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Soros vs 13 Illuminati Bloodlines; Rise of the Anti-Christ

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posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 11:18 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

I use a lot for my job in sales to get contact names, and for the heck of it today i typed in John Wheeler into the search box. The search came back with about 10 pages' worth of guys names John Wheeler. On page 4 , the top listed John Wheeler shows he is from The DC area and is a Strategic Planner/ Program Manager @ the Navy Intl' Programs Office in D.C.

What's really wierd, is that if you keep going to Page 7 of the John Wheelers, 1/2 way down the page it says "John Wheeler I'm after you" and the profession of the person who created the linkedin profile is supposedly a Navy Seal from Houston, TX

Also got a strange hit when I did a search on Gabrielle Giffords - Look at the Summary list for the 2nd person who pops up, Her Policy Advisor from D.C.

Comments welcome - Cheers

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 11:20 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by FatherLukeDuke
Why would a person worth billions be doing this? Is he actually out there in his pin-stripe suit stuffing corpses with opium?

of course he is not stuffing the bodies himself,
his CIA goons and contractors do it for him.
This is one of the main reasons why the
CIA funds the opposition with weapons
and explosives for IED's. More dead
soldiers coming home, means more
drugs make it to the states.
It's a business.

But we are getting off topic here

edit on 1/12/2011 by boondock-saint because: (no reason given)

And you obviously have hard evidence for that, right? Not just random accusations Beck shoved down your throat, right?

Let me guess, Soros is also using the CIA to poison the soldiers' food so they die faster and he can ship over more drugs...right? For crying out loud, this whole theory is so crazy, it could come from loons like that Tucson shooter. What's next, wanna take a gun to the Tides foundation too?

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 11:28 AM

Originally posted by MrXYZ
And you obviously have hard evidence for that, right? Not just random accusations Beck shoved down your throat, right?

are you getting paid for every instance
you use the word Beck ???

None of the OP in this thread has ANY
Beck connection at all. So why are
you using Beck's name ?

it is ur lame way of derailing this thread.

this is the very reason why so many
great ATS users have left this board.
They get attacked every time they
post a thread.

And sad to say, it's still happening.
I'm so glad I have more tolerance
than the avg. else I would be gone
as well. But that is exactly what
ur bosses would love. So i think,
I'll stick around for a bit longer

And to even try to connect me to
the Tucson event is way out of bounds
in my opinion. I am not mentally

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 11:30 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
The Illuminati bloodline is so intermingled
in the CIA that it's hard to tell where the
CIA stops and the Illuminati begins.

And you have difficulty knowing where reality stops and dreamy dreamy world begins.

of course he is not stuffing the bodies himself,
his CIA goons and contractors do it for him.
This is one of the main reasons why the
CIA funds the opposition with weapons
and explosives for IED's. More dead
soldiers coming home, means more
drugs make it to the states.

This stuff is just offensive boon. Back it up with hard evidence or take it down.

For a start, if the CIA were really up to this stuff they would just stick tons of the stuff in lorries and boats like everyone else.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 11:31 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

It's not an attack, I'm just asking for credible evidence...because without it, the content of this thread is crap and 100% useless. You obviously don't want to provide evidence as you simply don't bother backing up all the accusations you posted just 2-3 posts ago

Drugs in dead soldiers' bodies

Seriously, where are you finding comedy like that?

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 11:31 AM
these days things are so crazy.The Lebanese Government fell today. Your story is a read for sure. And I dont know so much about the 13 so my impression is You are just a bit outside...I have to say my opinion is that the true Deceiver is Religion Today. Oh so corrupt.So powerful. Wars fought,Races wiped out......hummmm, it is tempting to want to know who or what power will emerge and the 21st century Murderer of the to get to 500,000,000 somehow...I for one have my hand up to be part of the 500,000,000

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 11:34 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Searching for the anti-Christ?
Perhaps don't stray too far from the nest?
A golden child?
One who seems not like the rest?
Cares about the environment and wants to 'Save the World'?
Appears on stage after crossing the oceans on a glass-like boat*,
the abstract conception of walking on water?

