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Is this the end of Sarah Palin's career?

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posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 02:29 PM
It's happened before, and no one's career suffered ...

It would be convenient to pretend that Richard Poplawski, who killed three Pittsburgh policemen on Saturday with an AK-47, was just a right-wing nutcase. A devotee of the white supremacist Web site Stormfront, Poplawski believed that the United States was controlled by a secret Jewish cabal that had a master plan to abrogate freedom of speech and use the U.S. military to police Americans.

It would be easy for us to cordon Poplawski off, pretend that his ugly and paranoid worldview had nothing to do with the Obama hatred spouted by the American right. But the truth is that Poplawski's hateful views cannot be separated from the increasingly extreme ideology and rhetoric that characterize the contemporary American conservative movement. As his friend, Edward Perkovic, told the Associated Press, Poplawski feared "the Obama gun ban that's on the way" and "didn't like our rights being infringed upon."

Such obsessions don't come out of a vacuum. Fox News, Rush Limbaugh and the GOP have been whipping up hatred and fear of Obama and "liberal Democrats" for years. Joined by the National Rifle Association, which has run false and irresponsible ads claiming that Obama is planning to take away Americans' guns, they have encouraged and helped to create a pathological right-wing subculture in which free-floating hatred of "the government" mixes with a maniacal fetish for guns. Poplawski is the diseased fruit of that ugly tree. salon
emphasis mine

And so it goes ...

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 02:35 PM
I want to confess there is evil in my heart since I desired she be eaten alive by a polar bear on her TV show, or a mouse kick her in the behind.
That will teach her a lesson!

God forgive me.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 02:56 PM
reply to post by saltheart foamfollower

I don't get you? Do you disgree with the poster or with the fact people are discussing it? Is holding Sarah's political urgings to account flinging poo?

I think her career is over. Too many people blaming her and her cronies for irresponsible discourse.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 03:02 PM

Originally posted by eaglewoman
All over the country, in op eds, blogs and articles, on TV and talk radio, people are expressing their anger and disgust with Sarah Palin's methods of politics.

WAS THIS FROM THE RIGHT? “If they bring a knife to the fight, we bring a gun,” “Argue with neighbors, Get in their face!,” “If you get hit, we will punch back twice as hard,” “I don’t want to quell anger. I think people are right to be angry.” “Punish your enemies” “We talk to these folks… so I know whose ass to kick.“ “I’m itching for a fight.” “Hand-to-hand combat”. (Barack Obama)

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 03:03 PM
Their is no proof that the killer knew of Palin's map.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 04:20 PM
reply to post by eaglewoman

Is this the end of Sarah Palin's career?

Her career will be over when she is no longer entertaining or the people no longer know who Sara Palin is or care, when she is no longer entertaining and unable to catch the publics eyes and short attention span. Then she will be put out to pasture, most likely making laws and rules that you all would have to follow, as some mayor or representative in some town, and going to dinner parties. The show however will go on, and on, and on and so forth, till the curtain drops, and the actors take a bow. All the while the world will move on, past it all.

People really need to watch better shows, this sara palin thing is really, really boring, but hey its got its uses. And it is pretty funny, what people believe in, or are willing to go to great lengths for and even die and kill for. Somebody plz tell them all not to take it to serious....for its all a show.
edit on 9-1-2011 by galadofwarthethird because: because, because.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 05:34 PM

Originally posted by Missing Blue Sky
I do not think Sarah Palin had anything to do with the shooting in Arizona...the shooter espoused many leftist views mixed in with rantings about a gold standard. Not the Sarah Palin platform by any means. To point at her as a cause to this tragedy is reactionary and unfounded.

In fact, one of his friends described him as "far left". Now just how does SP figure in as motivating this nut?

Liberals & conservatives both always assume too much when they put on their cloaks of self-righteous indignation, and check their brains at the door.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 05:39 PM
Of course not. Do you seriously believe she can actually be 'blamed' because her PAC used the word "target"??? Really???? Then the democrats can be blamed for doing the same thing. Just google "(name of politician here) targets (name of politcian here)" and see what you get. Only the most depraved, ignorant far left wing nut jobs would seriously blame Palin for what happened in Arizona. And yeah, I include CNN in on that.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 05:54 PM
Why would this be the end of Palins career? Obamas calls to violence were answered by some and he's stil in office. Or does the typical partisan hypocrasy apply here as well?

