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Is the Loughner Mug Shot Fake?

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posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 05:32 AM

Originally posted by shagreen heart

someone who disagrees with a theory isn't a disinfo agent, seriously.

Of course and I much enjoy agreeing to disagree. There are distinct patterns of disinformation. If you don't yet know how to recognize a disinfo shill, I'll be glad to post them for you: let me know.

One of the strong points of social conditioning is also that those who are brainwashed tend to violently defend their programming. This is because they didn't come to conclusions based upon their own thinking using logic but were brought to believe things by suggestion confirmed from multiple controlled sources. It is bewildering to see a mind control victim in society at large fighting for the lies they've been deluded with. But it is a well known mechanism which was studied in clinical psychology as well as in psy ops programs. It has become a staple of counter intelligence programs which use such methods to either warp the minds of populations in a foreign country and who today have turned most of their efforts to orient and control their own population.

So we wind up with people from the general public, some of whom post here at ATS, who are actually convincing themselves if not others that they are fighting for the truth as they stuff the official ball of wax into everyone's ears. . By advocating a consensus around the official truth they've been spoon fed they are playing out their programming in an active restitution of their conditioned response. One simple way of detecting those stuck in that pattern is that they tend to demand that nobody say anything which cannot be fully agreed upon by everyone. It is either under a pretext of science or logic, wholly dependent upon establishment data they call facts, or it is under the guise of conforming to official scenarios which are invariably touted as necessarily the most likely given they are the ones consistently present in their ploughed mind. If you do not comply, they will then tell you that you have no business being there, and to shut up.

Originally posted by shagreen heart

and concerning aliens/UFO's, well, there hundreds of documents and high ranking people who can attest to them, and makes for a very good case in favor of them possibly being real.

three photographs is not enough to substantiate this theory, i'm sorry, but maybe when there is more circumstantial evidence besides three photographs, and reason's why they would want to have someone else do this, then that's fine. but they could have found someone way worse than this guy if they wanted to start a mental health/gun war in america.

There is a lot more "officially recognized" evidence about the use of patsies in political assassination than there is about UFOs and Aliens. You might want to brush up on history, political science, counter intelligence programs, the cold war and mind control conditioning. These are fields which the establishment cannot deny, as countless works of academic research have examined the subject from every possible angle. It is most instructive, and will help anyone so disposed to better ascertain for themselves whether there are patterns in the Giffords shooting which might correspond with a typical Manchurian Candidate political hit.


posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 09:51 AM

Originally posted by kalenga
Watched this on the BBC news about husband of Congresswoman Giffords talking about the progress of his wife in hospital. He says on the video that she takes his wedding ring off his finger and transfers it to her own fingers, then gives it back to him. A weird piece of information plus she gave him a 10 minute neck massage! Was that the time she was trying to strangle him? as she cannot talk is she trying to give him messages like, take that wedding ring off because.......????

Hi Kalenga,

You are right to say that something is odd about that video. Mark Kelly appears to be very self controlled and not at all spontaneous in that interview. It could be the presence of the crew, but this is a man used to being in the spotlight, as any astronaut is. He also seems to be hesitant and cautious in his use of words and seems to have a hard time getting his story straight. He makes temps errors, saying "she will, she could, she's done that before" but he doesn't say what would come naturally to anyone: "she did" this or that. He says "she does that all the time" which is irrelevant unless you are trying to make a lie sound credible. He calls her shooting "the accident" - it is anything but an accident. Did he mean that it was an accident that she survived? Or is he minimizing her injuries to diminish his own guilt, calling it "an accident" ? It is definitely pretty strange.

It sounds as if he is trying to use memories of gestures from the past to give us the illusion that she is alive, when she may no longer be, or to convince us that she still loves him if she is still alive, trying to regain consciousness in order to accuse him. Is he watching over her to prevent her from communicating, or to snuff her out with a pillow if she regains the ability to speak? Let us not forget so quickly what it slipped out in the news report from testimony by Giffords' close friend, Senator Kirsten Gillibrand: Giffords tried to strangle her husband Mark Kelly ! That doesn't help us any in believing the preposterous story about a woman with a bullet hole through her head, hardly able to breathe on her own, partially paralyzed, giving her husband a ten minute neck massage. Strangulation of your assassin sounds like a stronger motive for such a death bed effort, than giving hubby tubby a rub a tub tub. Is Mark Kelly counting on the publics gullibility, along the lines of Nazi propagandist Josef Gobbels who said "the bigger the lie, the easier it is to believe"?

