posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 04:35 AM
Everyone is able to be a proud conspirator right now.
Now is the answer to your question.
Although I would,'t call myself a conspirator if someone asks me how I would define myself in relation to my activity here on the board. I would call
myself a human being. Who wishes to spread the joy"s of peace and love. Realised by enhancing public knowledge and awareness.
Doing this makes me happy, and it makes other people happy to. So I am proud. Because I follow my heart.
Proud = living in accordance with yourself and being aware of yourself doing so.
With that said, when I ask myself the question: If everyone is able to be a proud "conspirator" right now, why are they then not proud? My answer
is, drawn upon personal experience.
It's because people are not only trying to better the world, they are also here to better themselves.
People are here to deny ignorace, mainly their own, but you can not deny your own ignorance, you need to experience it and grasp it to subsequently
overcome it. It is a process. ATS as a whole is such a process. People searching for themselves through communication with like minded people.
The basis for looking for truth/love ect is love.
The act of searching however can sometimes be experienced as loveless.
Its like renovating a house, when actually renovating the house is a messy buisness, but in the end its going to be better then ever before. In that
example you know its going to be better, but people do not know where they are going to end up with themselves. So sometimes it seems like their is
nothing to be proud of. an ocean of suffering where nothing ever really happens, but it actually has a course for everyone who uses it and lives
But until you find yourself its pretty hard to be a proud human being.
Searching is like floating in the water, going with the current.
Being is like walking on water, you set your own current.
Let the earth shake and rumble, let people gossip and ridicule, I know who I am and everything is as it should be.
Once people have found themselves they wil change or accept their surroundings as they are themselves.
Effectively manifesting with their love for what they are.