posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 06:59 PM
This law is just reactonary at best. It does nothing to actually curb violence but it does make the elected officials look like they are tough on
crime to the masses by coming up with something, anything, just as long as they come up with something to appease the sheeple of the country. In
reality, if somebody wanted to kill an elected official bad enough to ACTUALLY put some plans in motion, they would still try their butts off to do
so. Having a law that keeps law abiding citizens 1000 ft away from lawmakers will not do anything to stop the ones that are mentally duranged enough
to actually go thru with something as horrible as this shooting in Arizona.
These lawmakers treat the citizens like they are babies instead of adults. Something bad happens and instead of realizing that bad things happen in
life they just try to throw a "band-aid" on it even if the scratch isnt that bad. Yes, this shooting in Arizona is horrible. Yes, the shooter
obviously had many problems. There are allready laws against murder, mentally ill people from owning guns, threatening public officials with violence
and yet NONE of these laws did ANYTHING to actually stop the shooting. Im not saying that the above laws should be repealed for any reason, Im just
making the arguement that there are allready laws with more severe punishments then the one in question and yet they dont stop bad things from
The only thing this law will accomplish is putting the regular joe blow who is just walking down the street while carrying a gun to protect himself
and unknowingly walks into this 1000ft zone, behind bars.