We will note here that the aforementioned article has since been "sanitized" to remove any reference of her desperate gesture to choke Mark Kelly. Here's a link to that article along with a quote of the very important missing passage and the original article linked to beneath. Let us remember that she was victim of attempted first degree murder and that her every gesture and murmur should be considered as clues to the identity of her assassin.

Gillibrand describes visit with friend Gabrielle Giffords in congresswoman's hospital room

"“Instead of giving the thumbs up, she literally raises her whole arm like this,” Gillibrand said, grabbing a reporter’s free hand hoisting it into the air. “Then she reaches out and starts grabbing Mark and is touching and starts to really choke him."

Original article: Giffords Raises Her Left Arm

This along with Kelly's implausible declaration shown on BBC news makes him high up on my lists of suspects. From any distance, in the heat of action, he is of similar build and general appearance as the faked Jared Loughner Mugshot. We can wonder if he isn't connected with the other Kelly, Jesse who was her opponent.

In the following video MSNBC News reports at minute 00:23 that "officials told the Washington Post they believed him to be a "Military Veteran" - which is a comment which should grab our attention. A highly trained and experienced professional soldier will NOT shoot at a crowd the same way a young civilian would, and investigators would use eyewitness testimony to establish whether this is a ponderable investigative parameter.. Also the newscaster at minute 00:18 states "Loughner was not identified at the K.. News Conference. However NBC News has reported that that is his identity."

Was it really Jared?

Take a look at Jared's "Criminal Record" which consists of serious abuses such as writing the name of a music festival on a math quiz reply sheet, speaking song lyrics when listening to music with headphones, smiling at inappropriate times when conferring with the Dean, exercising to rather good effect his poetic licence during a poetry class, asking too deep a theoretical math question, or the most serious of all, posting a YouTube video quoting the Constitution. We can understand that while he might have been disruptive of the 'chicken coop' he was hardly seriously deranged nor a criminally insane dangerous individual. Nonetheless, Pima Community College thought fit to summon a Grand Jury prosecute him for that most serious of crimes, a Youtube video that demonstrates that they do not conform to the vocation of the United States of America.

He was definitely painfully confronted with the clear contradictions between the very basis of the American Republic, as outlined by its Founding Fathers, and today's highly regimented controlled society as instrumented in the Community College System. One of his greatest attachments was "Freedom of thought" which one would expect to be a cultivated feature of higher education, given that this is supposed to be the purpose of advancing our knowledge of the world and is the very basis of advancing intellectual understanding.

I would venture that Jared wouldn't have met with such staunch opposition from the faculty or the administration had this been a school with higher level teaching, less bent upon enforcing conformity of thought, and where they are more accustomed to such intellectual rebellion which is more considered to be par for the course or even a sign of insight in the better ivy league establishments. His downfall was being cast into the slave class where the access to higher learning is actually quite low when attainable. For basic skills and professional training they do serve a useful purpose, but when a student has a philosophical quest, such institutions betray their practical vocation of formatting sheeple.

Cause of Police Report for Suspicious Activity: scrawled the name of this Music Festival

I recommend that if you wish to dispose of the following documents that you download them for review at your convenience. The first is the full record of all complaints issued against him, each time all that was retained referrd to what the campus police call "suspicious behavior" yet never with serious consequences and only when provoked by the contradictions of those working at Pima. Read them if you have the time, they are informative.

Jared's Pima Community College Police Reports

Something else is that each and every one of the reports mentions his eyes as BLUE and how likely would this be for an individual such as the one shown on that Mugshot? Also he is said in at least one report to be 5'10" weighing 150 to 157 lbs and to be of THIN BUILD, which does not correspond with the person on the Mugshot whose neck is inordinately thick. This is confirmed by the following local television GMA News Report interviewing Jared's best friend Zach Olser. The narrator states at minute 1:20 "But the memories of the Jared he knew then were in stark contrast to the man staring back at him now." Zach shakes his head in shock, looks away, hides his eyes with his hand, and then replies gasping and crying while looking down "I can't look at that..." Later on at minute 2:15 he refers to the picture and says "It looks like a monster".