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 06:05 PM
reply to post by eaglewoman

Is this the end of Sarah Palin's career?,

When did it get started ?

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by adifferentbreed
Why would this be the end of Palins career? Obamas calls to violence were answered by some and he's stil in office. Or does the typical partisan hypocrasy apply here as well?

Stop lying and making up stuff,when did this happen? good grief!

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 06:06 PM
I don't think this is even close to the end of Sarah Palin's career; I think there will be more TV shows, more speaking engagements, more appearances and quotable quotes that come disparagingly close to 'entertainment'. I think Ms. Palin is a controversial public figure, and there is much mileage yet to be garnered for her as there seems to be with nearly every public personality/celebrity that piques the interest and/or ire of the general public.

Do I think her chances at being elected to public office are finished? Yes. I think Ms. Palin is entertaining and spunky and quirky and interesting, however I think her political aspirations peaked at Governor, and were fairly well doomed even before the 2008 Presidential election. I don't think the general perception of her poltical acumen has improved much since then.

Career? I think she has a long way to travel yet, and much to show us. Her name will be heard for years to come, and that seems to be part of the equation that equals dollars (or maybe yuan, who knows?)

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 06:07 PM
There was no Tea Party in 2007 or Palin.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 06:07 PM

Originally posted by satron
Hmm, so shooting was motivated by the need to make Sarah Palin less popular? I guess it's possible.

And a stab at gun owners...the government have a knack for killing two or more birds with one stone.

I don't believe that was the motivation, but why waste a good tragedy?

Plenty of opportunism going on here. Gun control and internet control are just a few areas where we'll get the "told you so!" Preventing a Palin run only hurts Obama if you ask me.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by TheStormofWar

I can agree with that.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 07:36 PM
Soros and his band of merry fascists hope so...but not so fast, I am afriaid. The left is known for and expected to hysterically and dishonestly smear their political opponents and any object they despise - like guns.

Palin, what slim chances she had if she decided to run for President, has the same chances today as yesterday. The Left is going to get hung by this little witch hunt against the first amendment before this over. I don't mean hung litterally. I feel I must make that clear lest some insane leftist accuse me of inciting murder by using the word "hung."

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 07:44 PM
Oh I hope she goes away!!!!!! She has not made a single positive contribution in the political arena, and I think she should transfer her direction elsewhere. Perhaps working with NRA, her rhetoric may be of use to them. Not knocking the NRA, I support them, just seems she may be a good fit in making brochures or something.

Perhaps I could better understand the fascination with her if she instead of only bashing, belittling, and threatening (however obvious or subtle) the opposition and sometimes her own party, she would provide viable well thought plans to help the country. However, that is not her strong suit.

Could we get rid of Beck while we're at it?

edit on 9-1-2011 by searching4truth because: (no reason given)

edit on 9-1-2011 by searching4truth because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 07:46 PM
reply to post by freedish

You forgot ignorance and deceit.
She has you fooled like all those other people. Made gullible by your belief in God and goodness.

As for the topic. Yeah I think she put herself out there too much and I'm thankful. Her gun analogies came back to bite her in the @ss (which of couurse they would) and she got to make a fool out of herself for one season and then canceled. That show was obnoxious anyway, every episode they referenced Russia to try to justify her most famous idiotic gaffe. And she talks about the place like she owns it, like it perfect.

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 07:51 PM
reply to post by GogoVicMorrow

And the whole country was fooled by Obama. What does that say about American politics as a whole? Hmm were all pretty gullible right? I choose to remain ignorant on political character. Why? The same reason why in real life I choose to remain ignorant when I meet people. If i get a good vibe from someone, then I like them. I trust them until they give me a reason not to. I trust my instincts, they are usually right. So Sarah Palin- yeah no bad feeling about her more than any other politician. And dang her daughters are HOT!
(creeper alert oh yeah)

posted on Jan, 9 2011 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by Immortalgemini527

Geez when Obama said that you don't bring a knife to a gun fight, and get in their faces and yell............the unions did just that, with members attacking people. Tell me, are you just too partisan, racist, or just plain stupid to look into anything beyond your narrow view of the world? The left does the same thing and it's no big deal.............get over yourself.

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