posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 06:30 PM
Jared Lee Loughner the shooter being held for killings of several people and injuring many others in my opinion is most likely a paranoid
schizophrenic, who did too many drugs. However, is it possible that he intends to play the system using grammar just like he talked about?
Let me explain.
1.) He leaves several months of crazy rants on ATS, youtube, myspace, etc.
2.) He leaves incoherent gibberish scrawled on paper at his house.
3.) He says incoherent nonsensical things at school to develop a paper-trail of insanity.
4.) He talked about his plot with nobody.
5.) He refuses to speak with police.
6.) He remains silent at his own hearing (no discussion of events or motivation).
7.) He leaves occult props at his house for the media to claim 'the devil made him do it'.
8.) He smiles confidently at the camera during booking for his mugshot.
Is it possible that he intends to show the system that using only 'Grammar' he can shoot a politician and others and then get away with it using the
insanity defense?
edit on 1/10/2011 by Choronzon because: clarification