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Soros vs 13 Illuminati Bloodlines; Rise of the Anti-Christ

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posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by jeremiah8401
There's an entire universe out there and you people believe God created it just for us. That's a little bit of a selfish thought, but what more can you expect from Chrsitians among other religions

Nowhere in the Bible that I have does it say
that God ONLY made us and then stopped.
He only gave us a book that shows how WE
and our environment were created (Heaven
and the Earth). If we want more info, we may
just have to ask him when we see him

That does not mean that God didn't create
everything else. And I think the Pope just
issued a statement to that affect recently
with the big bang statement or maybe I'm wrong.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 07:11 PM

Originally posted by MrXYZ
reply to post by SevenThunders

Oh yeah, almost forgot that this thread was lacking a healthy dose of Islamaphobia

A healthy dose of Islamophobia is always good. Far better than the boot lickers who are digging their own graves by coddling this murderous satanic cult. However the fact is that in any discussion of the antichrist you must consider Islam. It has by far most of the major pieces together to qualify as the antichrist beast empire.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 07:18 PM

Originally posted by jessejamesxx

As long as these alters stay in denial of what has happened to them, they do not have to face the burn torture memories. Some alters are tortured in a fashion that the eye area is traumatized and they squint the left eye. They look like Baron Guy de Rothschild of France’s left eye looks.

Source from OP

It doesn't look like Jared is squinting at all.
To me it looks like a classic case of pink eye.
I have had pink eye before and it is rather
annoying and painful. I think what ur posting
and the link to Jared's photo is merely a

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 07:19 PM
Ok, this may be the most far reaching post i've read here. Yes, I'm a new to the group, no, i'm not a plant...I do have to ask. Do you have a job? I have read many threads...some make you say hmmm, interesting, that's a good question. I'm not trying to flame anyone...but this is just pure made up stuff...

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 07:19 PM
reply to post by MrAnnunaki

He's been Alive since the beginning of Heaven... he only knows how to create from what he remembers in Heaven into a third density exsistance... he was casted out of of Heaven and fell like a Lighting bolt(worm hole) to Earth... but he still obeys his father... "BOOK OF JOB"... time for Alex Jones test of bull horn balls
... WHAT DOES HE DO?... I mean really... WHAT DOES HE DO?... be A-ware of the one who is an accuser and calls himself a saint... can you say "EGO" too.

Here comes "Project 2012"... part of "Project dream-box" don't have such an open mind your brain's shield's are down from a NANO-EMP attack my digi-friend.

Mr X

edit on 12-1-2011 by CONSPIRACYWARRIOR because: Because I C.A.R.E

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 07:27 PM
When the anti-christ rises people will be able to pin point who exactly it is. The really interesting part of this is how the elite really know how to *keep* it in the family. Or with their close blood brothers.(skull and bones anyone). This has set them unbelievably wealthy for centuries to come. Now the only thing they need is power. Enough power to control the world.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 07:28 PM
If Soros is the Anti-Christ, then who the hell am I?

I need to get my agent on the phone. This is an outrage. I can't work under these conditions.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 07:31 PM
reply to post by boondock-saint

Star for you too... those who know don't speak... those who don't know speak... but in this case this is for entertainment only(Like Alex Jones
to keep you grounded in the fight and anger of a nothing more then "IN MONEY WE TRUST" world)... they also found the looking glass and the original "Voice to Skull" tech that as used on Moses when he was hearing some voice of a god in his head

Mr Galactic X
edit on 12-1-2011 by CONSPIRACYWARRIOR because: Never perfect and just because I can

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 07:31 PM

Originally posted by NOTurTypical
The antichrist has already been found by someone who did their homework:
The Man of Sin Unveiled Part 1/9
Now, if you can make the case this man is one of the 13 bloodlines I'll surely listen.

well I stopped watching the video you posted
just as soon as he made the statement that
the King James Version of the Bible was wrong
in it's interpretation of the Hebrew word for
God. That makes him a false prophet. so
nothing he says afterward has any credibility
with me. Sorry

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by Sailor Sam
reply to post by boondock-saint

Boondock saint - your list contains predominantly american people. Proof positive that Iran and its president are right in calling the USA - The Great Satan!

my list mostly contains Americans cuz they were
the only ones I researched in that bloodline. I am
quite sure the bloodlines go way behind what I have

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 07:37 PM

Originally posted by WhiteDevil013
I gave up trying to have legitimate debates with people due to the fact that most people if they even entertained some of the notions presented in this thread, their head would surely explode.

