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Texas Schools systems ticketing children as young as 6 years old

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posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 12:17 AM

School police officers in Texas are doling out more tickets to children as young as 6, who under past disciplinary practices would have been sent to the principal's office instead, according to a report by a Texas nonprofit.


Wow, where do I start with this one. This really urks me.

I am so sick of reading stories like this that criminalize our children at an early age. Setting them up for faliure and conditioning them with guilt. These school systems and teachers whine and complain every year, about how tough it is to be a teacher. They label our children with ADD and ADHD. They label them disruptive, say things like these kids are the not children of 20 to 30 years ago. Really? NO S#!T! These kids got it much more harder than the generations previous to them. These kids are growing up in a world where, everything has to be politically correct, Every one scrutinizes everything we and our children do. These are the same teachers that every other year go on strike and demand more salary because teaching is becoming to hard for them. These teachers who label our children with personality disorders are the same ones who fail to get creative and find alternative methods to get through to these young minds. The school systems and teachers want to hold parents responsible for the way their child conducts themselves in school, so they ticket them and send these kids to court!

Whats wrong with this picture. Texas not getting enough revenue with all the people incarcerated for small amounts of pot? They need to find another way to bring the revenue in?...By criminalizing our kids as early as six years old? In todays society with the economy the way it is, Most familes have both mother and father working full time jobs to make ends meet, so they can take care of their children and possibly send them to college. The school systems spend more time with out kids that most of us parents do. Yet...the fingers get pointed at us, as usual... when problems arise in the schools.

I think it is absolutely disgusting that this can happen. People ask why todays youth have so many problems? Why they go on shooting sprees at schools, or go after government officials. There is no future fo them any more. Not really...Not the way it is currently going. I remember being in sixth grade and having a teacher tell me that they would see me in jail, they took me out in the hallways every day and harassed me. All because I played with a piece of sticky putty from the wall that previously held a poster up. They threated to charge me with theft. Thinking about that reminds me how much I hated 6th grade.

Teaching can be difficult, but just as mechanics need to update themselves on the current technology, Teachers need to get creative and come up with different methods to teach our children the correct ways to create a path in their lives and better themselves. Our kids in todays society have MSM and television, video games and all sorts of other distractions that are hindering them to make better choices. It started with the previous generation, and that generation wants to condemn our children today. If someone on the street were to comeup to my child and threaten my child the way the schools do behind closed doors, They would get seriously hurt. Parents do have to be proactive with their kids, especially in todays world. I am with mine, and he is already a great free thinker at 9. I just hope that as he grows up, he is not changed by gestopo that is currently invading our public schools.
edit on 11-1-2011 by Moose318 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 12:21 AM
The problem with this is that anybody who knows a thing about kids knows that the more you treat them like criminals, the more they tend to act like criminals.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 12:26 AM
reply to post by Moose318

How pathetic. I can just picture these black glove wearing, mirror sunglasses inside, steroid doped up, neanderthal inbred jack-booted pigs cuffing a six year old and beating the crap out of them for resisting. YOU CRYIN AT ME BOY...

posted on Jan, 16 2011 @ 08:34 PM

Originally posted by Moose318
I am so sick of reading stories like this that criminalize our children at an early age. Setting them up for faliure and conditioning them with guilt. These school systems and teachers whine and complain every year, about how tough it is to be a teacher. They label our children with ADD and ADHD. They label them disruptive, say things like these kids are the not children of 20 to 30 years ago. Really? NO S#!T! These kids got it much more harder than the generations previous to them.

I personaly feel its a combination of things.

Government, for taking away parents rights to be parents. IE Disciplining you're child. Currently, as a parent, the child knows you have little to know authority over them. And all it would take to put you, the parent, back in you're place would be a few crocodile tears and a phonecall.

Parents, for not being around as much. Partly due to they cannot, because you need to work to support you're family - but also for the ones who come home from work, and "are just too tired or stressed" to address things and spend time teaching their kids the stuff you're not told in school. Manners, respect, understanding .... etc.

The Media, for creating images of what girls and boy's should be, and how they should act. Great examples are the tweens magazines. The media does an excelent job at teaching kids that they are the centre of the universe, and it's all about them. And that the important things in life are how many girls you sleep with, which celiberaty is dating who, and which company's just produced the latest sports car.

The Medical Establishment, For being incapable of understanding that people are unique people, and think different things, and act in different ways. For creating a profile for "normal people" which under 20% of the population actualy fit under (these people are best described as those condisderd "normal") And classing everyone that does not fit into this category as ones whom have some form of illness or defect, and are thus put on drugs which further destroy the body and mind.

I think i've missed one, but cant think of it right this second :S

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