posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 05:35 PM
After recent events in the U.S that happened (which I would not wish to go into detail as most may know already), I felt that I should reintroduce
myself to be a bit more active with the ATS community, after lurking a bit.
Hello my name is Shoomoo.
My favorite topics on ats are either in Social Issues, Metaphysics and Philosophy, Science, and US Political Madness.
I personally wanted to come on now again from lurking because I wanted to say a few things about me as well.
I have slight AS (Asperger's Syndrome) and ADHD. I may have Anxiety as well.
I seem to see so much distress in our country. It seems like a Dystopian fantasy. Where Grownups lose hope for a future, and seem to go with the
conformist flow, as they are fed mutated foods and can not speak their mind, while Children are being dumbed down, and joining a neverending flock of
people. Where people who speak are known to be a black sheep and are immediately shuttered away from the rest in order for peace. It makes me think...
What should I do to leave the flock?
Thank you