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General Theory Of Meta Feild Relativity

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posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 03:54 PM
General Meta relativity
The geodesic view of the universe relies on the curvature of space time to perform the functions of gravity and relies on “empty” space curving around an object. The curvature of space time around an object creates “gravity” in solar systems but does not translate well when using the same model when viewing galaxies. The problem with dark matter and dark energy is the location of the curvature of space/time is in no relation to the matter we observe in the universe, at the location of curvature.

This may mean that intra solar gravity systems behave differently than their extra solar “galaxy” counter parts. I don’t see the solar system as a closed system, nor do i see a galaxy as a closed system, but i do think their interaction is misunderstood and as such i have decided to remodel the systems in an attempt to explain these, solar and galaxy systems as co efficient to one another.
When we view our solar system from the outside looking in, we are looking at a system where our sun encompasses our entire system. WE ARE IN THE SUN

and the sun extends out to the heliosphere where its outer surface turns right angles to the source (the sun). The sun encompasses our entire system and everything inside the heliosphere is literally inside the outer surface of the sun. The fact that solar medium travels at over 1,000,000 km/h to the heliosphere bubble should show the surface of the plasma ball we call the sun is approx 20 AU from the centre of the sun.
A constant flow of “pressure” or “density” is generated in the core of the sun and streams outwards at the corona at 1,800,000 km/h and inflates the bubble that surrounds our solar system 20AU away from the corona. We can think of the sun as a natural particle accelerator that allows for the expansion of the helio bubble without losing much of the energy involved in the expansion that is required to hold the bubble open.
As an example i will use area
Area of bubble inflated to 1 AU radius= A = 12.56637 AU2
Area of bubble inflated to 2 AU radius = A = 50.26548 AU2
Area of bubble inflated to 10 AU radius = A = 1256.63706 AU2
Area of bubble inflated to 20 AU radius = A = 5026.54825 AU2
when we look at the “surface” of the sun we “measure” 6000 degrees temperature and at the corona we see temperatures “estimated” from 1,000,000 degree to 2,000,000 degrees.
there is a well understood relationship between pressure and density called the pressure density relationship. as temperature increases so proportionally does pressure, so would it be correct to assume that the density of the solar medium is increased as the temperature increases with distance from the surface of the sun to the suns carona?
i assert an increase in density must be present inversely proportional to the increase of temperature from the surface of the sun to the corona.
in this area of temperature/pressure increase is a “particle” acceleration that defies explanation with current models as the mechanism of transfer of temperature energy is not understood.
i propose a “meta field” that is created by the electromagnetic field turning on itself on a curve and slowly curving out from the sun till nearly perpendicular with the sun and then completing an equal and opposite curve as it terminates at the heliosphereical bubble.
the particles are accelerated by the twisting nature of the meta field and the pressure/density of the medium is accelerated only when the curve straightens out on its path to the helio sphere and only when the field path is perpendicular to the source.

These meta fields travel through the system in their curve and then turn right angles to their source and terminate. the areas of termination of these meta fields are the helio sphere bubbles or boundaries.
These meta fields act like a particle accelerator and they also allow for expansion of the pressure/density of the “solar medium” to inflate the helio bubbles.
i understand the difficulty of the understanding of the nature of these meta fields because the direction to source of the field is relevant to the effects of the meta field interaction and this goes against what we have been taught and intuition.
the idea that a field can turn or twist right angles to source and then straighten out to travel perpendicular to source and then turn or twist right angles a second time is hard to reconcile without an example.
i will use an inadequate example as the only way i can to try to show commonality in different fields
An inductive electrical coil will induce a sympathetic voltage into a second inductive electrical coil only on the correct plane of alignment. if the electrical coils are out of phase or orientation from one another there is no induced voltage, but rotate the secondary coil into the correct plane and the current is induced into the second coil. so if we use this as a limited example the rotation of the coil into the correct plane will provide current to flow.
in the case of the meta field suppresses the temperature and pressure and expansion of the “solar medium” in the area where the field is out of phase or plane of alignment. at the point where the meta field “straightens” to the perpendicular to source direction, the suppression of expansion of pressure density and speed of medium is reversed into acceleration.
i realize the idea of a field effect only accelerating a medium when perpendicular to its source is new to physics as is the suppression of matter/energy when in the wrong orientation or plane to source but i am reminded of gyroscopic translation of movement as a secondary example of plane of reference to action output scenarios.
in this example the rotation of the mass is translated into a counter force to the plane of rotation at right angles and is expressed in another plane of rotation.
Another bad example i know but there really isn’t good examples i can find that explains the effect using know principals.
Galaxy meta fields

there is a coefficient meta field effect derived from the energy expressed at the centre of the galaxy its orientation is perpendicular to the “poles” of the galaxy and twists or translates to right angles to the source (black hole) as it travels away from the poles on a circular path through the galaxy plane and then back to the opposite pole of the black hole. When the meta field is perpendicular to the plane of the black hole it twists back or translates back into the correct plane to interact with matter in the flat plane of the galaxies spiral disc.
when we consider the black hole at the centre of the galaxy system is interacting on the right plane to interact with the mass in the disc we can see where the meta field from the sun comes from. it is interacting directly with the sun and the sun “translates” the meta field outward from its centre but perpendicular to its distribution into the solar sphere.

