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Its official the earth is cracking up

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posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 03:08 AM
reply to post by gringoboy

I agree 100%. I started researching this because of the weird Earthquakes (we had one here in central Indiana, which is almost unheard of, recently) and of course the Bird/Fish deaths....which I was skeptical about meaning anything, till the reports just kept stacking up, and up and up! LOL! Here is how I see it. The earth is going through its pole change at the moment, and the underground magma, is going looney because of it....The differing flows of Magma are causing Earthquakes in strange places, America seems especially hit recently (not of strong ones, but many, many small ones in places no one would have ever expected). All of this of course leads to Magnetic field anomalies, and The magnetic field anomalies are causing migrating animals to act strange. Fish are getting lost trying to head to warmer water when it gets too cold for them, and they end up dying....and birds just start freaking out. running into things, or perhaps even dying from stress. I see a connection perhaps even to bees, which have to navigate complicated, and surprisingly large areas in order to find their pollen, and get back to their hive. I think that Bees might have been a bit more sensitive to this than other animals, and this may be why they started dying off earlier. (the magnetic poles have been acting strange for as much as a couple of decades....its just only now that it is acting strange enough to cause all of this commotion.)
And now....Random Speculations, and Things I Simply Do Not Have Answers To: The Sun. Will the recently reported cracks in the geomagnetic feild cause serious problems during the sun's solar flare peak in 2012? Is their a connection to what the sun is doing and what is going on in the Earth? What about the Weather? Is Global Warming somehow caused by the pole flip, or perhaps is it vice versa? What does the Government know, and what are they not telling us, and if they are hiding things, then how bad is their conclusions, that they don't want us to know? What did the Mayans REALLY predict....was it the pole flip? Are the recently seen Spirals somehow related? Some sort of visual manifestation of a local magnetic anomaly, similiar to an Aurora perhaps? Of if they are truly missiles, then do they have a secret purpose related to all of this? What about Haarp? Is it involved? Is it a Red Herring? Is there any Wikileaks that are going to come out about all of this?!?! What about the Super Volcano in Yellowstone? Is all of this strange activity going to set it off? Should I move to a safer country?!?! IS THERE a safe place in any country?!?! Is the Bird Deaths, and earth rumbles the worst that is going to happen? If the World is Going to End in 2012, then does that mean I will never get to see the new Avengers movie?!?!?
Has any prophecy from any religion, prophet, cult leader, Webbot, Bible Code, or heck....even the Davinci Code predicted ANY of the SPECIFIC things as birds falling out of the Air in Massive deaths, or even of the fish deaths? ( I know many of those sources predict Earthquakes) Is this really all George Bush's Fault? Obama's? Nature's? Mankind's? Is this all a worldwide false flag, project blue beam, Haarp, style of event meant to issue in a New World Order? Is a New World Order even a bad thing? Is the Queen of England really a shapeshifting Reptilian bent on world domination, I am going a bit over board now with my paranoia! LOL! Sorry 'bout all of that! None the less I WAS serious for the majority of that....just getting kind of silly a couple of times. Any thoughts from you people in Internet Land?

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 03:11 AM
reply to post by malcr

paranoia is irrelevant thats a mental state of mind and alot do exhibit it but this is about whats scientifically happening to our planet,as I say as long as it does`nt affect you ,there is no concern,if that is true then why all the posts about dieing birds is that your definition of paranoia or are you demeaning your own intellect,or perhaps you are blind is that it.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 03:17 AM
reply to post by 0bserver1

Thankyou we need this info to disuade non- believers and stay on track to open the fact from the fiction the earth is cracking up.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 03:18 AM

Originally posted by 0bserver1
Maybe I can add something to this topic this strange incident happened a few days ago in Essen Germany?

Eating – Three cars have disappeared on Sunday in an eight-meter-deep crater in Essen. The hole was on a day break. It is located in an industrial park on a former colliery site, now houses a garage. No one was injured, police said. The crater was noticed on Sunday morning. He had a diameter of eight to nine meters and a depth of eight meters. Three on the site of the garage parked car sank into the hole. The mine office was switched on for further investigation. The crater is in accordance with previous findings did not occur due to the weather. to the Rhine and Ruhr, with periodic breaks Erdei on former mining areas. big shock in Schmalkalden: in the Thuringian city has opened a huge hole in the ground overnight. The residents, however, had a blessing in disguise – no one was injured. Sudden crater in the ground or provided landslides in recent years repeatedly in Germany for headlines. And not always as it went so smoothly, as other examples show:


They dont know what cause this crack that was 9 feet in length and depth the fire department are baffled about this . They now researching the incident.But they think it was melting water ?