CLICK to view Video

Later the report goes on pointing an accusing finger at Zeitgeist as the "gas on his fire". This "ideological culprit" is accused of definitely changing his mindset. And since Jared is being portrayed as a crazed killer, that means that whoever watches Zeitgeist is a SUSPECT. This show has probably been purposely targeted as an accessory to the crime by TPTB, because using a Zeitgeist fan as a Scapegoat for the Giffords shooting, you will kill two birds with one stone: You Cover-Up a Political Assassination AND you Discredit your Opponents.

In ancient times under Roman Law crimes were investigated according to the principle of "Quid Bono" which means "Who Profits from the Crime?". We can note that under Roman Law there would be an entirely different form of investigation in this case. In this line of inquiry, the Police Chief at his community college is named Commander Amado.

Commander Amado in Pima News

We can wonder if there's any connection between this case and the permeable sieve called a 'border' to the south of Tucson, between Amado and Nogales where the worst cartel shootings have taken place.. You may want to compare the maps in each of the following links and put two and two together:

Look at the map here:

Search for Commander Amada

Look at the map here:

Wave of death terrifies Nogales

There is thus a distinct possibility that this officer originates from that town near the border. This could provide a key connection to eventually determining if the Giffords Shooting wasn't in retaliation for Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords' militant struggle in Congress, funding at long last to the tune of $600 Million a real border patrol to combat the Mexican Cartels supplying Drugs to the US Drug Distribution Network run by the CIA.

If this is the case we can also wonder if the Republicans including her opponent Jesse Kelly were not also complicit with the CIA and the Cartels, seeking to replace her to vote down funding and planing on instead facilitating the continued flow of Drugs into the United States. Is Commander Amado in cahoots with the CIA and the Cartels?

This could be a significant lead in the entire case. Commander Amado was fully knowledgeable of Jared's vulnerability and his anti-establishment leanings. He could also have helped to frame Jared, telling teachers to beware of his "suspicious behavior", telling his 27 officers to tail his every move and drive Jared into a justified paranoia and persecution complex. One telling sign of this can be found in the allegation that one of the Pima Community College Police Officers formally recognized and identified Jared from his YouTube video thanks to a reflection in a window. I have carefully viewed that video, and I do have some experience in physiognomic identification. I find such an allegation unsubstantiated and false. I contend that this was done deliberately to frame Jared, and this lends credence to his having been set up as a Patsy for the CIA by Commander Amado.

He had Jareds completely contrived records in his possession, creating by themselves his nut job profile. He therefore quite possibly provided them to the CIA operatives running the Drug Operations and thus provided them with a ready-made patsy. This path of investigation must be pursued. In such a serious crime, a Political Assassination attempt coupled with a mass shooting, all potential suspects must be fully investigated without hesitation.


posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 10:42 AM
reply to post by Getsmart

Hi Getsmart, I am applauding your research and tenacity in trying to find out what went on that day?
I was perplexed as well at Kelly's interview. His unemotional answers and his talking about the ring as if it was 'proof' that she still loved him by twiddling with it?
It is most bizarre and disturbing saying 'the accident' so who was meant to be the target that day? As if Giffords was an accident?
You are very shrewd in your analysis of people's words and actions. But I am scared now that what you have come up with might be too near to the bone and you might be targeted by the people who want Jared to go down for this? Please take care and watch out for anything weird?

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 10:44 AM
reply to post by Getsmart

You are delusional.. You are making something out of nothing.. there is a video of HIM shooting her.. They will soon release it. Unfortunately, this will also NOT be enough proof for you..

Is there a reason that you NEED a conspiracy here? Are you bored? You are forcing a conspiracy here.. There is NONE!!

Finger prints + notes in safe + Witnesses + video = guilty in a rational persons mind.. STOP the presses , Not in Getsmarts world... These things mean a conspiracy.. It is rather pathetic if you ask me..

Also, I would appreciate you NOT butchering my name and then insulting me with anal comments. Although, I did not expect any more maturity from you.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 12:24 PM

Originally posted by Resurrectio

You are delusional.. You are making something out of nothing.. there is a video of HIM shooting her.. They will soon release it. Unfortunately, this will also NOT be enough proof for you..

Is there a reason that you NEED a conspiracy here? Are you bored? You are forcing a conspiracy here.. There is NONE!!

