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Good vs Evil: Ted vs Jared

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posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 11:15 PM
So, this has been a strange week for anyone following the news. It began with a heart-warming story of a homeless man with mild criminal back-ground named Ted Williams who possess an incredible "God-given" voice talent for radio. Battling addictions, etc, his upbeat attitude, spiritually driven persona, and of course, great voice, happened to make it on YouTube from a recording where it went viral. Here, in the depressing dead of winter, still overshadowed by the economic uncertainty and unemployment, we get to hear of a heart warming story of a second chance at life. A story riddled with symbolism, perhaps showing that maybe we all have something to offer the world we live in and even ourselves, and a lesson that no matter how far we sink, things can still get better. Wow.

Enter the story of Jared Loughner just five days later. Here, we have something that totally does a 180 on our senses. I'm not even sure what to really write about this in these early stages. Besides the obvious: he kills six people including a judge and nearly a congresswoman, it seems to already create a surreal landscape that exposes most everyone's political and social divides. The obvious heart breaking tragedy of lost loved ones appears buried beneath a larger social divide. The distraction of this event is like a demon screaming for attention in the shadow of Ted's soul lifting story. Perhaps a manifestation of a drama that exposes our underlying divides and hatreds, compliments of one "nut case".

Now, I'm not really an expert at symbolism or meta-physics, but I believe we are all connected on some psychic/spiritual level and this past week has some sort of strange significance on a gut level. This is a very intense way to start a new year. We start with a big story that we can all aspire to......then suddenly have a story that divides us. Perhaps there really is a war going on for the "soul" of humanity as things quickly speed up in the 21st century that is experiencing fast paced social networks, media, and possible looming global crisis. The way things are being paced socially and technologically, maybe 2012 really does mean something that we have yet to really understand. Perhaps it is just a milestone, but right now, it appears to be up to everybody what will happen...will we realize what we really are as beings: meant to learn love and evolve, or, will we get lost in the hypnosis of a chaotic world and splinter into a big mess. I would like more insight, thanks.
edit on 9-1-2011 by empireoflizards because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-1-2011 by empireoflizards because: Grammar and factual correction.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 11:28 PM
Seems to be another example of Yin and Yang. The problem with the MSM is that they are always eager to tout the negative stories and we have to find our own inspiration. Society seems less interested in the positive stories and devour the negative. Kudos for being able to find a positive story in the news.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 11:31 PM

I hadn't thought about that until you mentioned it.

I remember the Epic Beard Man thing sprang up and was
huge all up until the moment some guy flew his plane into an IRS building.

I have always wondered about the convenient timing of these lone nuts in their
ability to quash grass roots movements that start gaining momentum. I mean the
parallel here is a little uncanny. The roles are completely reversed but very similar.

David Grouchy

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 12:09 AM
reply to post by davidgrouchy

Same here. Is it coincidence, some grand cosmic struggle, or simply a grand scheme from our 'great' institutions and government that have mastered social engineering to know how to create events when needed. A lot of speculation of course, but social engineering is actually a legitimate concern for above said parties. The tactics are where the conspiracy theorists usually try to make sense of it all if applicable.

edit on 10-1-2011 by empireoflizards because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 12:14 AM
well, ted williams is only going to get exploited and 5 years from now he'll be homeless again, if not sooner.
the marketing execs saw dollar signs.

someone is going to post a video of chihuahua with a fishing pole and thats the end of ted williams.

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 12:34 AM

Originally posted by randomname
well, ted williams is only going to get exploited and 5 years from now he'll be homeless again, if not sooner.
the marketing execs saw dollar signs.

someone is going to post a video of chihuahua with a fishing pole and thats the end of ted williams.

That depends on Ted Williams. He clearly has a talent that can keep him in a job and can easily freelance if he stays clean. But, the point of my post isn't really about that....this is about the assault on our collective psych from underlying elements either created from within or without. But, you sort of echo my point....what do we choose: fall into the hypnosis of a world drawing us into superficial gratification and chaos, or, will we decide to wake up and learn what we really are as beings that were meant to do better than this.

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