the galaxy system consumes mass and creates energy in the form of the galaxy meta field, and the solar system translates the energy from the meta field from the galaxy and redistributes it on the solar plane in a solar meta field plane.
one interesting outcome of the meta galaxy model is the ability to account for an energy form that is undetectable to sensors and telescopes unless its on the correct plane to affect mass, or is perpendicular to our “meta plane”.
these galaxy meta plane models also account for the structure of the galaxies interaction with one another as the correct “meta plane” orientation is required for the galaxies to be mutually attracted to one another.
if one galaxy is in the wrong “meta plane” it will be repelled from the secondary galaxy with the force of both meta fields combined.
in a way this explains why some galaxies refuse to condense under gravity and are repelled away from each other which contradicts our notion of gravity.
this model can be used to explain
dark energy
and expansion in the face of gravity


posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 05:57 PM
the dark energy component of the universe could be accounted for, by the twisted nature of the meta field transitioning into its meta state (out of plane of influence) to the mass on our plane.
the interaction of galaxies could be affected by the plane of interaction and in some angles of interaction the two meta fields could repell each other with twice the force of the gravity attraction of their masses


posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 08:43 PM
Interesting theory, it will take a while to get my head around all of it.

i realize the idea of a field effect only accelerating a medium when perpendicular to its source is new to physics as is the suppression of matter/energy when in the wrong orientation or plane to source but i am reminded of gyroscopic translation of movement as a secondary example of plane of reference to action output scenarios. in this example the rotation of the mass is translated into a counter force to the plane of rotation at right angles and is expressed in another plane of rotation. Another bad example i know but there really isn’t good examples i can find that explains the effect using know principals.

Are you talking about gravity here?

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 11:52 PM
reply to post by kwakakev

the picture following is an explination of the galay meta fields the red boxes indicate the perpendicular interaction with matter, the green boxes are to show where the meta fields are parrallel to the mass and cant interact

the reason i mentioned gyroscopic translation was to show the effect of "planes" of rotation and their interaction upon receiving a force input

the best way to explain it is not scientific but here goes
the energy expelled from the black hole is very energetic and follows the feild lines drawn onto the side on picture of the galaxy. while it is perpendicular to the poles it can interact with the medium it travels through including mass. when the field lines "loop" to a horizontal direction of travel they canot interact with the medium they are traveling through. when they become perpendicular to the poles again they are able to interact with mass and energy again (the flat plain of our galaies disc). they then curve around and become horizontal to the poles of the black hole and again canot interact with the medium they travel untill the curve to perpendicular to the poles again and then are back where they started.

the idea is that upon leaving the black hole the field and acociated energy is so energetic it transfers to a form of energy that is undetectable because it is out of "plane" or right angles to the source that created it.

a really bad anallogy would be a torch pointed at you will be visable (light visable) but a torch turned sideways to you the light would be undetectable (no visable light) to show the torch is on
asuming daylight


posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 11:50 AM
Firstly, I think the term dark matter is just as bad as junk DNA. It is a sign of ignorance, not science. But we trying to find our way through the dark so it can help as a temporary bridge. So this energy that is expelled out from the black hole and makes it way back to the outer ring of the galaxy, what is it? magnetic energy, electrical energy, matter, sub atomic energy, gravitational energy, photos, electrons, neutrons...

Our sun makes bigger atoms and spits out ions. The galactic centre eats up atoms and spits out ...? There looks to be some kind of magnetic force containing the path of the ejected energy/matter. Operating over such a large area it appears to have a extremely low frequency to it. Is it possible that this ejected material collects at the edge of the galaxy and helps in the rebuilding of new stars and planets? or does it just go somewhere else?