Thanks for casting your great lantern of truth. There's nothing to see. Move along. BTW you may want to also explain this to the folks at ATS who have been trying to solve the JFK Assassination. I'm sure they'll be reassured and can get back to leading normal lives, knowing the government would never lie to them. Oh, that reminds me. LEE was the first name of the patsy for JFK's assassination. LEE is the middle name of the patsy for Giffords assassination attempt. I guess their next pasty might have LEE as his last name? With those kooks anything's possible.

Hundreds of ATS threads on JFK: warn them all FAST !


posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 12:49 PM
reply to post by Getsmart

JFK has some evidence to prove it was a govt. cover up... Lee Harvey being killed was an OBVIOUS key to the conspiracy...

Where is the conspiracy here? Or is it automatically a conspiracy every time a govt. official is killed or dies?

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 12:51 PM

Originally posted by Resurrectio
reply to post by Getsmart

JFK has some evidence to prove it was a govt. cover up... Lee Harvey being killed was an OBVIOUS key to the conspiracy...

Where is the conspiracy here? Or is it automatically a conspiracy every time a govt. official is killed or dies?

The video is in the custody of the FBI and won't release there's your cover up
edit on 19-1-2011 by filosophia because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 01:05 PM
reply to post by filosophia

What a pathetic excuse for a thread! Because they haven't released a video, of a Govt. official, LESS THAN 2 weeks after the incident... Its a cover up? That has to be the most ignorant thing I have ever heard.. Period!!!

Hint: There are no life points for finding a conspiracy in everything!

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 02:32 PM
just watched the BBC video put up by kalenga.

This guy does seem to talk a prefabricated, learned by heart speech and calls the shooting an "accident" !?

Getsmart noticed it as well (i read his post after i ve seen the video and after i did my conclusion)

So now i am really curious to see the video of the shooting.
Is there now version online yet ??

Or are they still doctoring it, trying to do a better job than on the mugshot ?
Imagine you made the video as a bystander, even not so greedy guys would sell that immediately to the Press or even put it on a video platform just for the fame.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 03:03 PM

Originally posted by Getsmart

"“Instead of giving the thumbs up, she literally raises her whole arm like this,” Gillibrand said, grabbing a reporter’s free hand hoisting it into the air. “Then she reaches out and starts grabbing Mark and is touching and starts to really choke him."

Original article: Giffords Raises Her Left Arm

Ummmm, I'd like to point out for sake of clarity you neglected to include THE VERY NEXT quote from your above referenced article which understandably diminishes your claim:

“She was clearly trying to hug him,” she said. “We were just in tears of joys watching this and beyond ourselves.”

Also as far as accusing her husband of being reserved and emotionless. The guy is a freakin' astronaut and trained to stay calm and have nerves of steel while traveling at thousands of miles per hour on the dangerous verge of death. Is duh a word?

As much as I sometimes have an utter fascination of the absurd, I must say I find some of your accusations sensationalistic and appalling.

Oh and BTW, I am a bald guy and we all look the same.

edit on 19-1-2011 by kinda kurious because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 03:16 PM
so... either the mugshot if fake, or this is a manchurian candidate scenario, both don't make sense and i see where you're trying to go, but it doesn't have anything to do with the mugshot being fake. if he was a MC, there would be no need to fake the photograph. if the photograph was fake, then there is no MC theory. doing both just potentially shoots themselves in the foot in the process, [which would possibly be true and why we have these talking points]. and just for future reference, i'm not picking a fight with you, you're one of my favorite posters. i'm just trying to stay clearheaded during this, for some reason my conspiracy theory lights aren't, or just aren't wanting, to go off for this one. maybe i'm just getting older and jaded though, who knows.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 04:40 PM
While I am no longer as hot on the NASA Astronaut trail to understand who is behind the Political HIT against Congresswoman Giffords, there is nonetheless another odd coincidence, which might be just that, but also which might be part of this. It is another Astronaut, one scheduled for take-off on the next Shuttle trip, who will probably not be on board. NASA did not release details about Kopra's injury, citing privacy concerns. Here's the report.

NASA: Astronaut hurt in bicycle accident

Originally posted by kalenga

Hi Getsmart, I am applauding your research and tenacity in trying to find out what went on that day?

I was perplexed as well at Kelly's interview. His unemotional answers and his talking about the ring as if it was 'proof' that she still loved him by twiddling with it?

