posted on Dec, 15 2011 @ 11:14 AM
Now you know some of us have spoken to you previously.. some of your ideas were completely NOT viable.. and you were told why and etc. That doesnt
mean that any of us are against you or stupid.. in those particular instances we already knew what you were talking about. LOL! I think that it was
wonderful you felt these things and were so sincere in the first place.. but the truth is that if you keep being so negative when people who already
know whats up with certain things by having been involved in them youre never going to get anywhere and youll keep being depressed. This is NOT a
slight on YOU. You have to take what we say and apply it to what you want to do... and not just give up. YOu have to take what you gather up as
knowledge and use it in ways that can be used in your situation. You also have to realize the so-called "small things" you do are not so small...
not at all.
Truthfully for me, I only wish you success, but the kind of success that doesnt come with a bunch of failures on your part through not thinking things
through previously or listening to good counsel. Honestly I think youre pretty special to be so open and desiring to help others when you are having
trouble yourself. It takes a special person not to wallow in self pity when given your set of challenges. The thing is, your heart is absolutely in
the right place... and these days finding such a soft and sweet heart is hard. Hell, I dont even have one and I envy that kind of natural and unforced
true caring for other human beings.. even the rotten ones! SO its an admirable quality to me and i see it. I just want you to follow up with the hard
head side of it and not suffer the consequences of doing things without knowing what youre getting into and all of the information first.
Sometimes you have to reach out and take a chance with the right person to take your ideas and talk straight to you about the viability of
implementing them. Then not get depressed, but tweak your ideas and not just give up so quickly.
Just because ideas dont pan out immediately doesnt
mean they are failures.. be persistent and though it may take a while, you never now who you can reach even along the way.
In honesty, I think that you just being you is enough. Your care to others and how you treat others. I, for one, think that this burning desire you
have is wholly real and a drive for you. YOu have that certain something in you that sincerely altruistic people do. Its a very admirable thing and
others recognize it. SOme predatrory types will recognize it too unfortunately. Look you dreamer... You dont have to have homeless shelters in your
back yard to love your fellow man in a true way and express it for others to recognize. I think youre the type that is a dreamer for sure, but a
sincere and truly loving person who we have so few of in these days. Maybe you dont realize the good youve already done... you dont realize you were
recognized even in the old conversations we'd had. I for one feel Im better for having spoken to you and seen what a true selfless person is even if
you are a dreamer! SO please dont be depressed over things and frustrations concerning implementing some of your ideas. You just need to know you are
already what you are seeking to be.. and didnt even realize it!