posted on Aug, 20 2012 @ 01:17 PM
i like this guy. i don't know who's idea this was and don't really care to find out but if this was "pitched" to him all i have to say is
everyone has a price and after it's paid any credibility is lost but we're so saturated with this topic in the media at this point it doesn't
matter and in my opinion it's not a fact that "we're getting closer to the truth" from more interest i think it could be just another ploy to over
saturate it in the media to make it a laughable topic.
one example is the ancient aliens series.. it really made me come to realize a lot of things and opened my eyes and of all the things out there it
seems the most convincing of all the theories out there but at this point but at this point it seems like they're desperate for show ideas and
grasping any idea.
i am of the mind that the universe is so vast it's ridiculous to think no one else exists but by the overload of terrible video, horrible tv shows..
etc.. my belief is wavering so i have been hesitant in the stuff i read and videos proclaiming proof because i feel my thinking is already
contaminated so i'll just wait and bide my time because when "proof" finally does come it'll be so over whelming you'll just know it to be true
and skeptics will finally be at a loss for words haha and that alone will be worth the experience.
we won't get the truth or any answers from the worlds governments so it fully depends on us and right now we're mucking things up pretty bad. we
need to take a step back and stop seeing ufos and et everywhere.