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 12:24 PM
reply to post by kwakakev

the energy release at the poles is one form of energy if we calculate mass back into energy as the black hole speeds the mass up to the speed of light it produces a potential voltage of huge proportions so the energy state of the meta feild is masive as it exists the poles. this provides massive current potential and is more than the density above the or below the poles can express in raw energy terms so an equalization of current is required to dispurse the potential current.
the meta feild is like a particle accelerator that causes the energy to follow lines of "gravitational force" or field lines in a loop from pole to pole throught the flat plane of the galaxy.
when the particles have been excited to a state where they are orginized or polorized to travel in the direction that is horizontal to the flat galaxy plane they change form and are accelerated upto the speed of light inside the meta feild. the meta feild distorts the medium it travels in and allows the particles to reach the speed of light inside the field loop.
this causes the particles to loose mass as they approach the speed of light (horizontal) then as the meta field
returns to perpendicular to the flat galaxy plane the properties of the meta feild, allows the slowing down of the particles to sub light speed but while inside the meta field they do not regain their mass as they slow down.
in this state i would liken them to nutrenos
they dont have the mass to disrupt the flat plane and distort it but the particles do interact with the atoms on a scale that is very small.
in my model it is this interaction that powers the core of the sun
which in turn creates a meta feild that projects our helio sphere.

i realize dark energy and dark matter are a bridge and i would rather theorize about how it works than use a crutch.


posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 02:01 PM
reply to post by XPLodER

So we are at the centre of the galaxy and stuff is getting pushed out top and bottom. It sounds like we are talking electrons as the main matter involved. There is also huge energy to give this matter a path, some kind of gravity wave and looks similar to the magnetic fields around a magnet. Is there a polarity difference between the top and bottom of the galaxy centre? If so say we have the electron coming out the bottom, but it still has a little bit of mass left in it and travel sub light speed as it travels parallel to the galaxy plate. It then starts to get pulled perpendicular to the galaxy plate, this effect is similar to the gravity assist satellites use when going around planets to get that sling shot effect. In this process the remaining mass is washed away from the speed build up to light speed. Also as the electron gets closer to the galaxy plate it losses it's charge and becomes a nutreno shoots through most stuff (sort out the sun bit later) and then gradually becomes a positron as it is now above the galaxy plate and starts to slow down as the sling shot effect is reversed. The positron is then pulled back into the centre of the galaxy as it rides parallel to the galaxy plate.

Is this close?

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 05:45 PM
reply to post by kwakakev

very very close
you have the concept of the change of states of the particle sorted out quite well
as for the meta feild i have used the description of a field line of force similar to a magnetic loop to make it easy to visualize

i will now explain the polerization effect and introduce the meta feild as a geometric shape (for visualization purposes)

the idea that these particles are encased in the meta field is an important one to grasp
this is because the particles are accelerated to the point of a almost massless state but by doing so the charge is increased exponetially. this causes a polerization into an energy state that links the particles into chains or conects them electrically to the source.
the particles linked together are the field lines but are of no mass but massive energy
on the top path the positive field charge (like a braided ribbon) twists to side on from the source
(think a flat ribbon with a 90 degree twist in its width)
at this point the charge is out of plane to the source and out of plane to the flat plane of the galaxy(horizontal and "side" on)
this is where we would be unable to measure the energy or mass involved
then as the energy starts to slow down because it is out of plane from the source
the meta field (think flat ribbon) twists 90 degress again and is back under the influence of the source
this causes an interaction on an atomic level with atoms as the field (ribbon) crosses the flat plane of the mass of the galaxy.
the same effect is happening on the opposite side of the flat plane returning to the oposite pole source

the affect of the two oposite interactions on matter or mass is at an atomic level
the meta field itself is what causes the spiral nature of our galaxy

we will get to the sun when you are ready

posted on Jan, 10 2011 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by XPLodER

you have the concept of the change of states of the particle sorted out quite well

So when a particle is expelled and received from the galaxy centre this mean that it is not just electrons but protons, neutrons and other sub atomic matter? Does this also include atoms and basically a whole soup of matter?

the idea that these particles are encased in the meta field is an important one to grasp

So does this mean that each partial could be perceived as having two connections to the galaxy centre at the same time? Is this connection expressed as the chain of partials on the same field ribbon? Is the way the field ribbon twists a direct relationship to the speed, mass and charge? Is this charge the same force as the polarity of the galactic top and bottom or is it a different force "side on"?

at this point the charge is out of plane to the source and out of plane to the flat plane of the galaxy. this is where we would be unable to measure the energy or mass involved

Should this point be out of source and in flat? we can measure energy and mass here in the flat plane. Otherwise it sounds like one of us are missing an extra twist.

this causes an interaction on an atomic level with atoms as the field ribbon crosses the flat plane of the mass of the galaxy.