It is most bizarre and disturbing saying 'the accident' so who was meant to be the target that day? As if Giffords was an accident? You are very shrewd in your analysis of people's words and actions. But I am scared now that what you have come up with might be too near to the bone and you might be targeted by the people who want Jared to go down for this? Please take care and watch out for anything weird?

Hi Kalenga,

It should probably not be considered that her being shot in the head was unplanned or accidental. According to the Sheriff's department description of a surveillance video that filmed the entire event, the gunman walked right up to her and calmly took aim and fired. Only afterwards did he move away, turn and shoot the others in attendance.

As far your worries I choose to not feed that ogre. I've kicked back at those creeps lots of times and had my fair share of close calls. I figure I'm here for the time I'm here. Nobody's eternal. Sort of like Journalist Christopher Story (Edward Harle). He used to say the same thing, and was assassinated last summer. Here's the his website filled with explosive news and he sure didn't mince his words. It got him killed and I will add that his penultimate report of July 10th which "fingers his killers" was deleted by the NSA upon his death, shortly after it was published. A number of people however had downloaded it and I have reproduced some of it below. Christopher Story was last seen alive on July 14th, 2010.

Intelligence Analyst Christopher Story's News Archive


• When ‘President’ Barack Hussein Obama touched down on the White House Lawn at 5:30pm on 9th July, he was ‘spoken to’. Enquiries by this service confirm that those doing the ‘speaking’ were not Secret Service operatives. On the contrary they were men with guns.

• Within the past 24-30 hours, private citizen George Godfather H. W. Bush Sr. has likewise been ‘spoken to’ twice. The people doing the ‘speaking’ were men with guns.

• The Chinese have had enough and are ready to take drastic lethal measures.

• Private citizens George H. W. Bush Sr. and Neil Bush think they are immortal and can take the loot they are blocking to the grave.

• Obama, who answers to the private citizen George H. W. Bush Sr., is saying he’s a ‘national citizen’. In order to be President of the United States, under the Constitution and the Soldiers and Sailors Act, you have to be a NATURAL citizen born in the United States or born in a US military family serving abroad.


• A detailed report on this assassination attempt and the horrible illness inflicted on the Editor as a consequence will be published as soon as feasible.

• We now have proof that the CIA/MI6/Obama/Bush/Cheney issued an assassination order against this Editor. We have proof that they are suprised that the Editor is not dead.

Returning to our look into the attempted Political Assassination of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, there are a number of additional elements to examine, some of them most revealing regarding the involvement of the CIA and its Manchurian Candidate Mind Control programs. But first there's the following news. The Pima County Sheriff's office has turned over a video of the Giffords Shooting to the FBI.

Some might remember how good the FBI is at releasing videos. If only for this reason, we might reflect on how the FBI is expert at telling a FIB. This is critical evidence in a very high profile Political Assassination and it must be released. If you recall what they did with all the Pentagon videos from 9/11 you will know what to expect in this instance too. Especially as this video also shows the shooter killing a 9 year-old girl born... on 9/11.

The Sheriff's office when declaring it has turned over that video to the FBI does NOT say it is Loughner, stating only the following:

"Surveillance video from an Arizona grocery store shows moments of mayhem and heroism as a gunman shoots Rep. Gabrielle Giffords in the face, then turns the gun on a crowd of people waiting to meet the congresswoman, an Arizona sheriff’s official said Wednesday."

It is the editorial report by the press which refers to him as being Jared Loughner, without stating from whence that information came.

Pima Sheriff's official: Video shows Giffords shot in face

We are not given any details as to where and when he was allegedly apprehended, by whom or in what circumstances. He magically appeared in custody and a falsified Mugshot was presented to the public as being him. If you know specifics about his arrest, please post it here. Do any of you remember O.J. Simpson's arrest? It was in Hot Pursuit broadcast LIVE on TV worldwide. For Jared? Nothing. Not even a print report. Maybe they decided that the best way to not get caught in a lie is to say nothing? For example not a word in this article or in the following video:

ARTICLE: Jared Lee Loughner arrested in connection with Gabrielle Giffords shooting

VIDEO: "Timeline" of the Jared Loughner case

We can discover that Jared had a history of violence. He was reportedly overly intelligent, which should therefore set off alarm bells, you ought to hope your kids are properly fluoridated to avoid any risk of that. Also his girlfriend says that he would sometimes get angry and have a tantrum, clenching his fists before walking off. Another warning sign, don't trust anyone who ever gets upset. To quote her more legitimately than she was quoted by the MSM:

"He basically thought that the Government was Crap... He believed that people should be allowed to have more of an opinion and make more of their own choices."

