reply to post by saturnsrings
Using an argument about what one person says to justify the actions of another person is insane, plain and simple. The moment that is accepted and
used in court, we are all fu#$ed, because at that point the 1st amendment is gone.
and we all thought it would be the Government who would revoke the 1st amendement, when instead with the way people are arguing this, its going to be
the mental jkid detached from reality who went to a speech and heard nothing but voices in his head telling him the rice crispies elves are evil, and
must be killed along with Santa Clause, The Easter Bunny and Chairman Mao.
Before people lay blame on the Right wing and crosshairs, we should look at the Left wing and crosshairs. This is nothing but the Liberal Elite taking
an tragic incident to make political hay out of it. Lets looks at the Democratic strategy map and who they are targeting shall we?
Since when did the ignorant Liberal Elite think going on National TV to push an agenda to blame the Tea Party or Republicans for a senseless act of
violence would be a good idea without first checking to see if they were guilty of exactly what they are accusing the right of doing?
...and Democrats wonder why they got their asses booted out of the House. Keep this BS up and in the next elections they stand a chance of loosing the
Senate and the WhiteHouse.
The American people are tired of the blame game, and to exploit a tragedy like this to do it makes it even worse and does nothing but reinforce the
belief that some peoples ethics would raise eyebrows in the Court of Calligula.
This incident was an act of violence by a disturbed kid with mental issues and nothing more. Any attempt to make it into something more is going to
backfire and blow up in their face. Apparently the left did not learn anything in the last election cycle....
Also - This kid is a registered INDEPENDANT, not a Democrat nor a Republican.
Hate speech??? Look at how each map is labeled. The Republican map says taking a stand. The Democrat map says behind enemy lines. Lets not forget that
Obama at one point called republicans the enemy. The Democrats need to drop the hypocrisy in an effort to take advantage of the situation.
Never let a good crisis go to waste -
Hilary Clinton
Rham Emmanuel
Again Rham Emmanuel
What did the DailyKos have to say about Rep Giffords?
Maybe you can show me where the Liberal Left is going after the dailykos and their comments in addition to the Republican info that is being cited.
The comments were removed after the Rep was shot, and not because they had anything to do with it, but because it would be hard to blame the
Republicans for inciting hate speech with Democrats doing the same thing.
What else did the Dailykos have?
Uhm.. yeah.. Its all the Republicans fault. I am guessing people come to that conlusion by using the one potato two potato method?
edit on 11-1-2011 by Xcathdra because: (no reason given)