posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 05:04 AM
My title is somewhat misleading. I can learn, I have actually learned quite a bit. I am a science major at a 4 year university. I take nothing but
chemistry and biology classes, but Ive always had a problem, I never do as good as I think I should on test or essays etc. I can study days in
advance, pound information into my head over this time using a variety of "techniques" that I have learned through my 5 years in college. From
writing in different colors, to recording lectures, tutors, rewriting notes, procrastinating, not procrastinating, it all seems to not pay off. Hard
classes such as genetics and chemistry that I studied my butt off for I barely passed.
One day while studying organic chemistry with a friend, I noticed something striking and so did he. We would be working on problems where you would be
given the name of a molecule and you would have to draw it in its 3D form. We would both draw our molecules the correct way but at different angles.
It was ALWAYS like this, I always would draw them facing one direction and he would always show them another direction. We also had to memorize
reactions between different molecules and draw out the products, this memorization was simple for him, but for me terribly hard. I would spend 3 times
as much energy getting this stuff down while he would study the day before the exam and Ace it. I too want to be an A student.
So I ask, in this terrible, not very well written post, is there something I am missing? Am I just not an A student? I have always thought I may be
ADD or ADHD, but have read lots of information on how the treatments are terrible for you. What the medicine does to your body is terrible!