TV Interview of Ashley - Jared Loughner's former girlfriend

So far we learn that Jared was inordinately intelligent, possibly better in math than his community college teacher he had issues with, relatively well informed of the Illuminati Control Grid and the Animal Farm we dare call the United States of America, and also attached to the freedom of thought and of expression, two basic liberties which have inspired humanity for centuries.

His attachment to the American Constitution which can be proven multiple times in the Police Reports makes it very unlikely that he made or posted the following video. The protagonist is conveniently fully masked and impossible to identify, so of course it just has to be Jared. A tall hooded man wearing multiple layers of clothing, walking around in a plastic trash bag, with his face masked by a Skull Mask similar to that of the Illuminati Death Cults such as Skull & Bones, doing something very unpatriotic, to the sound of hard rock lyrics "There's Nothing Wrong With Me". They have quite the sense of humor.

Anti-American Video planted to Frame Jared as a Patsy NOTE: The upload failed. To be posted later.

We also learn that Jared was at least partially framed on trumped up charges for minor offenses at his college, stood up for his convictions and wouldn't back down, except out of respect for his mother in the Dean's office. He was harassed by the campus police and very unjustly prosecuted by a justice system without a sense of justice. All of this was done to set him up as the patsy.

From what we now know we can assume that he is not the gunman, that the actual killer was a Mind Controlled CIA Manchurian Candidate Assassin sent to protect the CIA's core business, drug trafficking in the USA. We can expect that the video footage of the shooting will be classified, lost or destroyed to prevent anyone from proving that it was not Jared who was at that Safeway store parking lot, and that he was in no way involved in their Political Hit and ritual 9/11 commemoration massacre.

The following video was allegedly also created by Jared. Yet it refers to him, Jared, in the third person. Also it uses typical Manchurian Candidate mind control conditioning scripts. Despite this, I do not believe that Jared was the shooter, but was set up as a convenient pasty. Anyone with rudimentary knowledge of hypnosis will instantly realize that this is a well drafted hypnotic induction script filled with "drawer statements" and designed to enable the control over an individual without his conscious knowledge. We can even speculate if this wasn't uploaded to his YouTube account to make him view it in order to both warp his mind as well as make him seem like a zombie madman. Here's an example at minute 2:05.


If I define sleepwalking then sleepwalking is the act or state of walking, eating or performing other motor acts while asleep, of which one is unaware once awakened.

I define sleepwalking.

Thus sleepwalking then sleepwalking is the act or state of walking, eating or performing other motor acts while asleep, of which one is unaware once awakened.

I'm a sleepwalker - who turns off the alarm clock.

Video designed by the CIA and attributed to Jared

The very next image of the video contains the following text. This is important because it is the part of the hypnotic script which is designed to permit a subject to commit acts which he normally would not be able to commit, even under the deepest hypnotic trance. This is done cleverly by removing the control over the subject by their conscience. It is one's conscience which prevents us from doing horrible things. Without a conscience people become capable of anything, they can do nice things or they can act in the most monstrous ways.

This is why the subject is told first that ALL his conscience which is dreaming, - this refers to his "conscience" which is at that time engaged in a surveillance and monitoring activity which could over-ride any hypnotic suggestion - is asleep. Then he is identified with his conscience, to repeat that he is conscience, therefore that conscience is dreaming, which must mean that conscience is asleep. The subject's moral fiber is therefore taken out of the picture completely: Classic Manchurian Candidate Mind Control Technique.

All conscience dreaming at this point is asleep.

Jared Loughner is conscience dreaming at this point.

Thus, Jared Loughner is asleep.

It is most likely that this is a video designed by CIA mind control programmers who happened to produce it to make Jared fit the role of the crazed lone gunman. That profile has been painstakingly established in the public mind by multiple cases of assassination by Manchurian Candidates who are then pawned off on the public as unstable madmen acting alone. You will note that during the initial stages of their investigation, the Pima County Sheriff's department stated that they thought the gunman hadn't committed the crime alone, and that they were hunting his accomplice. Since this hardly fits the planned scenario, an end was put to that report and we no longer heard about the person who allegedly aided and abetted the real gunman. Did the Sheriff get a Stand Down order or did they just call in the FBI to snip it in the bud?