i am beginning to agree with ya

star for the heads up

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 07:42 PM

Originally posted by c3hamby
this is the billionth time I've read this.
so for all you future posters out there, whenever you are researching historical information, please do not give your topics big dramatic headings like 'your mind is not ready for this' etc.
that is a sure sign that the material you are about to read is a recycling of what has already been put out there before.

the billionth time?
really ????

so can u point me to a link on ATS
where the title denotes a war between
the Illuminati Bloodlines where the winner
shall become the Anti-Christ and rule the
world ??? Cuz I couldn't find one in my search.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 07:48 PM

Originally posted by Jeremiah Johnson
All this sounds confusing and kind of crazy but I give you credit for investigating. Sarah Palin's main adviser is an employee of George Soros, I don't know if you were aware of that or if that would tie into this some how and whether any of what you posted is fact or fiction I have always thought and still do that Soros is the Anti-Christ and if he isn't then maybe his son may be.

wow, thanks for that tid bit of info.
I didn't know that one of Palin's advisors
was a Soros employee. Does this person
have a name so that I may further research

And it seems we are in agreement,
if not Soros then his lineage.

thanks for ur contribution to
this thread

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by boondock-saint
since Prince William has been brought up here
I feel it necessary to note some other info I found
in the course of research.

When Prince Charles was hunting a bride,
the Illuminati searched high and low to find
a virgin from the Merovingian bloodline. They
found this virgin by the name of Diana Spencer.
So you see how important this fact was for
the Illuminati to adhere to this ancient
requirement for the Merovingian bloodline.

Now, with that being said, I am thinking
how unfitting is Katie Holmes in this regard.
I mean she has a big reputation of being
a party girl and maybe not even a virgin.
So why is this ancient requirement being
overlooked for Prince William when it was
some important for Prince Charles?

I'm Sure you meant Kate Middleton right? For someone who professes to not have access to TV and such, I think you have enough outlets to entertainment media to insert the name of a Hollywood actress here.

This is a very interesting post though and well thought out. ~~Regards, Huck

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 07:52 PM

Originally posted by MisterCrowley
I think boons conspiracy theories
rival that of John Lear.. While boon does
not lie about alien aircraft engineering.
Boon keeps the tin foil hat off most the time.

well I don't know if that is a compliment
or not. But thanks ... I guess

I remember John's post when I first came
to ATS. Found his work to be fascinating.
However, I will agree that some of it seemed
so out there. lol

Doesn't make it less true in John's eyes though.

If u listen to Lazar and Stitchin, then a lot of
John's stories had credibility. But that is for
another thread

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 07:55 PM

Originally posted by Muzeam
I would say the blood lines are not so important.

I would say you are wrong.
Just try to get into one of those 2012 bunkers
and you will find out just how important
a bloodline is.

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 08:01 PM

Originally posted by prexparte
for myself you broke this down superbly. I se the connections. I have wondered about Sorros sense long before I joined ATS. I have been researching interent and life sense 1995, I connected the dots with Sorros about 8 years ago. At that time not many people knew of him, and the ones who did jsut could not concieve what I was trying desperately to relay. With me, I have a ton of information yet lack the speaking skills to express them clearly enough for people to understand hence listen. Thank you and Im with you on this, I see it clear as the nose on my face.

thank you so much.
I am glad we made a connection

i have always been charismatic when
it came to public speaking. Must have
been the entertainer side of me, hahaha.
And keep up the work. There is always
a need to know the truth

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by SevenThunders

Originally posted by MrXYZ
reply to post by SevenThunders

Oh yeah, almost forgot that this thread was lacking a healthy dose of Islamaphobia

A healthy dose of Islamophobia is always good. Far better than the boot lickers who are digging their own graves by coddling this murderous satanic cult. However the fact is that in any discussion of the antichrist you must consider Islam. It has by far most of the major pieces together to qualify as the antichrist beast empire.

This world would be so much happier without religious fundamentalists like yourself and Muslim extremists

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 08:10 PM

Originally posted by SevenThunders
I can't quite buy into all of this but there are some interesting points here. I think the MK Ultra angle into Jared Loughner must be considered. Moreover it's hard to believe that all these recent government related assassinations (e.g. Gifford and Wheeler et. al.) are just a coincidence. Factions are at play here and who exactly the players are would reveal much.

spot on !!!
that is exactly why i started doing
my research into these current
events. And u r right, there is
once again too many links
to be just a coincidence.
thanks for ur contribution

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 08:15 PM

Originally posted by Dimitri Dzengalshlevi
Interesting opening post. Care to make a network map diagram to make the connections simpler to understand?

i would love to,
however as the thread progresses
new names should appear that
were not added at the time of the OP.
Maybe later in the thread
would be a better idea

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