*as UV breaks up most plastics, and creates the great soup in the ocean,
his choice of bottles would hopefully be UV resistant would it not?
It would be his shield from the Light?

yes Boondock, i may be stretching it, but tis fun.
And the Forbes 1000 will be God's hit list

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 11:36 AM

Originally posted by MrXYZ
It's not an attack, I'm just asking for credible evidence...because without it, the content of this thread is crap and 100% useless.

damn man,
r u blind ????
this is the third time
I am stating that some of this
stuff cannot be corroborated
therefore asking for evidence
is purely derailing the interpretation
of the thread.

I refuse to respond to ur posts anymore.
U r being ignored as usual from here on out.

best wishes

good bye and good riddance to you

I will however respond to others who post
in a respectful manner with legitimate

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 11:39 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

So you're admitting this thread is a work of FICTION. All good then

Funny how you pretend someone asking for evidence of your accusations is somehow the same as someone attacking you. I guess saying you won't reply anymore is the clearest sign that you're out of real arguments. It's all good though, this is a public forum so even if you don't respond anymore, I can still comment on the hogwash you post

My guess is the same thing will happen as with the thread in your sig. You'll post a bunch of accusations, get proven wrong, then you will try to change the subject and eventually will end it in a great "I won't post here anymore" before starting a similar thread a week later

edit on 12-1-2011 by MrXYZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 11:43 AM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by network dude
could you explain the Illuminati to me.

no offense here,
but the scope of that question
is far too large to be addressed
in this thread. With a lil research
here on ATS and on the net, you
can find the info u seek.

I think you missed the point of my question. I have done a good bit of research into the Illuminati. What I have found is vastly different than what you are portraying in this thread. hence, my question. If you do some research and come up with a different theory, let me know.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 11:48 AM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Come on. This is just all made up B.S.
The guy found in a landfill was the master handler of the shooter in AZ you say?
Who was handling him for the week or so after Wheeler died?
No one because it's completely retarded. This is just completely made up mad man ramblings.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 11:49 AM

Originally posted by GogoVicMorrow
reply to post by boondock-saint

Come on. This is just all made up B.S.
The guy found in a landfill was the master handler of the shooter in AZ you say?
Who was handling him for the week or so after Wheeler died?
No one because it's completely retarded. This is just completely made up mad man ramblings.

Be careful, you're apparently not allowed to criticize the OP or ask for evidence. This isn't a discussion thread, it's more of a fictional thread mixed in with some preaching. No facts required here

Threads like this make me angry, especially given what just happened in Tucson. It's stuff like this, crazy theories that people don't even bother backing up by facts (hell, boon stated he doesn't care about facts), that make crazy lunatics like the Tucson shooter take a gun and go wild. Or the guy who targeted the Tides foundation. All based on completely random, baseless, non-researched accusations by a couple of brainwashed sheep!! So sad!
edit on 12-1-2011 by MrXYZ because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 11:58 AM
I think Soros is just cannon fodder for them.
Let him-play his games.

They have been planning this for years and years,
they are not going to give the top job to an outsider.

what about David Rothschild Jr? See my earlier post re DRJr

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 12:06 PM
reply to post by MrXYZ

Yeah.. I hate the all encompassing theory where every single thing that happens gets tacked to the bottom of the worst novel anyone has ever scanned. I scanned by the way, since this is boondock what was Assange's roll in all this?

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 12:09 PM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

The entire thread was basically: Soros is evil and working for the NWO => Soros funds Wikileaks => Wikileaks is evil => Assange is evil

Obviously as always, boon didn't provide the slightest bit of credible evidence and was proven wrong. Eventually the thread was abandoned as people realized it's a work of fiction and doesn't represent reality

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 12:11 PM
The bloodlines are interesting, and I apologize for my ignorance though do we have any solid proof that these bloodlines wouldn't be denied by those that are in it? How to know if it's a conspiracy or not? I'm curious. It's really fascinating.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 12:21 PM

Originally posted by P-M-H
reply to post by PhantomLimb

only way to know
go to one of these illuminati politics and subtly drop hints that you know what they do say some #
i bet u would see a hint in their face from them thinking how would you know this.