What kind of atomic interaction? Just to confirm we are at the nutreno place mentioned in the previous post? you have used have used the term 'flat plane' and I have used 'galaxy plate', I think these terms are interchangeable.

the same effect is happening on the opposite side of the flat plane returning to the oposite pole source

Is this that other twist? Do these top/down and side(left/right) have a relationship to the spin described in quantum mechanics?
edit on 10-1-2011 by kwakakev because: changed 'line' to 'ribbon'

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 12:49 PM

Originally posted by kwakakev
reply to post by XPLodER

you have the concept of the change of states of the particle sorted out quite well

So when a particle is expelled and received from the galaxy centre this mean that it is not just electrons but protons, neutrons and other sub atomic matter? Does this also include atoms and basically a whole soup of matter?

the term of a whole soup of sub atomic particles fits better as all sub atomic particles are accelerated and polerized into the meta state.
that most atoms are consumed by the blackhole but some are expelled by the relitivistic speed or rotatation of the mass proir to crossing the event horizon.these are the particles that are attracted into polerization by the poles.

the idea that these particles are encased in the meta field is an important one to grasp

So does this mean that each partial could be perceived as having two connections to the galaxy centre at the same time? Is this connection expressed as the chain of partials on the same field ribbon? Is the way the field ribbon twists a direct relationship to the speed, mass and charge? Is this charge the same force as the polarity of the galactic top and bottom or is it a different force "side on"?

yes this is important to note that a connection (electrical) is occouring in two places at the same time
the poles (perpendicular) and the flat plane (perpendicular) are connected in an electrical sence.
the other point to note is the two points are ALSO connected by the meta field. at the two same points.
the amount of electrical connection varies with available "particle soup" but the meta field is reasonably constant.

at this point the charge is out of plane to the source and out of plane to the flat plane of the galaxy. this is where we would be unable to measure the energy or mass involved

Should this point be out of source and in flat? we can measure energy and mass here in the flat plane. Otherwise it sounds like one of us are missing an extra twist.

the first twist is from perpendicular to horizontal (around the poles)90 degrees (out of plane)
the second twist is from horizontal to perpendicular (above the flat disc plane) 90 degrees (return to plane)
this is where the meta feild crosses through the matter.
in one full loop of the meta field four "twists" are observed each at 90 degrees

this causes an interaction on an atomic level with atoms as the field ribbon crosses the flat plane of the mass of the galaxy.

What kind of atomic interaction? Just to confirm we are at the nutreno place mentioned in the previous post? you have used have used the term 'flat plane' and I have used 'galaxy plate', I think these terms are interchangeable.

the vibration and electrical charge of a nuclus are related to the meta field
the electron orbits are also related to the electrical connection.

the same effect is happening on the opposite side of the flat plane returning to the oposite pole source

Is this that other twist? Do these top/down and side(left/right) have a relationship to the spin described in quantum mechanics?
edit on 10-1-2011 by kwakakev because: changed 'line' to 'ribbon'

yes the meta feild is responceable for both radio active decay and magnitizum so the electrical connection can be linked to orbit or spin in quantum physics as well.
the mass less particles dont directly interacte on a physical level other than to impart a vibration in the nuclus and to affect electron orbit by way of inducing sysmpathetic rotation of electrons (without contact)

edit on 11-1-2011 by XPLodER because: add more info

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 08:52 PM
reply to post by XPLodER

Ok, so one more time from the top. At the centre of the galaxy there is a big gravitational source, it sucks in atoms from the left, right, front and back. It throws and receives sub atomic particles out the top and bottom, occasionally a few atoms may miss out on the atom deconstruction process and get a ride with the sub atomic particles, not too much though and just a small percentage.

These particles then travel along a field ribbon, this can be described as an ellipse that connects the top and bottom of the galaxy centre. As the field ribbon curves around the ellipse, it twists. The twist effect is represented in the way the speed, mass and charge of the particles all relate. Where things get interesting for us is at the opposite end of the ellipse from the galactic centre.

Is this close?
edit on 11-1-2011 by kwakakev because: added question

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 10:02 PM


I watched a television documentary about black holes and when they stop consuming and it puzzled me. I thought, "why would it stop?" Then soon learned about gamma jets which make-up and "burn-off" the black hole's remnants of its feeding frenzy; But why is it, that when the jet stops, the black hole just sits there, dormant.

Dark Energy and Dark Matter! That must be it. Is it like an inverse relationship? With values compensating for variances in polarity or population? Space-time is like a metal ball sitting in gel, making a depression in 360 degrees, or is it? Space-Time...Verse-Inverse; "a duality," I screamed in my mind. Okay, I will look-at this inversely and saw the infinity symbol folded upon itself, which formed a circle. I thought, "Is it that simple," and thought some more...Then wondered some-more; "what if there is an inverse relationship which connects matter, dark matter, energy, dark energy, and magnetism together by a dynamic open-closed system?