Video of the Essen crater (dutch/german)

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 03:27 AM
reply to post by bhornbuckle75

solar flare activity is increasing momentarilyt at the moment but as a overall it is less active than in the last 100 years its odd whats happening since 1880.
However your observations are valid and add to this discussion thanks,if you look into the links provided and what is being said it is all rather odd,antimatter in lightining ,there`ve I`ve said it again this is weird and dangerous stuff to have hitting earth and was never found in previous tests.

Poleshift 1590 -2010 note the change as it gets closer to 2010 courtesy of Allseeingi member

edit on 11-1-2011 by gringoboy because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-1-2011 by gringoboy because: (no reason given)

edit on 11-1-2011 by gringoboy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 04:49 AM
reply to post by gringoboy

What I was saying is that I do not know if it's true or not, but the men in the video keeps his hands IN the crack saying ohhhh it's HOT gas, but the snow WITHIN the crack not arround the crack is still snow and that's impossible or the gas was NOT hot.. That the earth can expand or something in that order I will not deny because there are indeed very strange things going on over the entire world.. But that men in the video is also the men who says Niburu is coming with fear in his voice, the way he brings it make me scared of him and I do not resonate with him so to speak he gives me the creepes!!

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 04:57 AM

Originally posted by pinkeltje
reply to post by gringoboy

What I was saying is that I do not know if it's true or not, but the men in the video keeps his hands IN the crack saying ohhhh it's HOT gas, but the snow WITHIN the crack not arround the crack is still snow and that's impossible or the gas was NOT hot.. That the earth can expand or something in that order I will not deny because there are indeed very strange things going on over the entire world.. But that men in the video is also the men who says Niburu is coming with fear in his voice, the way he brings it make me scared of him and I do not resonate with him so to speak he gives me the creepes!!

I agree there is discrepancy in the evidence but the crack is there and a poster earlier sayed ones opened in a street in germany,kinda odd,yes i get what you mean its not like as though hot magma is spewing out of it never the less the land is cracked,that cannot be denied.the topic of niburu is not part of the thread,however external cosmic forces excerting pressure on our solar system is part of the picture by way of supernova beetleguise or a previous supernova that happened before our earth observations began and is sending antimatter into our solar system ahead of a gravity wave and visible gamma rays and doppler shifts,since antimatter is undetectable and requires specialist instrumentation like cern it is amazing to discover its been found by a poxy satelite watching lightining storms,when its cost billions to build LHC to find it,do you see were I`m coming from now the crack is only a symptom of other evidence accumulating ,and antimatter is only created in suns and may actually be travelling faster than light,as yet it can only be detected in zillionth of a second but is highly dangerous energy wise as it explodes with direct contact with matter !The tungaska event itself was probably caused by this as its a new discovery.
edit on 11-1-2011 by gringoboy because: (no reason given)
infact being more accurate it would be better to say its seeping from the 11th dimension during the thunderstorms,which has never been seen before because thats the only other explanation as to where its coming from.
edit on 11-1-2011 by gringoboy because: (no reason given)
If the link does`nt show weird cloud formations change the search date on the right to 10th jan on
edit on 11-1-2011 by gringoboy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 08:12 AM
I have posted a thread in the science section for confirmation of nasas antimatter in thunderstorm discoveries.
antimatter discovered in thunderstorms
Any further enquires concerning this subject will be discussed there,not" official the earth is cracking up"
which it is..

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 01:26 PM
reply to post by gringoboy

Solar flares are natural.

Poleshift 1590 -2010 note the change as it gets closer to 2010 courtesy of Allseeingi member

Poleshifts are natural and gradual, there is absolutely nothing alarming about the shifting of Earth's magnetic poles.

Sinkholes are also natural.

