posted on Jan, 11 2011 @ 11:24 AM
absolutely acting like the joker....
he sayz
and heres another thing I want you all to know,
is that im not gonna take this easily,
(regretably?) just (scribe) and go back upon our day, normal days,
but no no no no no..there will be reprocussions for your lack of loyalty...I realize now that
B r e a k
hahahahahaha you know I just want (cough) what is best for the farm.
and (lucifer?>) everyone is turning against me everyone on the forum that im trying so hard
trying to relate to. I I I (first, thirst?) take your time, ha ah ah ah ah ok let me start from the begining, I wanted to do this for the forum? to
make a better place for OOOMBIES and TIDLERS (will explain at end) but it doesnt matter cuz no one cares. i mean they say they care they give me a
little bit of attention early on, but that is only you know the guys Queen, LJ, and a no no not then actually they dont matter but what it is is
ah Nobody cares opft, im sorry im rambling, i mean not interesting, i mean ... I tried so hard to make plantopia a sucess, and no matter what I
do, they are all just turned against me LIXLER (remember that)
he wants to ban and abuse he doesnt care about anything else I mean the a kat I cant trust him I cant trust any of them I uh just uh not even a day
has past and everyone is like lets just go back to normal (pintsize) why isnt anything normal again I we hh h h I cant do that because I have a
plan(heard that before oswelo) I want to (seize) but the oombies dont care the oombies run off and they dont have any Faith at all and I realize I
sont have any support from (obligar?) I dont have any support outside of it and even ahhh Crying.......
ok I said remember LIXLR he is a moderator at a web forum TDLR mentioned on another page. Kids look all emo there and they rate them there like most
forums do however it is not with witty sayings like beginer, nerd, geek, etc. it is with a penis that is longer the more you post or whatever.
they talk about stuff I cant figure out I guess im too old but it apears they all have some addiction and are people who have body issues.
Tidlers are the group he referances and those also are referanced as a group affiliation in that forum.
He makes a referance to plantopia which has a facebook fan page also linked in the past thread where his long haird face in the video is floating
above a castle like a "God" type figure.
most of this referances the game world of warcraft, but i think he is dragging it all together real life drug addiction ( although I dont know if he
had a problem with that or followed the old saying get in where you fit in.) and then finally his issues.