And just to show detractors here that I'm not ramming down my version of the facts, here's an interpretation which could mean that Jared was indeed the gunman under CIA Mind Control. And whoever may have pulled the trigger, with a Mind Controlled "unconscious" killer it is those behind the plan who are the real criminals. According to a scenario in which Jared was the trigger man, there's a story which might fit in. He was thrown out of Math class for telling his math teacher, when solving a problem that the students should replace the number 6 with the number 18. Apparently he insisted upon this at length and wanted the other students to reflect upon it. Apparently we don't find a complete report on what was said in the police report about this incident. But in his quiz sheet which can be found in my previous post (in the linked document of his Police Reports) I seem to remember there were three sixes above one another in the upper left corner. Reports of the shooting incident mention 6 killed and 12 injured which happens to add up to 18 or to three times six also meaning 666. So he might have been programmed and triggered by a fully Satanic CIA Manchurian Candidate Mind Control program using this as an extra symbol during their political hit and sanctifying the whole thing by the human sacrifice of the the young girl born on September 11th, 2001.


posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 04:58 PM
reply to post by Getsmart

i'm sorry but all your conclusions still aren't leading up to any definite outcome. was he a patsy? was there a seperate MC lookalike? is the mugshot fake? was he under mindcontrol? you aren't summing any of these claims up to a specific scenario, they're all over the place.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 05:08 PM

Originally posted by micpsi

Originally posted by InvisibleAlbatross
"Scapegoat of the Month"? Seriously?

Did you consider the possibility he was wearing contacts in the mug shot? He had glasses in the other pictures, so it's reasonable to assume he has vision problem. As for the dilated pupils, that could be the result of drugs, brain injury, brain tumor. There are legitimate reasons for this.

The picture of him with a straight nose appears to be from some time ago. Perhaps he has had his nose broken since then.

This photo shows that his eyes were NOT brown:

He would hardly have worn contacts, one of which made his eyes blue, the other brown. LOL!

That is christopher loughner, wrong one bud

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 05:30 PM

Originally posted by Trublbrwing
reply to post by Tgautier13

That mug shot is one of the creepiest pictures I have ever seen.

It is very disturbing. Like looking into the eyes of a madman. Clearly this was their intent...

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 05:33 PM
reply to post by Alphaprimez1

or it's just because he shaved his eyebrows off and is giving a smirk and you're seeing that picture in context of the shootings that he may or may not have been a part of. the picture doesn't incriminate him, and i really don't think it's fake.
edit on 19-1-2011 by shagreen heart because: wurd swytchz

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 06:46 PM

Originally posted by shagreen heart
so... either the mugshot if fake, or this is a manchurian candidate scenario, both don't make sense and i see where you're trying to go, but it doesn't have anything to do with the mugshot being fake. if he was a MC, there would be no need to fake the photograph. if the photograph was fake, then there is no MC theory. doing both just potentially shoots themselves in the foot in the process, [which would possibly be true and why we have these talking points]. and just for future reference, i'm not picking a fight with you, you're one of my favorite posters. i'm just trying to stay clearheaded during this, for some reason my conspiracy theory lights aren't, or just aren't wanting, to go off for this one. maybe i'm just getting older and jaded though, who knows.

Hi Shagreen Heart,

Maybe I don't make sense, but you definitely do. Yours is a very logical conclusion, especially if you look at the MK Ultra style videos attributed to Jared's account which are chock full of Mind Control programming scripts.

What might help add another possibility, whether it is accurate or not, is that among the many theories about other murders using patsies, there may be at times more than one mind controlled operative. For example it has been suggested that when John Lennon was shot at the Dakota building, that his alleged assassin was not the only one there getting his strings pulled. It is even considered by some to be a pattern of such orchestrated events, with one person who blocks out all memory and is convinced they did the job, when another more professional and cold blooded agent, whether conscious or mind controlled, pulls off the hit.

Pinning the murder on one who didn't do it but has all the appearances of having done so draws the attention away from the real culprit, creating a barrier to investigation further reinforced by first their induced amnesia and second the absence of compromising knowledge given they don't know much of anything, making it as frustrating to law enforcement as peeling away onion skins.