Firstly, saying "illuminati politics" implies they are part of the illuminati. If I were to go to one of these "illuminati politics" and subtly drops hints of their involvement I'm pretty sure they would think I'm crazy. For good reason.

If you pay enough attention you will see that there are about 20 different versions of what the Illuminati are. Misinformation abounds aplenty when it comes to them.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 12:23 PM
link said "as one poster already stated,
maybe we're not supposed to stop it." we read in Daniel ..2:18 He asked them to pray for mercy from the God of heaven concerning this mystery so that he29 and his friends would not be destroyed along with the rest of the wise men of Babylon.

I think that the King might have had some really good plans to thwart the demise of his kingdom by the Meds and Persians and one would think that the kings of today might take on a challenge to what Gods word has already declared ....The best I can do is to read the word ,pray to God ,and give thanks to him for His Christ .....peace s&f good post also Proto is correct that all roads lead to Rome


posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 12:23 PM
The Illuminati, a bunch of rich geezers and upstarts in the money/control game getting together to decide which direction the world should be going to further their interests and keep the game alive and interesting. I guess we can surmise they are not always gaming toward what best suits the common man in the 'burbs, but it's in their interest to keep Joe blow interested enough to keep wanting a bit more comfort. In effect, their agenda suits the common man as well as their own - gotta keep the cow well-fed in order to keep milking her.

The Anti-Christ enters, the Piscean Age is coming to a close. The precession of the equinox is a nice celestial tool of measurement that gives a name to these ages. People have been running around with their Piscean fish stickers hooting for Jesus but that period has about served out its usefulness and the stars say the Aquarian Age is now upon us.

Those born around the time of the breaking of the sound barrier are just becoming eligible to start drawing their social security checks. They have witnessed some changes in the world since their childhood, some of the last children to not live their toddler days with television as their babysitter and teacher of values. Times change and the bad-boy anti-christ is the older boy on the playground that breaks the news to the little ones that Santa Claus is just a myth. He's usually the one that also tells them about the facts of life without the birds and bees metaphors.

Little boys grow up to accept adult responsibilities, likewise the "children of god" accept their place in the cosmos to become their own bread-winners. It is what we do to survive and prosper in the grown-up world. There is no denying a new age is upon us. It is those who want to cling to old myths and to lash-out at the kid who tells them the truth for being their anti-Santa, it draws anger a bit to realize he's telling them the truth at least until that truth sets-in.

The Anti-Christ will arrive to shatter boyhood myths that must be set aside to enable the kid to grow up. At some day in each of our lives we quit beliving in Santa and in a few years more we become Santa, in the very same sense. The Illuminati does not want to imprison us any more than we already are imprisoned by their schemes. They don't want to lock us up and feed us crumbs because they want us to feed them high cuisine. We need not be pawns in their game because there is a more important need for knights and castles. And if a pawn can cross the board he too becomes royalty.

edit on 12-1-2011 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-1-2011 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-1-2011 by Erongaricuaro because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 12:25 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint

Originally posted by MrXYZ
And you obviously have hard evidence for that, right? Not just random accusations Beck shoved down your throat, right?

are you getting paid for every instance
you use the word Beck ???

None of the OP in this thread has ANY
Beck connection at all. So why are
you using Beck's name ?

it is ur lame way of derailing this thread.

this is the very reason why so many
great ATS users have left this board.
They get attacked every time they
post a thread.

And sad to say, it's still happening.
I'm so glad I have more tolerance
than the avg. else I would be gone
as well. But that is exactly what
ur bosses would love. So i think,
I'll stick around for a bit longer

And to even try to connect me to
the Tucson event is way out of bounds
in my opinion. I am not mentally

If you're going to post something about the Illuminati don't you think your claims should be challenged? If one disagrees with you that doesn't necessarily mean they are attacking you. Look, if someone comes to you with a claim that opposes yours, you don't have to reply instantly. Take your time to find something to back up your claim. I'm open-minded. So, if you can find a way to prove these claims, then I will listen to you.

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