in our lives.

[edit on 9-7-2004 by mpeake]

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 12:17 PM
I hate to disappoint you, but I live in the Carolinas. Hardly a bastion of liberalism. I do have a cousin who lives in a beautiful home in the canyons down the road from Patrick Swayze, though.

posted on Jul, 9 2004 @ 12:21 PM
Dissapointed? No. Still don't understand why you take it upon yourself to defend them though.

Look, the bottom line here is I don't have a problem with people hating or loving Bush. He has done enough damage to himself that nobody will say anything to me that will sway my opinion of him. I just can't stand when someone will watch Entertainment TV in order to find out who thier gonna vote for. It's ignorrant!

[edit on 9-7-2004 by mpeake]

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