What we have here are three mostly unrelated phenomenon being tied together to pretend something unique or Earth shattering is happening when it isn't. Random sinkholes are no more proof that the Earth is "cracking up" than the Mariana Trench is.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 01:56 PM
reply to post by HunkaHunka

well, that was a nice catch for as long as it lasted ... just clicked on your link today (fox11online) and the page is no longer found (not surprising) ... but i did see it and i tried to embed it but am still learning that one.

am gonna follow-up with the 'crack' website and see if they posted it there. in light of all that is happening, it wouldn't surprise me one bit if it was 'scrubbed'. Can't have the peeps paying too much attention.

edit on 11-1-2011 by Honor93 because: correct link name

cool, i just found one on youtube but i'm not very good at the embed process ... here goes

edit on 11-1-2011 by Honor93 because: edit to add movement video

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 02:36 PM
reply to post by Honor93

Even more proof thank my friend ,not many are noticing this but its here finally ,its not a load of crock folks the earth is cracking up

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 02:52 PM
ya know gringoboy've really got me wondering a few things.

i live in an area recognized world-wide as the lightning capital of this hemisphere.
now that you mention the anti-matter issues discovered to be associated with lightning, i'm wondering why our 'normal' patterns have ceased. and i'm not talking this year or even last, but now that i think about it, i haven't seen any heat-lightning trails in a couple years. we used to have 'hurricane parties' around weather like that just because it was such good, natural entertainment.

this year, our thunderstorm season has passed without much of any remarkable activity. Of course, my original passive thoughts were related to the oil disaster but now i'm thinking there may be much more to it all.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 02:53 PM
Is there a fault line between the flooding water and Brisbane? This is purely curiosity

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by jazz10
Is there a fault line between the flooding water and Brisbane? This is purely curiosity

Yes read this article and half way down explains major fault lines

edit on 11-1-2011 by gringoboy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 03:07 PM
reply to post by jazz10

Australia is suffering more from actual plate movement
(the whole tectonic plate, not just fault activity)

The ENE of the plate itself is rising which is likely causing the waters to flood inland rather along the coastline "due to rain" ... (as msm promotes) ... to more directly answer your question, look here ...
yes, Australia has fault lines, however they are not likely the main contributor to these flash flood events.

edit: well, gringoboy ... if you're gonna be that 'spot on' and reference the same sources, i'll wander and stop back by laters ... no point in repeating same info

edit on 11-1-2011 by Honor93 because: seems a duplication of pvs poster / gringoboy

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 03:08 PM
It's still not "Official" though, is it. It's just people TRYING to put two and two together and so far it looks like you've come up with three.

These threads annoy me, when they use words like 'Official' in the title and then once one looks at them you realise they aren't official at all.

It is a series of surficially interesting coincidences and I suspect a result of people being more connected so it SEEMS as though these things are happening more regularly, when they are really being reported more.

Originally posted by Titen-Sxull
reply to post by gringoboy

Solar flares are natural.

Poleshift 1590 -2010 note the change as it gets closer to 2010 courtesy of Allseeingi member

Poleshifts are natural and gradual, there is absolutely nothing alarming about the shifting of Earth's magnetic poles.

Sinkholes are also natural.

What we have here are three mostly unrelated phenomenon being tied together to pretend something unique or Earth shattering is happening when it isn't. Random sinkholes are no more proof that the Earth is "cracking up" than the Mariana Trench is.

I agree and starred

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 03:14 PM
reply to post by aorAki

Since when does officialdum tell us all everything,the iceland volcano for example,oh officially we can see a volcano has erupted,the time officialdum tell you its already happened,this is a informative thread discussing relevant matters concerning earths crust that indicate expansion at possibly accelerated rate and is of interest to all including geologists.
edit on 11-1-2011 by gringoboy because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 03:17 PM
reply to post by gringoboy

I asked a member of ATS to create a thread that i find is relevant and can only help these boards. I would have made it myself but due to what i believe personally that surrounds us daily ends up where my threads get trashed and derailled and im branded a scaremonger. I dread to think about the poor man or woman who suddenly comes up with the hard evidence that these are all facts. The frustration.

Anyway, the thread, I thought having a thread regarding Buoy data, sea temps pressures etc would only help on this site. I cant believe its been overlooked. The data could prove valuable.
It would be trashed in minutes if i had made it. I believe putterman is on with it right now.

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 03:24 PM
wow ... with posts like the above, this thread Must be getting some attention ... good, keep going y'all ... the truth is out there beyond the 'normalcy' being touted.

and just off-topic a bit ... drowning, not cracking (sorry gringo) ... how's that normalcy in Australia workin out?

posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 03:24 PM
reply to post by jazz10

yeah ,notice that when something is really relevant hundreds of post threads appear to un-highlight the thread ,I`m not having ago at the new setup but its pretty rapidfire,suppose if you can`t stand the heat get out of the kitchen seems to be the moto.
That looks very normal to me,otherwise aussies don`t seem to have techtonic worries as in more volcanic by the looks of it
edit on 11-1-2011 by gringoboy because: (no reason given)

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