I am not sure, now. There are too many theories and shapes in my head. Ugghh!

I need to get-on another track, so here goes...

I have often suspected T-Tauri Ptoto-stars resembled a vertical toroid; and most supernova are horizontal. It has to be tied-to vectors and magnetic connection for sure. The right and left 90 degree angle separating creation from destruction and its subsequent recycling is very interesting; could a proto-type star pull-in elements needed to "ignite" from those "connection-lines" of 90 degrees?

Please comment your opinions on the above theoretical assumptions; they are most welcome.

The Universe is indeed a TOROID!


You fill in the rest of the blanks!

edit on 11-1-2011 by trekwebmaster because: Typo

edit on 11-1-2011 by trekwebmaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 10:13 PM
reply to post by XPLodER

When I saw the "Euler Plot," I immediately thought of the orbit of Sirius B around Sirius A; does that mean we are on the same Meta-Field plane as Sirius? And the Black Hole?

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 10:30 PM
Anti-Matter ->< Dark Matter
Anti-Energy ->

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 01:11 AM
reply to post by trekwebmaster

Let me know if I am on a right track here...

One thing this thread is about is to get rid of the term 'dark matter', define what it is and how it works. At the moment it is a big catch all for equations that don't add up. We need better than that and it is great seeing you trying to get your head around it and getting involved. It is hard working with things we cannot hear or see directly, but there are lots of studies and experiments to help understand how it works.

There are many relationships between different forces, mass, momentum, electricity, magnetism, gravity, chemical, atomic and others. The best foundation to understand these is the International Standard of Units or SI units. There is still ongoing review process with it as we gradually understand more about how this world works. A good starting point for it is here: I hope this helps putting you on a better track. Hopefully we will all find the right track one day.

edit on 12-1-2011 by kwakakev because: removed smiley

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 12:02 PM

Originally posted by kwakakev
reply to post by XPLodER

Ok, so one more time from the top. At the centre of the galaxy there is a big gravitational source, it sucks in atoms from the left, right, front and back. It throws and receives sub atomic particles out the top and bottom, occasionally a few atoms may miss out on the atom deconstruction process and get a ride with the sub atomic particles, not too much though and just a small percentage.

just add the particles are speed up to the point of losing mass and expressing the lost mass as energy

These particles then travel along a field ribbon, this can be described as an ellipse that connects the top and bottom of the galaxy centre. As the field ribbon curves around the ellipse, it twists. The twist effect is represented in the way the speed, mass and charge of the particles all relate. Where things get interesting for us is at the opposite end of the ellipse from the galactic centre.

the meta feild encapsulates the expelled mass and allows it to transition into its pure enegy state
the interseting bit is that the polerized energy (mass = energy) is creating a "connection" directly with source (black hole) and are influencing atomic charge in atomic structures.

i think you have the basics sorted

ready for the sun interaction?

Is this close?
edit on 11-1-2011 by kwakakev because: added question

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 12:26 PM

Originally posted by trekwebmaster
Anti-Matter ->< Dark Matter
Anti-Energy ->

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 01:27 PM
While looking at the graphics in the article, it reminded me of one particular graphical representation of an Erdos Lemniscate, which looks like the images below:


The above always puzzled me, that one loop was longer or didn't match the rest, so I began "tinkering" and came-up with this one below, interesting to note that each image is rotated 90 degrees and the 0 points or "origin" resembles a "swastika," also the right-angles which form from the x and y origins resemble the overall design considering scaling.


I decided to do some more "tinkering" to see how well the Erdos graphic looked when overlayed on the OP's original Galaxy graphic, surprisingly, the "field lines" pretty-much lined-up. It's a bit off due to rescaling, but you can see the correlation, I hope.


What if, this graphics is over-layed but rotated 45 degrees? Wonder if the points would line-up, as well?

Thoughts anyone?
edit on 12-1-2011 by trekwebmaster because: (no reason given)

edit on 12-1-2011 by trekwebmaster because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 03:14 PM
the following youtube is interesting when eric starts to discuss coils
and hints at some thing bigger

interesting thing is he adds to newtons laws with rotational laws complementing newtons laws of motion
the part when the coils are out of plane from one another is an example of out of plane electro magnetic fields


posted on Jan, 12 2011 @ 03:21 PM
reply to post by trekwebmaster

how very interesting the overlay is
thank you for adding the pictures and overlay
interesting comparison and location of field planes and the galaxy disc

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