I don't deny that Jared is a Manchurian Candidate who actually committed the crimes. It is definitely a possibility and maybe even a probability. Yet those running the Mind Control programs are hardly beginners. They use these to shield those planning the crime and especially to hide the motives which are harder yet to establish and confirm than discovering that the one performing the deed wasn't acting of their own free will. And they aren't beginners. So why would they scatter such evidence of foul play on their own behalf, if not to exploit our assumptions that he would invariably be the culprit?

It is the principle of the double blind applied to a single party. The desired plan is that Jared is guilty, because he is criminally insane. But if somehow that doesn't work if it can be established this is untrue, there is a plan B, Jared was a mind controlled Manchurian Candidate. But this would be intended to fall upon a dead end, without clues to a fabricated story. All that would be needed it to plant a few faked YouTube videos, add some forged poems and show him to be mad, but with a method to his madness, that of a Manchurian Candidate, which provides every measure of protection.

The only other explanations I can figure for so sloppy a job of giving him so bizarrely obvious a profile would be if maybe they wanted to send a message to others that they were a menace to them also. Yet those who might be threatened already know that full well, and either take their chances, or compose with adversaries. Again it could also be to confuse issues, so that the deeper you look the less it makes sense?

Originally posted by shagreen heart

i'm sorry but all your conclusions still aren't leading up to any definite outcome. was he a patsy? was there a seperate MC lookalike? is the mugshot fake? was he under mindcontrol? you aren't summing any of these claims up to a specific scenario, they're all over the place.

You will note that in this post they are even further "out there". I cannot claim to know for sure what happened. I'm not even in Arizona, much less in law enforcement with access to the documents. There is only one thing I am certain of, we are not being told all there is to be known. That doesn't mean that many people have the answers, but it does mean that we're not getting them.

Maybe we can compare the Modus Operandi of those behind it to that of the JFK Assassination. Because just look at how we were left with a mixed bag in the Daley Plaza shooting. Some think it was the CIA. Others the Cubans. Those who contend that the Mafia did it may not agree that the Military Industrial Complex was involved. Were the Zionists fighting through Jackie Bouvier against the Vatican and the Kennedys, and what of the Corsican connection? Theories abound and speculation is all over the place, each finding many points of confirmation leaving us unable to know what's true. It already seems as through the Giffords shooting is just as filled with enemies with a motive and no shortage of plotters. NASA, space politics, drug rings, political parties, a 9/11 connection, twins and opponents with the same last name, relatives in orbit hanging with the Russians, contradictory hospital testimony, faked pictures, trumped up reports, faked photos, collateral damage, coded messages, numerology, confiscated footage and media censorship.

So you're right, I don't have a solid all options considered bulletproof theory about what happened exactly, because so many aspects seem to be in contradiction. And that might be the general idea behind it.


edit on 19-1-2011 by Getsmart because: it is one can of worms.

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 07:03 PM
It doesn't make sense GS, if Giffords was the "target" and he had a "military background" then why not just snipe her from a distance and get away clean?

posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 07:21 PM

Originally posted by I.C. Weiner
It doesn't make sense GS, if Giffords was the "target" and he had a "military background" then why not just snipe her from a distance and get away clean?

Hi I.C. Weiner,

There is confusion about his being involved in the Military. You don't need to be in order to be brainwashed and controlled. All we know is that he went in for a test at the Phoenix recruitment center. The army says they didn't recruit him. How can we know?

It is said that the world is a stage, and maybe it could be to preserve the illusion created at great expense that we live in a democracy and that conspiracies don't exist? A sniper would spell plot, and nobody would rest until the victims were avenged by very extensive investigations leading to results.

The way things happened contributes to a number of things while providing an extra measure of safety. The public retains trust in the institutions. Justice is seen to have been served. It instills fear in the population and legitimizes trading freedom for safety. Also the main enemy is killed, any number of projects are advanced and those who do know cannot prove anything as there are no links to you.


posted on Jan, 19 2011 @ 07:39 PM
reply to post by Tgautier13

I noticed that also but I was grounded when They said he was 22 years old.He looks 35-40 Years old in the MUG SHOT.The early pictures don't look like the same man at all.
Great Post
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